So I can look forward to a new game of fail in august![]()
So play a short SP game beforehand, geez
So I can look forward to a new game of fail in august![]()
But that backlog!![]()
Naval ideas getting buffed, and Italy gets to bail out of the HRE? That's awesome stuff. Just have to keep the province of Venice out till 1500 and it's all up for grabs, take that Captain Habsburg.
The province of Venice is ingame not in the Northern Italy region afaik![]()
I think you're good even with just Treviso.Have they changed regions around then? Currently there's just Lombardia and Two Sicilies in the Italian region. Either way, there's still Brescia and Verona, and they have to be in Northern Italy.
Or if all else fails, Venice could just take Mantua early on and hope for the best.
Wow, I really need to learn how to play with Common Sense. My Genoa test games are going horribly.
Wow, I really need to learn how to play with Common Sense. My Genoa test games are going horribly.
To make you feel extra bad:
AI Genoa regularly vassalizes Crimea and I've even seen it beat up on Russia
I once had a very successful Genoa game where I basically only grabbed estuaries and important centers of trade, but the fact that you couldn't really build up a tall empire back then kinda limited my progress, so with Common Sense I'm trying to repeat that game.
If you want to dominate your home node, you're going to need more strength than I imagine grabbing territory selectively can provide. After all, Lyonnais is an important centre of trade in the Genoese node.
You'd be surprised how powerful you can get by only grabbing select provinces as a merchant republic
I was by far the most powerful country in the world in my Genoa game. The only reason things went to shit was because my armies were spread across the world and none of my allies wanted to help me when France suddenly decided they wanted my shit.
That guy has a ton of provinces though in that game.
I think I found my new avatar
Man those new 'chievos are glorious. I can't even decide which one I'd like to be my avatar.
Genoa pls.
Hahah, that's even better than when they try to take Gibraltar
I'm not sure about the AI issues, but forced move is completely broken, might as well not exist for players considering how easy it is to bypass. No idea how it made it out of beta like this.
So who is up for a MP game soon then? :>
We could at least soon pick nations!
Never mind suicidal DoWs, I'm just getting suicidal military AI completely. Is anyone else have nations blithely marching 1-stacks and 2-stacks into your 15-stacks with no regard for common sense (heh)?
So for those of you who like cheesing a bit, the "One Family to Rule them all" achievement, so this one:
is currently bugged; you get it if you start as a nation in an interregnum, e.g. Hungary. PDX is aware of it, so grab it while it's hot.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
don't mind a bit of cheese in my cheevo soup
The coring costs are too damn high.
The real problem here is the humongous diplomatic annexation cost.The coring costs are too damn high.
Well if they balanced playing tall vs playing wide it wouldn't be Map Painter 4 anymore. Can't have that.
Well if they balanced playing tall vs playing wide it wouldn't be Map Painter 4 anymore. Can't have that.
speaking of which: sell your pcs and come play splatoon with me
I'm so jelly you have no idea. ;_;