donkey show
tfw you forget to change your team comp and the next level is full of units that have the type advantage.

was saving my 50 gems for a rate up, but I'm pretty burned out anyway so I YOLO 10 Pulled and got an SR Videl and Gero, and a bunch of R garbage. Eh!
Also, are some SR units just flat-out worse than R units? I have an SR Cui at level 32 that has significantly crappier stats than my new level 22 SR Gero, and also much lower stats than my level 40 R units. Is he just trash? Kind of silly if that's the case.
Wonder what Super Saiyan God Goku has for skills that make him #1. I couldn't make much out of it.
There are TONS of obscure dudes in this game. You can get the goddamn Pirate Robot on your team, and basically any of the minor dudes from tourney arcs or various Frieza/Babidi henchmen all fill out the N tier cards so there's more than just generics.Well Cui is an absolute garbage character. Not surprising at all that he is terrible in this game as well. I'm surprised he's even in this game tbh. He's not significant in any shape or form in the anime from what I remember.
There are TONS of obscure dudes in this game. You can get the goddamn Pirate Robot on your team, and basically any of the minor dudes from tourney arcs or various Frieza/Babidi henchmen all fill out the N tier cards so there's more than just generics.
Honestly it's been one of the more fun things about the game.
They're all terrible though, lol
The character list on the Friend Summon shows some SR characters - has anyone ever actually seen one drop?
I'm going to reroll on a seperate account and then if I land piccolo or Gohan I might just switch over to that account.
I've put time into mine and I have Vegeta SR but SSR Gohan or Piccolo is more my crappy rolls discouraged me on this account.
Yup already doing so on Bluestacks lol. Initial account wasn't great anyway!
I wish I could find out what type of enemy I'd find in a stage, because I constantly end up with the wrong units.
At some Ginyu stage now that's really kicking my ass. There's like 3 enemies if not more.
Worry not my friend!
Also can you get a dragon stone for each difficulty of a mission, or only once per mission?
Congrats! I'm jealous.Didn't want to wait and blew my load early.
Looks like you are still able to train SSR Vegeta with SR Vegeta to gain Super Lvl.
Skill Level 1 here, I only managed one is everyone's SR Vegeta? Only managed to get mine to super level 2
Such is the way of gatcha games, haha.HAHAH
Teen gohan SSR is now best unit on global(17 in japan), and new SSR piccolo is 3rd best unit on global(23 on japan).
All that time spent rerolling and some are already outclassed.
The others, STR SS goku is 20th on japan making him 2nd on global, and phy SS vegeta is 26th in japan making him 4th on global, and agil SS goku is 28th in japan making him the lowest rating SSR we currently have.
Congrats man!Fuuuuuuuuuck yeaaaaaaaah
Although i wanted kid gohan since He would have fit Into my str goku Team.... I know i don't have the right to whine, haha
Rate-Up events do exist. Global hasn't received one yet, but it's what I'm saving my stones for. The SSR Gohan/Piccolo event is highly tempting though...Does a Godfest or such, improved rates, exist on the JP version? I might hold out doing my rolls then, even though they would really help me right now.
Nice, I actually have that Master Roshi!I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but on Reddit, there have been posts about having your Z-awakened characters "Dokkan Awaken/Transform" which as the name suggests, transform the card into the next rarity as well as changing the image of the card to the appropriate transformation. This is only in the Japanese version at the moment but it's more than likely to make its way here eventually. Here are a few that I've seen:
These are the ones I can see at the moment. There are probably more as well. I'm hoping this is how we can transform Frieza/Cell to their next forms instead of another card.
Congrats! A new SR is always a great feeling.Well he's certainly no Teen Gohan/Piccolo but I guess I'll train him. I like the super attack at least.
Since Gohan and piccolo were limited time I did a multi pull and got nothing but R junk. Oh well. The drop rates feel really bad so far but I'm still enjoying my time with this.
My Gatcha luck doesn't translate to this game. xD
Today's medal event is weak compared to yesterday's. Getting half as many per run and mostly lower rarities.
Just pulled SR Gohan but I can't use him since I already have a Z-Awakened Kid Gohan on my team![]()
They're both Gohan (Kid) so I get a warning message. Thought it might work.Have you tried?
I'm able to use a SSR Goku and a R Goku just fine in the same team because their name (in big letters when viewing the card) is different.
Krillin would be a good fillerPulled an SR Dr. Gero and an R Agility 18, so I'm one step closer to that all android team. I just need 2 more fillers....
After 40 rerolls, still no SSR.
Krillin would be a good filler
No one else will do it.Trying to help Krillin get laid?
Krillin would be a good filler
Today's medal event is weak compared to yesterday's. Getting half as many per run and mostly lower rarities.
I know some people are saving their dragon stones for when there is a chance to pull better summons in the future, but what about the friend summons. It has been mentioned that some people where able to pull a SR from them, so are you guys saving those as well or no?
Isn't there supposed to be a flash event right now? I don't see it
Alright, took forever but here we go lol.
Added friend code in the spreadsheet bring on the invites =D
Alright, took forever but here we go lol.
Added friend code in the spreadsheet bring on the invites =D
Alright, took forever but here we go lol.
Added friend code in the spreadsheet bring on the invites =D