This one is the bestI laughed. The juxtaposition is uh... something else. On the other hand, this is now how I imagine all of Uzzy's wars went.
This one is the bestI laughed. The juxtaposition is uh... something else. On the other hand, this is now how I imagine all of Uzzy's wars went.
Something something partition.Basically just waiting to be eaten alive by Jazz.
So, I noticed that the reformation started in this session. Has anyone had any experience with the new religious leagues mechanic that was added in Art of War?
Yes, it is awesome. You basically have one side of Europe vs. the other. It's not limited to the HRE or even the Catholic, Protestant and Reformed faiths, as in my game the Ottomans and the Golden Horde joined the Protestants as soon as their rivals Poland-Lithuania and Austria joined the Catholic side.So, I noticed that the reformation started in this session. Has anyone had any experience with the new religious leagues mechanic that was added in Art of War?
So who's going colonial? Cause I need to westernize off of someone. This here shit ain't gonna westernize itself.
So who's going colonial? Cause I need to westernize off of someone. This here shit ain't gonna westernize itself.
Some intresting bits:
- Strong AI:s still present, Castille and France hasn't really been touched
- Austria still a strong AI as well
- Bradenburg... great play so far really good
Yup. The Ottomans are still a formidable force as well, cf. what happened to the Mamluks this session.
With the wonderful play Jazz is showing, Brandenburg is going to eat up the entire HRE pretty soon. Haly and Bjaelke tapping out, leaving Jazz as the only human HRE player, really disturbed the balance in Central Europe. Austria is still strong as fuck, and BB have already annexed/vassalized more or less the entire northern HRE. It's so hard to attack the HRE while the emperor is strong as an outsider, as Sweden have noticed a couple of times nowWell, it should only be a matter of time before Brandenburg have vassalized enough HRE minors to be elected emperor anyway, at which point it's time to abandon ship for everyone within reach.
Shaking my head so hard @KingSnake, who's actively helping out to make NAZI GERMANY V.2.0 happen, but I guess he'll learn the hard way soon enough.For Germany, Burgundy is just a gas station on the way to Paris.
So who's going colonial? Cause I need to westernize off of someone. This here shit ain't gonna westernize itself.
Aragon and Morocco are already in South America
Scotland AAR
22/07/1491 - 24/05/1507
Started with a war against England which I tought I would win easily... but to my horror they won the initial super battle that happened... forcing me to take 10 loans and build a shitload of merc (while making my ruler a general). This made their army break and I could hunt them down and wipe them. Took all except three provinces.
Rest went smooth, diplo annexed Cornwall, moved my trade capital into the English node which, I assume, caused some income drop for Burgundy since he had staggering 50% trade power, now I have 30 and KingSnake have 30.
Oh and I started my first colony in Greenland and reformed to protestant!
I can't westernize off of unclean muslims.
I'm not sure, but if the autonomy effects the trade power, then my guess is that this change happened because I got a damn event (that never happened in any of my SP players) that forced me to give 100% autonomy in all the Lower Countries provinces. It fucked up my income, man power and maybe also trade power.
Oh, just to be clear for everyone, Morfeo dropped out after being told of what is happening to the Mamluks. So Mamluk lands are up for grabs Fitz/Mgo. Player list in the OP should be up to date, although I'm not sure if freakzilla has dropped out or not.
I got this lovely event at the end of last session btw
I'm now setting up a crowd-funding page for my Embassy
PLS ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give money
If only you were allied to a rich merchant republic.
If only you were allied to a rich merchant republic.
So you're saying I should ally Venice?![]()
I'd need to actually be a merchant republic first, rather than a despotic monarchy.
I'd need to actually be a merchant republic first, rather than a despotic monarchy.
haha, touché, but it was a joke.did you notice that I actually did enter and fought in the war against Ottomans?
I'll remember that when Austria declares on you though![]()
You have your ways, you are probably richer than a merchant republic and tell no one.
Yeah I am dropping out, doesnt really have the motivation to continue now with how the last few sessions have went. Feel bad for MGO, he spent a ton of recources on helping me last sunday - hopefully the possibility to conquer some of that mameluk territory helps you out - and remember I owe you one for that.
Good luck to everybody, have fun, and remember this when its ranking time!![]()
I think Fitz is westernizing, so yeah, you can once he's done.
Did I say unclean? I meant enlightened men of character.
If this was single player, I'd recommend ignoring the Pacific in favor of colonizing the Americas, so that when the Europeans arrive you can steal their colonies just before they finish. That saves a lot of time and effort. But that might be difficult in multiplayer if other players are colonizing instead. (Unless you mean that you're going around Africa instead)I hate the tropical province modifier, I also hate stupidly strong natives. That is all.
If this was single player, I'd recommend ignoring the Pacific in favor of colonizing the Americas, so that when the Europeans arrive you can steal their colonies just before they finish. That saves a lot of time and effort. But that might be difficult in multiplayer if other players are colonizing instead. (Unless you mean that you're going around Africa instead)
Anyway, I'm about halfway through my regency council, but I got around that annoying restriction by enforcing peace against Nogai and the Timurids. I don't trust the AI to actually give me anything in the peace deal, so I made a separate peace and conquered Yazd before the Uzbeks could end the war. However, this was probably unnecessary, because toma joined immediately after and we could have allied and fought Nogai in the same war. Also, Gamma helped me quite a lot by starting a war against Baluchistan for me.