Just download it from the JP App Store. Reddit has a guide.
But can you have both the JP and GLB version on the iPhone? Will check out the guide now
Just download it from the JP App Store. Reddit has a guide.
Guys, do we know if the WT INT Piccolo (Basically, LR Piccolo) is coming back ?
Every WT.
He's been the local ranking reward for the past 2+(?) JP tourneys, so yeah don't worry.
I fully understand the choice to not give away a free god lead, that doesn't really make that much business sense when your entire business model is getting people to pay you for better cards.
They had to make them OP. Completely changing the meta again.
Oh well, I should have 350 stones ready for this and I'll be pulling on the Vegeta banner because my mono AGL is better than mono STR. This has truly be the month of Vegeta on dokkan.
Cell got shafted though. His pre dokkan art was so much better on both his teq and int form
So to get a god lead you gotta pay what, 40 bucks? Probably only worth it if you're rerolling for one of the SS4 chars. Makes sense from a business point of view, just not sure how many people will actually buy that package if they don't pull one of the SS4.
Good. Missed him cause I thought he wasn't good. Then I realized it IS good and even can become LR Piccolo.
He is definitely awesome for the TEQ phase of the Gotenks fight.
He's basically another tank plus he hits him hard.
They really haven't changed the meta at all, just reinforced the current one.
And not gonna lie, people that complain about a pid godstone confuse me, outside of like complete f2p. A lot of people have spent hundreds trying to get that one unit at like .8% of a chance, you telling me that an ~$40 to guarantee the unit(s) you want is crippling, or hell, even greedy? If they hadn't said anything at all you'd still likely have bought a 91 stone pack for a chance at rolling, but scoff at the guarantee? That confuses the hell outta me. I can see this being cheesy for f2p, but minor or major p2p? Definitely not. Especially since they do pretty much the same thing in Naruto, just with significantly less impactful units.
On the other hand, giving someone a free "God" lead whose decidedly less "godly" in the face of SSJ4 cards might be the carrot that spurs a purchase to chase SSJ4. Cause I'd probably not pay for a free god Lead the same week the(I dunno what to call it? Titan-Leads? New Gods?) came out. But being able to get a free Super Vegito card would put me in the mood to gamble.
Also I'm now strongly of the opinion that spending money or stones on any banner til July when we get the SSJ4s should be something you consider not doing. Especially if you have an Old God Lead. For mono AGL Rosé just dropped massively in priority and it might be more beneficial to summon on the Vegito Blue banner since that has SSBKK. Ditto for Mono STR: Omega Shenron isn't gonna be as must have compared to SSJ4 Goku.
I would advise at least taking a heavy look at your card collection and the upcoming banners and seeing where your best chance of keeping up with the meta will be before you pull/spend money. For me I have a solid set of Super STR Cards and my AGL team would benefit more from getting SSJ4 Goku than Rosé whose worth to me would depreciate moderately come July when the SSJ4s drop for us. Whereas Vegeta and Goku will at least likely be relevant as long as Gogeta was. Maybe longer if they introduce New Gods for each color for Extreme and Supers.
EDIT: Also come SSJ4 day I am gonna be rerolling a lot on the SSJ4 banner. I'm shooting for SSJ4 Goku/Vegeta together but I will keep the codes for all the SSJ4s I get and give them away here for anyone who wants to start on Japan with an SSJ4 but doesn't want to reroll. Hopefully new accounts start with a decent chunk of stones
Godtenks fight definitely is tedious. I'm 2 runs away from dokkan awakening mine... but RNG is such a chore :/
I'm sitting at 300 stones in JPN right now. I want those SSJ4 banners! It's driving me nuts having that many stones just sitting there!
Got a link to the info on how to set up a reroll on JPN? I'm debating having a bit of a mess around with it too, especially if they manage to have 100 stones to burn, which it's already heading close to.
If bosses get 10 bats of health I'ma just quit. 5 bars is enough of a pain...
They should just do what they did with frieza and have two difficulties just instead of 2 medals make it 4 or 5. It gets to a point where many F2P can't participate.Well the content will always have to get harder. The current dokkanfest had become so easy for JP players that they had to release a boss rush that's now been completed by top JP players. They will have to keep upping the difficulty to keep the big P2P happy.
