Oh, STR Goku? Nice grab, he's great. But yeah, I know he's not the one you're after.STR Conversing Rage SSJ Goku..
Really really really want that Gokan... (Like how you want that Rayleigh)
Add me guys!
Will update the spreadsheet after i touch my pc..
Gonna reroll for a few more times try my luck..
If you continue re-rolling, I wish you the best of luck! Here's hoping you're luckier than I and actually manage the unit you're after.
[Damn you, Rayleigh!]
Also, just a reminder, I have a few double SR accounts that I can still give to people [I set up a transfer ahead of time]. If anyone wants the below accounts, just let me know and I'll PM you the details.
Exploding Rage Gohan [Kid] SR/Cunning Strategy Dr. Gero SR
Universal Assassin Mercenary Tao SR/Power Unleashed Android #16 SR
Exploding Rage Gohan [Kid] SR/Reckless Rage Dodoria SR
Martial Guidance Master Roshi SR/Dauntless Runner Android #17 SR
Android Evolution Cell (1st Form) SR/Beautiful But Deadly Android #18 SR