Awakening is when you use the medals to boost a character's stats. Z-awaken is when you use all the medals possible when the character is at max level. If the character isn't at max level you can't Z-awaken, only regular Awaken, because it won't let you use all the medals. You can awaken at any time, but you can only Z-awaken once the character is at max level.
Any time you shouldn't awaken... I don't really know. I guess if its a character you're not going to use in battle or for training?
Friend Points, afaik, is just a way to recruit fodder for training.
Not as far as I know.
Super Attacks can be hard to pull off, later you'll get characters with passives that boost their Ki passively making it easier.
Yamcha huh? I'll try him out. "before he takes" what do you mean by that?
Given up on Vegeta at the moment. I'm just ridiculously unlucky with it. Did around 10 tries on Hard with at least 20 tries on normal with no luck.
Anyway, done the TEQ daily event on normal and managed to get a Popo medal and then proceeded to do it on Hard and got 3 Popo medals (although I had to use a Dragon stone to complete it as it was way too hard). Will just go for 5 at the moment and Z-Awaken my Gohan. Can't be bothered trying to get another 5 for my Goku.
What's your team like? I want to try the hard one to get the Stone but I don't want to crash and burn.
Given up on Vegeta at the moment. I'm just ridiculously unlucky with it. Did around 10 tries on Hard with at least 20 tries on normal with no luck.
Anyway, done the TEQ daily event on normal and managed to get a Popo medal and then proceeded to do it on Hard and got 3 Popo medals (although I had to use a Dragon stone to complete it as it was way too hard). Will just go for 5 at the moment and Z-Awaken my Gohan. Can't be bothered trying to get another 5 for my Goku.
Huh, Awakening screen says Z-awakening can only be done at max level, but I can Z-awaken my R Goku who is only level 36 right now. Any insight?
edit: nvm, if you try to do it it says you can't until you're max level. doh
Just power up some Int characters for the teq event. Teq is weak against int.For the Vegeta event:
- R TEQ Gohan (Lv 36)
- R TEQ Goku (Lv 35)
- R INT Ginyu (Lv 32)
- R AGL Burter (Lv 31)
- R AQL Android 17 (Lv 32)
- R AGL Android 18 (Lv 30)
For the TEQ event:
- SR STR Frieza (Lv 26)
- SR PHY Nappa (Lv 26)
- R TEQ Gohan (Lv 36)
- R TEQ Goku (Lv 36)
- R INT Ginyu (Lv 32)
- R AGL Burter (Lv 31)
My Vegeta team is perfect if I pick a TEQ fighter from one of my friends. I don't even need to use items on hard.
My TEQ even team is awful. It has Burter who is weak against TEQ and it just doesn't have enough power to face Nial and the two other fighters without using a Dragon stone (which I don't want to do).
I just discovered something game changing in battles, if you hold your finger on the orb you want to use without letting go it will show you the path it will take, this is really useful for those all-orbs which could send you down two different paths and ruin a setup if it's wrong.
Awakening SSR will be a pain. The amount of money and level is ridiculous. I don't know how to get the Kaioshin medal.Training up the R Goku right now. Hopefully Awaken him today. So far my Kid Gohan has been outpacing my SSR Vegeta in raw attack stat. I assume tho since Gohan caps earlier he wont reach the heights Vegeta will.
Envious of your SSR goku. SSR Vegeta is a weakling in comparison.Kid Gohan's stats are are impressive:
I found it pretty easy to farm on Hard as I have a bunch of INT guys, managed to Z-Awaken both my Gohan and Goku after 4 runs on the daily.
Just power up some Int characters for the teq event. Teq is weak against int.
That Z-Hard version of Vegita is real. Holy hell.
Luckily I friended an awakened TEQ Gohan and used my own awakened TEQ Gohan. Their supers are the only thing that could make a dent in him.
Up to 3 vegitas now. Going to farm this all day until it closes in hopes to get his super as high as possible.
Is it a guaranteed drop on Z-hard?
Just thought I'd create a new account on my tab so I could re-roll for a SSR on my second account and I just can't seem to get the new re-roll method to work. Whenever I access the file manager to find the correct files to move around, they just aren't anywhere to be seen. Is there a specific file manager needed?
This is the method for those confused
Are you showing hidden files and folders? I believe the folder starts with a "." which indicates a hidden folder in Android.
Yeah I am. Is the actual app file to look for called: "com.bandainamcogames.dbzdokkanww"?
That's the one I can see and whenever I open the file, it is empty. Tried this on my Nexus 4, on my tab and even on my computer using Droid4x.
I must be doing something wrong as there is noway all 3 devices are unable to find the files.
Yeah I am. Is the actual app file to look for called: "com.bandainamcogames.dbzdokkanww"?
That's the one I can see and whenever I open the file, it is empty. Tried this on my Nexus 4, on my tab and even on my computer using Droid4x.
I must be doing something wrong as there is noway all 3 devices are unable to find the files.
What you quoted is the folder under /data/data.
The file is Cocos2dxPrefsFile.xml .
But isn't that file inside that folder? The problem for me is that the file is empty. So I can't even see /shared_pref to move the Cocos2dxPrefsFile.xml file.
worked for me on Droid4X. Keep in mind though that u do lose your first pull.
The folder is /data/data/com.bandainamcogames.dbzdokkanww/shared_prefs
You have to go into the Shared_Prefs folder to find Cocos2dxPrefsFile.xml.
Does the Kid Gohan event end tomorrow like Vegeta's? I have the super at level 5 and want to keep leveling it but the Awakening event is dropping a lot of stuff I need and I want to farm that as well.
No, it closes 27th July.
Which file manager did you use? I can't find any of the files on the file manager already downloaded on Droid4x or the one I downloaded from the Play Store.
Sorry if I'm not explaining myself properly but the Shared_Prefs folder isn't showing under the /data/data/com.bandainamcogames.dbzdokkanww folder. The main folder is just empty. Nothing is visible even when I click "show hidden folders". Am I looking in the wrong place?
No, it closes 27th July.
A lot of people are fiending for STR SSR Goku. Is he somehow better than the other SSR Goku variants?
A lot of people are fiending for STR SSR Goku. Is he somehow better than the other SSR Goku variants?
In the current Japanese version of the game the current SSR's are ~27-30 in the tier list so people dont need to be too stressed about getting them (feels hypocritical saying that after spending a day to get one)
I think he has the strongest stats in the game, he costs 16 compared to the other AGL SSR Goku who costs 15
Where can I find a tierlist of the JP version?
Guess I am lucky to get him as my first SSR pull! But the cost info is incorrect.
My STR SSR Goku costs 15, but my AGL SSR Goku costs 16.
Root Explorer is the go-to file manager.
That folder is probably empty because you aren't far enough along in the tutorial for that data to be created.
How many times can I get the hogan card in event
I meant gohan, my phone spelled it wrong. So if I can get unlimited by playing on normal? So should I go for that and use him to train?
I meant gohan, my phone spelled it wrong. So if I can get unlimited by playing on normal? So should I go for that and use him to train?