Ok, Kabouter, you win. I don't want that on my conscience.
I guess I'll continue to half-heartedly limp along then
Yeah, that sounds exciting
Ok, Kabouter, you win. I don't want that on my conscience.
I guess I'll continue to half-heartedly limp along then
Why would Burgundy not ally Brandenburg anymore? They are in close proximity and can help each other against everything. Since he can have two allies, he'll be allied to Brandenburg and Aragon, Aragon because of the common interest in France and Brandenbug is highly valuable as ally because of how strong he can become rather quickly.We're not ending this round so soon, people just need to be sensible about alliances and not treat them as ironclad, because that is what keeps ending games quickly. Interests change. For instance, for Burgundy, allying with Brandenburg was advantageous, but clearly isn't anymore. Same with Venice and Brandenburg who were allied before.
Edit: Honestly, if we end up quitting this early, I'm not participating in future GAF EU4 games. I don't feel like always restarting the second one ironclad mega alliance wins a war over another ironclad mega alliance.
Why would Burgundy not ally Brandenburg anymore? They are in close proximity and can help each other against everything. Since he can have two allies, he'll be allied to Brandenburg and Aragon, Aragon because of the common interest in France and Brandenbug is highly valuable as ally because of how strong he can become rather quickly.
Yeah, that sounds exciting. Seriously though, people just need to stop creating permanent mega alliances and the problem is solved. Then no one has to be in a position where they can't progress anymore. The only reason people get in that position is because people create mega alliances really early on and stick to those unconditionally.
Yeah, but he is allied to the winning country, which makes him win the game then if he mostly support Brandenburg. He doesn't need much expansion if his ally does, sorta the same thing I was going for with Poland. I increased my trade income to be the financial backbone of his expansion, my own expansion didn't really matter.Because if he helps Brandenburg along more he's severely hurting his own long-term interests. Brandenburg will limit the amount of money coming into the English channel node, and will eliminate any opportunity for Eastward expansion. Because truces with France last a long time, that will mean KingSnake's expansion will be very slow.
Yeah, but he is allied to the winning country, which makes him win the game then if he mostly support Brandenburg. He doesn't need much expansion if his ally does, sorta the same thing I was going for with Poland. I increased my trade income to be the financial backbone of his expansion, my own expansion didn't really matter.
Not to mention, the moment they stop allying each other, Brandenburg is not in a state to win against Sweden/Novgorod/Poland anymore.
Which is the point I'm making. Because interests change, alliances should shift, and situations change.
Interests dont change though. Brandenburgs interest is staying safe from the alliance block from the east/north, while gobbling up Germany. Anything else is not a big threat. That was the case since the beginning of the game and will be the same until the end of the game.
Burgundys interest is taking apart France, for which he needs strong allies. He cant ally Scotland, because Scotland would want french lands in return for that war, which leaves him with Brandenburg in a "you help me fight here, I help you fight there"-deal.
To me it seems as if Poland and Novgorod are upset at missing out on an easy victory. If you can only enjoy the game when steam rolling other countries then what's the point?
Yeah, that sounds exciting. Seriously though, people just need to stop creating permanent mega alliances and the problem is solved. Then no one has to be in a position where they can't progress anymore. The only reason people get in that position is because people create mega alliances really early on and stick to those unconditionally.
People do that because it is the optimum way to play. Take last game: I either stuck with Fitz or got fucked. Why would I ever defect? Toma-fanboi would have destroyed me. If you're not in an alliance bloc, you're dead. It's just a function of how eu4 works as a game. If you don't want to have to rely on a vague conception of sportsmanship or necessarily imperfect rules, you'd have to mod the game - increase attrition, particularly naval attrition, reduce siege times, make war exhaustion more difficult to buy down, etc. As it is, the base game is just massively stacked against localized wars.
Wow, well since most of your post doesnt need any comment, I'll just say that its good to know what you think about me/us for future reference.
People do that because it is the optimum way to play. Take last game: I either stuck with Fitz or got fucked. Why would I ever defect? Toma-fanboi would have destroyed me. If you're not in an alliance bloc, you're dead. It's just a function of how eu4 works as a game. If you don't want to have to rely on a vague conception of sportsmanship or necessarily imperfect rules, you'd have to mod the game - increase attrition, particularly naval attrition, reduce siege times, make war exhaustion more difficult to buy down, etc. As it is, the base game is just massively stacked against localized wars.
Well, Paradox makes it work internally by just handing out awards to the top 3 in score right? Is there something we could do along those lines?
In general I agree with you, especially with your example. But in this case, as an outside observer, the current politics in Europe make no sense. Of course there was some pre-game discussions that determined the current alliance web, but the reasons for them still being in place are opaque to me.
I mean, the scores are okay but they're like the scores in Mario levels: nobody really cares and it would be difficult to make them care. Some of the things which increase score are rather unintuitive (for example, keeping military maintenance at max) and are for the most part bad play. Ultimately, none of us are here for the scores, we're here to crush our enemies, see them driven before us, hear the lamentations of their women.
