So, how does that translate into upgrading a Super Attack?
training dupes on each other upgrades super attack.
It's fully outlined for you if you go Menu->how to play->characters->training.
So, how does that translate into upgrading a Super Attack?
What's so good about SSR Freiza exactly?
What's so good about SSR Freiza exactly?
Do you guys think its wise to do more summoning now? I got 15 stones not sure if I should summon now or save them for the next set of fighters.
Do you need units? Or are you just seeing what you would get? I did a multi, since I lost the free SR(basically got it back due to multi event) from How I rerolled and wanted to fill a few holes for future strike events.
Also, loving all these strikes that are int, hopefully I get a lot luckier with Mecha-Frieza than Jackie Chun.
I was hoping to get Frieza and some PHY units and STR units. But I guess I'll save up. Do you know when they'll have any more new units?
Is Z-hard a good way to gain levels?
You can evolve characters?
Is that different from Awakening?
Wow, sorry to hear you lost everything.So my phone is busted and I lost all my stuff
Had 30+ stones too. So thanks to the lack of a true account system I'll have to start everything over again, which kind of sucks cause it felt like it look a while to get my characters to these levels. Device transfer can't help me here
When I restart the game on my new phone what should I reroll for? I really liked my AGL Goku, and I think with DOkkan awakening he might be able to turn into any of the four SSR AGL Goku cards that will come out later (never been given a straight answer on this so I'm not sure). Should I just (easier) reroll the guaranteed SR in the beginning for him or go for a really good SSR?
Nice team! I'm officially jealous.My body/team is ready for Mecha Frieza.
I'm waiting. I want to try for more SSR, and the guaranteed SR for a ten-pull is decent, but I want a true rate-up. Hopefully we'll get one soon.Do you guys think its wise to do more summoning now? I got 15 stones not sure if I should summon now or save them for the next set of fighters.
Awakening bumps up the stats, and gives you a star for each one you did. When you do every medal, you Z-Awaken and the character raises to the next rarity. N->R, R->SR, etc.
Basically a fully awakened character move to the next rarity.
And in the JP version, certain characters can be DOKKAN awakened with other unique tokens so that they become a different character such as with Golden Frieza or Great Saiyaman Gohan.
Pretty sure the medals you need for the DOKKAN awakening are only available during events.
Still salty I can't get a Great Saiayaman #2 Videl until the event shows up again...
Do you know if the SR Goku you get in the beginning can be Dokkan awakened?
I know GT is basically non-cannon at this point, but I am gonna hold out for a DOKKAN AWAKENED PORNSTACHE VEGETA
Four runs of Mecha Frieza event, no drop yet. Not surprised, I'll be lucky to get one. :/
You should, but RNG can be painful. >_<Yeah, I was only able to do two tries and nothing dropped. I should get at least two right?
You should, but RNG can be painful. >_<
Did a random dragonstone pull and pulled SR Frieza 2nd Form. Is that one any good at all? He links with a lot of my current team which is nice.
Did a random dragonstone pull and pulled SR Frieza 2nd Form. Is that one any good at all? He links with a lot of my current team which is nice.
I have him, but tbh he is likely to be the one of the first ones to be replaced on my current team.
His stats leave a lot to be desired.
He was a good stop-gap character for me, but I dropped him from my team after getting a SR Videl.
Though I tend to make my team choices based on characters I like more than I do over stats.![]()
I have him, but tbh he is likely to be the one of the first ones to be replaced on my current team.
His stats leave a lot to be desired.
My good for all team
Mecha Frieza was very easy on normal and hard mode, didn't even pose a challenge, but then on Z-hard, he spammed his super attack which can either take away half your hp or all of it in one hit. I tried using 6 dragon stones and 2 full healing items to revive myself, but it wasn't enough. I got Frieza's HP down to like 10%, now I have to do some more quests to regain those lost dragon stones.
Here's my current team:
SR Android # 17 Extreme (PHY) lvl. 60
SR Android # 18 2 star (AGL) lvl. 55
SR Dr. Gero Extreme (INT) lvl. 58
SR Vegeta Extreme (STR) lvl. 60
SSR Goku Extreme (AGL) lvl. 60
SR Krillan 1 star (TEQ) lvl. 49
I haven't had any luck using summoning to get the same characters in order to upgrade their super attacks. Is it better to use Goku's leader skill for +1 Ki AGL,INT and PHY or perhaps someone else like Krillain's +20% attack damage boost when HP is 80% or less ?
Has anyone got Mecha Frieza on Hard yet? Holy fuck. Over 12 times now and nothing.
I got Chun on my first try normal.I got him on my 2nd try on Hard. Makes up for the 44 unsuccessful tries at Jackie Chun.
I think 1 orb equals roughly around 60% damage, so Krillin's +20% attack bonus should be more helpful if you're under 80% health a lot.
BTW somebody did the calculations and a level 1 special vs a level 10 is about 50% more damage.
Lol well I'm on my 12 aswel lol and nothing will keep at it will let you know of it drops lolHas anyone got Mecha Frieza on Hard yet? Holy fuck. Over 12 times now and nothing.
Lol well I'm on my 12 aswel lol and nothing will keep at it will let you know of it drops lol
Thanks for the advice! I still feel like I haven't quite gotten the hang of the battle system yet. Is it true that you don't need to match the same ki orb colors with a character of the same color? For example:
Purple character is fighting a orange character and orange is strong against purple. What should I do ?
Option A) If I choose a bunch of purple ki orbs, then I'll recover some HP, increase the dokkan meter, and raise the purple character's ki circular meter which increases his attack power and may allow him to perform a super attack (if there's enough purple ki orbs to collect during his turn to attack). However, this comes at a cost of the orange character not being weak to purple, so the purple character's attack won't do that much damage.
Option B) Pick a different orb ki color instead. If I use a different color orb, then the purple character's circular ki meter won't usually increase that much because it's not purple, so purple character's attack power won't be that strong and they won't be able to likely perform a super attack.
note: What if the different orb ki color only has one available to use? Is it better to use it than to go with option A against that orange character regardless of whether that one ki orb color is blue, red or green ?