Well the content will always have to get harder. The current dokkanfest had become so easy for JP players that they had to release a boss rush that's now been completed by top JP players. They will have to keep upping the difficulty to keep the big P2P happy.
Get Droid 4x, download the JP APK from dbz.space. Download the reroll app APK The JP section of the reroll guide on Reddit
This video has instructions https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j27mjSCLMZ8
>mfw Shugesh goes great ape right at the start of a Beerus fury round
Holy crap at SS4 Vegeta. I'm a global player, and I won't even bother trying to pull for SSB Vegito or Rose Black Goku at this point. I run a mono AGL team and will just wait for that; I'm in no hurry.
Seriously, though, why even pull on Global until SSJ4 arrives in the summer or whenever that is?
Unless you want to get a favorite character (I know i'm gonna throw a couple summons at DBS Trunks banner), it's better to just keep hoarding stones.
Global is gonna have to come up with some pretty crazy banner deals to get people to spend stones / money, unless they're counting on players who don't visit forums / have no idea what's going on in Japan, which I guess could still be a pretty big number.
Seriously, though, why even pull on Global until SSJ4 arrives in the summer or whenever that is?
The SSJ4 banners might be terrible in terms of beefing up your team. They might not have any of the DBSuper characters or might lack certain god leads.
You should still spend on those two banners because they will fill out the teams for the two new SSJ4 leaders. Rose will still have a place in an AGL team and you can still run a Blue Vegito team with SSJ4 Vegeta and Goku in it. I'd definitely recommend trying to go all out on one of those banners which has the units most suited to you and then save up for 2 year anniversary. Remember JP players essentially got 200+ free stones in total thanks to the rank 200 stones.
The SSJ4 banners might be terrible in terms of beefing up your team. They might not have any of the DBSuper characters or might lack certain god leads.
Well I guess that's one way of looking at it.
If Bamco is smart, the SSJ4 banners will be full of crap outside of the new god cards and people will still spend like hell to get them, and then spend some more on other returning banners to try and build a team.
You should still spend on those two banners because they will fill out the teams for the two new SSJ4 leaders. Rose will still have a place in an AGL team and you can still run a Blue Vegito team with SSJ4 Vegeta and Goku in it. I'd definitely recommend trying to go all out on one of those banners which has the units most suited to you and then save up for 2 year anniversary. Remember JP players essentially got 200+ free stones in total thanks to the rank 200 stones.
The SSJ4 banners might be terrible in terms of beefing up your team. They might not have any of the DBSuper characters or might lack certain god leads.
Still find it funny that SSB Goku is better than SSBKK now. All the people that went big on the SSBKK banner... All for nothing. .
Still find it funny that SSB Goku is better than SSBKK now. All the people that went big on the SSBKK banner... All for nothing.
What makes SSBKK so comparatively bad, now?
SSBKK gets a flat 10k attack/def stats. So for SSBKK with a dual Vegito lead he would get 240% all stats and 10k attack and defense on top.
Then take a card who has a % buff like SSB Goku. He gets his 240% stat increase from the leader skill, the raises his attack by a further % buff(I forgot what it is) on top of that. So the math works out that his % buff after you factor in leader skills is higher than SSBKKs 10k
When you favor that in that, SSBKKs turn limit which becomes more problematic as fights get longer, and that he eats hp to super, SSB Goku begins to edge him out
Ahhh, gotcha. Though SSBKK Goku's passive gives 20k to his Attack, not 10k.
I don't have himso I only recalled his pre-dokkan stats. Either way the New Gods make flat number buffs weaker than percent based. But I wouldn't fret he's still a fantastic card who will hardly become unusable
Just remember to keep the 5% health loss on Super in mind for SSBKK.Ahhh, okay!
By my math:
SSB Goku's Attack Stat with dual SS4 Vegeta leads: 41,011
SSBKK Goku's Attack Stat with Dual SS4 Vegeta Leads: 42,320
That said, SSB Goku will fare better in longer fights, but aren't SSBKK Goku's links are much better? That could make up the difference.
I don't have himso I only recalled his pre-dokkan stats. Either way the New Gods make flat number buffs weaker than percent based. But I wouldn't fret he's still a fantastic card who will hardly become unusable
DarkHeartedKill said:GODDAMMIT! Can they just let us know which attack will super so we don't waste our time? God.
Man there's nothing to do on Global .-.