Haha very nice!
Morfeo, have you ever had sex with a dwarf stripper yet? I know you want to get it out of your system.
Looking at today's final dev diary for AoW, I'm 100% going to swap nation. Pretty much all of Crimea's major neighbours are stronger now than they were before, want to get out of that region.
" Die Please Die - Have a Monarch with <2 in all stats reach age 80."
This achievement...cruel.
" Die Please Die - Have a Monarch with <2 in all stats reach age 80."
This achievement...cruel.
I hear the alternative title was "Start as England".
Given how much better England has gotten, you don't need to tell me twice.
It's not going to impact our current country selection, they said.![]()
This is why it sucked to postphone the game![]()
Can anybody give me a quick recap of any potential changes for the mameluks?
I have to check how much the changes done to annexing impact my Burgundy game. I might be forced to become as peaceful as Morfeo if I don't want to wait for ever to expand.
I have to check how much the changes done to annexing impact my Burgundy game. I might be forced to become as peaceful as Morfeo if I don't want to wait for ever to expand.
can't really work out if Kazan is still viable. They have some extra provinces, and Nogai looks to have been nerfed, but on the other hand, they're no longer the Tatar cultural union, which makes things tough, plus the Golden Horde has been put on steroids.
It's not going to impact our current country selection, they said.![]()
Actually, it did (well, not quite as bad, but still fucked). You can't hire foreign troops from foreign cores any more, so you're stuck with Horde units until you reform. No-reform strategies are just not viable any more. Also, looking carefully, Kazan's expansion routes have definitely been shut down - I wouldn't rush the new Golden Horde, they look scary.
You could always switch to Golden Horde (or Uzbek) if Fitz is moving elsewhere anyway.
All of Eastern Europe are marginally affected insofar as Lithuania received some significant buffs with more provinces and more importantly more coastal provinces, meaning Poland is now in a much better position. But yeah, the major impacts are only really on players not in Western or Eastern-tech groups.
The Golden Horde has a lot of things going for it. It starts out with the ability to conquer two nearby gold mines: the one in Circassia and also the core it already has on Samara. Those are definitely worth owning, even if you have to deal with lots of inflation. If the 25% autonomy thing is true (and I haven't seen any developer corroborate it), the hordes will need all the ducats they can get. High autonomy is even more debilitating than the culture changes, because with enough conquests those cultures will be accepted anyway.can't really work out if Kazan is still viable. They have some extra provinces, and Nogai looks to have been nerfed, but on the other hand, they're no longer the Tatar cultural union, which makes things tough, plus the Golden Horde has been put on steroids.
it'll just make the d1 coalition war against poland by every single eastern european power that much more satisfying
I love how EU4 players infiltrate and take over most foreign policy/international relations thread on Off-Topic. Nothing better than wandering into conversations about ISIS to find people discussing Muscovy and Poland-Lithuania.
When people take positions that fit more with the various Holy Leagues than with modern society, I really shouldn't be expected to go in with a serious response.
The real question is when Christians are finally going to seize the great land of Nananananana
Do Scotland even have three provinces?
Well the independence vote failed so....
Yeah, and with less than 20% of the starting base tax of England, I think independence in EU4 probably won't last very long either.
The hell is going on with that Europe?
The return of the Iberian Swastika.
Are we still aiming on starting this Sunday (Nov 1st) ?
No, we're aiming on starting Sunday Nov. 2nd.