Yeah kid gohan is a beastGohan... @__@
Yeah kid gohan is a beast
Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you can just tap the enemy portraits in the top left corner to change which enemy you're targeting.3 same enemies (str, str, str)
My team and their turns
Any1 know how to target enemy in this situation?
The auto-target always attack the enemies in order but sometimes i need to burst the enemy3 first to take lesser damage..
Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you can just tap the enemy portraits in the top left corner to change which enemy you're targeting.
Yeah that is definitely an issue. It seems they generally attack in the order they're listed in the top corner, but that's certainly not always the case.The problem is you don't know what order they're attacking in if they're all the same enemy+type.
There are good yellow and purple cards. I think there is a purple and yellow equivalent of each card available now with the exception of SSR's. Also, Gohan SSR is purple.
Initially yes, but there are ways to manipulate afterwards and you can always check who's next by touching the wheel on the bottom-right.
Is the order of your fighters in a battle random? This isn't the order I have them in from the team deck formation..
Does Kaioshin drop from Z-hard awakening runs? My agi chars are hurtin for all these items lol.
Oh man, I'm not sure where to start on this.
First, 2 of your chars are pretty much ready for Z-awakening, so you might wanna get on that. If you don't have enough items then play some story and make plans to stop at each purple capsule when possible.
Did you skip the tutorials? I mean, they taught you how to defend with types stronger than what the opponent has. Also the color wheel is in the top right in battles. Your team isn't necessarily bad, for any first run through a mission...but if you lost against Raditz more than once then you'd know he's a TEC char (Green), so shouldn't you have stacked the two red ribbon soldiers together in training and used that? They give you 6 decks to work with so build one to beat Raditz, with a TEC/INT focus. Pretty sure you can find a guest character as your 7th who also has INT and you'd win easily. I spent stamina to confirm that you only have to fight Raditz so you could even get away with a deck of 6 INT chars.
The same principle pretty much applies to Tao, except there's a mandatory fight against random peons so you can't stack too many agi chars.
If in doubt, you can always just go to the main screen, hit the 5th option (Menu) and check Help. There's a whole "How to Play" section in case you need it.
Hey, thank you! I knew about the color wheel, but what I didn't realize was that my level 20 characters were effectively capped until I awakened them. I did that after farming normal tao for a few medals, and also put in 2 more AGL/blue types into my team (it hurts to replace Vegeta, he's my favorite character) and got them to 15-17ish farming Normal. Then I tried Hard, put in 2 healing items (only ended up using 1), and beat him! I also hadn't checked my friend summon in a while and summoned 50 characters and used all the N ones to train my other guys.
Even though I'm terrible, learning about the game and beating Tao without using a stone was really fun. It's actually the most fun I've had with the game so far. I'll kill him a few more times on hard today but I'm not hopeful that I'll get a drop.
Prolly asked before, but are Dragon Balls always in the same stages? I know I have seen them all, but am missing 3... no idea where they were, however <_<. Any advice?
Before every round, look at the enemy cards on the top. If they're going to attack that round, they'll emit a ball of light that will drop to the timeline below. That's how you know which one will attack.The problem is you don't know what order they're attacking in if they're all the same enemy+type.
Gohan... @__@
So, are the summons from dragon stones and friend points the same? I've gotten two R's and one SR from dragon stones, but only N's from friend points.
Found it, thanksYou can find your ID on the "tap to start" on the top right.
I've been playing this game for 3 days and I still don't hardly know wtf I'm doing. I love it though. It seems really deep.
I get so many different types of Racoome pulls. Gotten R Racoome 4 times and SR once.Awe yeah. SR Frieza, Ginyu, and Guldo in one 10x pull. Just missing Recoome for the full Ginyu force team!
What the hell is up with Tao. I must have beaten him on Hard 30 times but still nothing.
If you're capable of beating him on Z-Hard it seems like he guarantee drops either his card or a training location. He's tough though. He'll start out with a Dodon Ray or whatever its called and it'll do like 10-11k damage to a SSR Agi.
Are any of the Dragon Ball ps4 games any good? In addicted lol
Hmm I'll have to look into it, can't say the gameplay is exactly great in this one anyway, no micro transactions would help too.Xenoverse is very good, if a bit grindy at times too. It's pretty much like this game except you battle instead of puzzle your way to victory. Storyline is more or less the same "Trunks in Time" type story.
I'm stuck on the Ginyu Force battle where you face all 4 of them on one map. Anybody have any tips for them? I try to bring a balanced team and can usually make it to the last guy before we run out of steam. Should I just use a Senzu? I don't want to if all the battles just get harder from here on out, wasting my limited resources.
Hmm I'll have to look into it, can't say the gameplay is exactly great in this one anyway, no micro transactions would help too.
You'll eventually use them all anyway, so the order doesn't *really* matter a whole lot, but I got the stronger team early on because I didn't have enough team points to equip all my SR's at once.What would you recommend to use the dragons ball wish on? I've got my first wish ready to go, but not sure which one to choose:
- I want more allies
- I want a bunch of items
- I want a stronger team
- I want help in battle
Xenoverse is very good, if a bit grindy at times too. It's pretty much like this game except you battle instead of puzzle your way to victory. Storyline is more or less the same "Trunks in Time" type story.
I'm stuck on the Ginyu Force battle where you face all 4 of them on one map. Anybody have any tips for them? I try to bring a balanced team and can usually make it to the last guy before we run out of steam. Should I just use a Senzu? I don't want to if all the battles just get harder from here on out, wasting my limited resources.
There's really only one other battle that I think is as hard as the Ginyu Force, that's definitely an outlier. Just use the Senzu bean and get past it.
Just did the 50 Dragon Stone summon... Super Goku... best thing I got was SR #17... Dude has 1263 attack at level 18... most of my R guys are at the same level or better. :/
Is it the AGL one? That is currently the best SR if so.
Congrats. You have two of the most powerful cards available at the moment.Tried this out on a whim and my first two pulls were SSR Goku and SSR teen gohan :O
Tried this out on a whim and my first two pulls were SSR Goku and SSR teen gohan :O
Tried this out on a whim and my first two pulls were SSR Goku and SSR teen gohan :O
Is it the AGL one? That is currently the best SR if so.
Why is that? I have the terrible green one.
Tried this out on a whim and my first two pulls were SSR Goku and SSR teen gohan :O
This actually works! But i am losing focus sometimes after a long session.. >.<Before every round, look at the enemy cards on the top. If they're going to attack that round, they'll emit a ball of light that will drop to the timeline below. That's how you know which one will attack.
I spent two days re-rolling for my SSR. There are some that spent more than this. You received two of the best current SSR in the game within your first three pulls [including the tutorial one]. That's insane, congrats!Tried this out on a whim and my first two pulls were SSR Goku and SSR teen gohan :O
It's funny. With all of these gatcha games, I used to start the day burning through the stamina of each and then moving on. Now it takes me something like 30-45 minutes if I were to play through them all. It really adds up. -_-1sta/5min is nice, but really slow to spend all..
My phone are losing battery fast daily with this game + OPTC + Terra Battle ..