You should join me at the top of the rankings, where the only nations to choose are Albania and Chimu.Lies
You should join me at the top of the rankings, where the only nations to choose are Albania and Chimu.
You should join me at the top of the rankings, where the only nations to choose are Albania and Chimu.
You should join me at the top of the rankings, where the only nations to choose are Albania and Chimu.
It's a bit weird that people are on the one hand saying I should play in Europe and on the other hand saying I should get a stupidly high rating, make up your minds![]()
It's a bit weird that people are on the one hand saying I should play in Europe and on the other hand saying I should get a stupidly high rating, make up your minds![]()
Hey guys not related to the MP session but this is by far the most active EU4 thread so I thought I would post here.
I have been running EU4 a Windows 7 partition on my Mac (through Bootcamp). Recently, however, my Windows partition has broken. It won't start and the start-up repair and system restore shoot back errors. Since I only really used Windows for games and the only games I am playing at this point are strategy games like EU4 and Civ5 and a few other games like Hearthstone and Minecraft I thought I would give them a try on the Mac side. Hearthstone and Minecraft work just fine but I am not sure how games like EU4, CK2 and Civ5 will run.
Do any of you guys have experience with running these games through Steam on Mac? Is the performance similar and do the games get updated as frequently? I don't know where my Windows disk is so I can't fix my Bootcamp issue at this point so I may try this until I can get my hands on the disk.
Wallachia sounds like a great country for Jazz to play
I must be doing something wrong then, because in my try at a Wallachia to Romania game I instantly got warned by both The Ottomans and Hungary and my ally Poland didn't call me in in their war against the Teutons/Hungary. Sure, I didn't get attacked, but I literally couldn't attack anyone without The Ottomans and Hungary joining in on the fun and murdering my ass.
I'll add this one.People who get it shall receive a cookie.
I need to buy Art of war so I can join you guys btw. :V
Edit: I don't need the unit/music packs to be playing with you guys right? Because that's the only stuff I don't have. I got everything related to gameplay stuff (except Art of War obv).
Edit 2: Art of War bought. I made a screenshot of the DLC list in my launcher, I believe this includes all gameplay add-ons? Would I be good to go for this MP group? If so, sign me up. :>
Kick the Europeans out of South America.I might be alone in this because I'm Incan, but I'm just bored with this game. Can't wait for the next MP game to start.
Kick the Europeans out of South America.
Nice joke Luther, nice joke.
I was making breakfast!
Haly is no longer Venice btw Kab, smh
Poor Uzzy. Forgotten!
DId you clap after you ate it?
Before, during and after.
I'm clapping right now while reminiscing over that glorious meal.
I was making breakfast!