I kind of agree with you. Normally I shouldn't have allied Brandenburg, but also there is no point in Scandinavia-Novgorod-Poland alliance, that's a boiling pot right there. There's no way the three of them can grow together at a satisfying pace. Even if they would have beaten Brandenburg. But most of current alliances were not set like this at the beginning of the game and it is mostly because the game evolved in such a way.
Scandinavia goes into Germany, Poland goes south towards the Ottomans, I stay smallish and put all my efforts into money and colonizing eastwards.
Bam, busy for another 300 years.
Also Poland go for the poor provinces in the South and a war against strong Ottomans instead of the rich provinces in the West. Double right.
I think we should give some prize to the top 3, and how do we solve who is the top 3? Well, easy, we vote beased on how they performed (a comeback from a great set back can be more valueble then just keep going so to say, example is Uzzy that got recked in the beginning but have climbed back (and he deserves a fucking medal for staying even after the defeat initially).
Since we will also need to vote on each player after this due to ranking for next session.
Geez. Well it would be SUCH a trouble for Scandinavia and Poland to divide some of that German territory to split a bit of the wealth. UNTHINKABLE.
Besides, an alliance with a strong ally partner is worth more than a few more wealthy provinces, as last game proved.
I do not backstab allies and there's reasonable evidence to suggest given my support of Fitz and Manik in the past that I am a loyal friend.
Valhelm was not an ally. I gave him the offer to be one, but he was never there. If he had helped me with Castile, I genuinely never would have touched him for the rest of the game.
Valhelm was not an ally. I gave him the offer to be one, but he was never there. If he had helped me with Castile, I genuinely never would have touched him for the rest of the game.
It's difficult though because the fact Uzzy had to make a comeback was entirely due to his own poor play in the first place. In rating him, I would consider the fact he came back s positive, but equally I wouldn't rate him as high as someone who knew how to manage AE effectively. This also applies to diplomacy - the diplomatic game is obviously a huge part of EU4 and even if Toma launches a strong comeback (which he obviously can, that Muscovy is nothing and the hordes don't last) it's less indicative of good play than someone who didn't get into that position in the first place.
Btw, I disagree on the notion of this being "obviously" possible, considering the now 65k-70k opponents in my near vicinity with my 20k army stack.
Even if Poland recovers in time, which is not likely, they would fight Ottomans while I need to take care of Muscovy+Hordes+Uzbek.
It's difficult though because the fact Uzzy had to make a comeback was entirely due to his own poor play in the first place. In rating him, I would consider the fact he came back s positive, but equally I wouldn't rate him as high as someone who knew how to manage AE effectively. This also applies to diplomacy - the diplomatic game is obviously a huge part of EU4 and even if Toma launches a strong comeback (which he obviously can, that Muscovy is nothing and the hordes don't last) it's less indicative of good play than someone who didn't get into that position in the first place.
So ally with mgo, who also needs to kick Ottoman ass?
This just proves my point from earlier, though: half the reason for perma-alliances is that if you do anything even mildly shady it sticks with you for games and makes alliance making more difficult. Like, who will honestly consider allying fanboi now unless he gives you a security deposit?
What if I have compromising information involving his girlfriend's panties? Can I successfully blackmail him with that?
Scandinavia goes into Germany
What if I have compromising information involving his girlfriend's panties? Can I successfully blackmail him with that?
I mean, we're all intimately acquainted with fanboi's girlfriend's panties so I'm unsure how much weight that holds.
Burgundy (and Aragon too I think) has no real interest in sacrificing troops in destroying Poland. Not at this moment in time, while France is still not on its knees. Defending Jazz from aggression was a different story.
Having said all this, Jazz would be my clear 5 nomination. Fighting a triple player alliance to a standstill for the most part solo is fucking bad-ass.
He definitely played well, but him and Burgundy together were losing the war to Novgorod and Poland (Scandinavia never actively participated in the mainland fights). They might have lost the whole war even together with Aragon if we wouldnt have retreated our troops after his agreement to the peace deal. At that time we had sieged most of Brandenburg and were in a tactical position to never let him gain ground in the war.
Having said all this, Jazz would be my clear 5 nomination. Fighting a triple player alliance to a standstill for the most part solo is fucking bad-ass.
Scandinavia did participate, so I think you must have seen wrong there
He is an amazing player, he also destroyed a huge coalition war earlier in the game including me, sweden, hansa, bohemia etc. I have lots of respects for him as a player - perhaps too much - which is the major part of the reason I thought Novgorod and Scandinavia was needed to take Danzig.
The war caught me with the lowest number of troops ever, because of the damn event(s) that raised autonomy to 100% in all the Dutch provinces to the point I could no longer sustain an army so I had to lower it to 75% giving me 5-15% unrest in most of my provinces and subsequently a lot of rebels rising. It took a ton of loans and mercenaries to fight them and two parallel wars (three for a short time). With my 30k stack it was a 60k vs. 85k fight to start off if I'm not mistaken. I don't know if Scandinavia was in that or not, though, but initially there were around 85k troops attacking against 30k of Brandenburg.
That is kinda crazy. No clue why you would join a random Brandenburg war in that condition with Scotland threatening you. Thats quite brave.