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I have a Wii U... at my parents', on the other side of the country. ;_;
So close, and yet so far.
So close, and yet so far.
Me too, I've been trying to buy a Wii U forever now, but I always get knocked down with more important stuff needing money.
300 buckeroos is no easy task. ;-;
If you sell the skylanders stuff you can get Splatoon instead.
To expound on my reply from yesterday, coring costs have gone up somewhere around 40% compared to 1.11 (more for dipannexation) because we wanted to create some more interesting dynamics where conquering everything around you was not necessarily always the best option.
It is still both possible and rewarding to expand, particularly if you take the right ideas, put money into advisors and use a mix of conquest and diploannexing. As Milan, I was able to unify most of Italy (more than twice starting development of France) in under a century without any core cost reduction, and could easily have done so faster. Growth is slower but it's certainly not 'blobbing now pointless'.
With that said, you are of course free to disagree, but this was an intended change and we knew it would upset some people, so we're not reverting it just because of one angry thread on the forums.
Well, I mean, it is a Swedish made game...I like how starting a new game displays a text on the bottom right stating 'achevements are enabled'.
Well, I mean, it is a Swedish made game...
I once had one of their plates of pickled appetizers for lunch.
While it didn't taste bad or anything, I have little interest in ever trying Swedish cuisine outside of Ikea again.
What Morfeo do would grant him jail time in SwedenUnfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?) I'm not you or Morfeo.
What Morfeo do would grant him jail time in Sweden
Such self-hateJust because we all hate the Germans doesn't mean we have to like the Swedes.
Such self-hate![]()
'You should try Swedish women.
What Morfeo do would grant him jail time in Sweden
The One Night in Paris achevement was never easier to achieve. I just claimed Paris, allied everyone bordering France, and declared war.
Yeah, used to be a fun achievement, now it's just boring tbh.
And it turned the newly independent France also loved me, so together we absolutely wrecked the rest of Europe.
Post Common Sense France needs some help (also, I didn't really need their land).Allying France. You disgust me.
Allying France. You disgust me.
Post Common Sense France needs some help (also, I didn't really need their land).
But I love the taste of baguette and some creamy white brie.
I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but out of ~10 starts on Common Sense, I've seen Bohemia become Emperor and inherit Burgundy every single time. Anyone else?
That achievement is crazy difficult to get.
So Kab, I have also been trying BBB and I cannot get it for the life of me. Driving me crazy now.
Yeah, I have no real idea how the hell it could be done.
Have number of ideas taken in a certain group always effected tech cost for that group? Just noticed in my current game that "Ideas" are making my Admin tech cost 14% less (7 ideas taken), Diplomatic 2% less (1 idea taken) and Mil 12% less (6 ideas taken)
I give up now completely. I am like 95% certain it is actually not possible.
For Big Blue Blob, I can see two possible ways of doing it. You become the Emperor and start eating up Western Europe, forcing the Burgundian Inheritance. Or you hop over to Ireland, beat on England and Scotland somewhat, then into Norway, then Novgorod/Moscow/Horde Lands. Nice cheap lands to core there.
The problem isn't cheap coring necessarily, it's AE. Also, you'd be amazed at how much you need to conquer to get to 100 provinces.
Well, expanding into areas such as Russia and the Balkans would help keep AE down, I imagine. Just keep rotating from Western Europe, Spain, Britain, Scandinavia and Russia. Could even go into the Balkans too somehow.
The best PU I've ever gotten in EU4 was over two province Mainz, and I had to fight my ally Spain for it (though in EU3 I once got a PU with Austria).I finally know what I did wrong for my Turn the Table! achievement. You cannot form another nation, so my tries failed because I formed the USA and Brazil >_>
I recently finished my first full Common Sense game (Savoy -> Italy) and it was pretty fun, Italy leaving the HRE around 1500 is a gamechanger.
Some real crazy shit happened by the way. Poland-Lithuania made good use of that decision to instantly westernize off Danzig and formed a super-Commonwealth, who instantly got random PU's with Russia (formed by Novgorod) and France. Lucky for me the Commonwealth loved me, so I abused that alliance the best I could.
And then, after the Commonwealth unfortunately lost the PU's over Russia and France (or not, they were in the process of integrating France, and I'm pretty sure they would've turned hostile if they finished), they randomly got in a PU under me. I was like: "What the fuck just happened?" But I'm not going to complain about getting a PU with the third strongest country for free. And it turned the newly independent France also loved me, so together we absolutely wrecked the rest of Europe.