Red Arremer
Game doneWas even able to reclaim my homeland right before the end
Should've taken Trebizond and that other Greek province in Anatolia's north, Kaffa, and Cyprus to unify the Greek culture group as well.
Game doneWas even able to reclaim my homeland right before the end
But I was no longer in the Greek culture groupShould've taken Trebizond and that other Greek province in Anatolia's north, Kaffa, and Cyprus to unify the Greek culture group as well.![]()
But I was no longer in the Greek culture group![]()
Why does that work? Because the other members of the coalition can't negotiate separately and so it doesn't treat them like independent nations? Normally I wouldn't bother with exploits, but the HRE is awful in terms of AE, so it might be something to keep in mind for Gothic Invasion and Rajput Reich.I keep Salzburg around so I can declare on them and get 100% warscore the second I occupy them (they always get in a coalition against me as soon as the truce is up), then I only have to siege what I want to take from the others in the coalition.
I meant my own team, in case that wasn't clear. I don't have to go to games on Sunday if I know they're going to lose anyway,must... resist... troll.... attempt.....
Why does that work? Because the other members of the coalition can't negotiate separately and so it doesn't treat them like independent nations? Normally I wouldn't bother with exploits, but the HRE is awful in terms of AE, so it might be something to keep in mind for Gothic Invasion and Rajput Reich.
Then I recommend you start those nowWhy does that work? Because the other members of the coalition can't negotiate separately and so it doesn't treat them like independent nations? Normally I wouldn't bother with exploits, but the HRE is awful in terms of AE, so it might be something to keep in mind for Gothic Invasion and Rajput Reich.
Yeah, go Russian AI, go! I really didnt want to miss todays session, but we are having some visitors over now and I cant play at all tonight.
Came back to -3 stability, 4 loans, Westernizing Process, Diplo-Annexing of Vassal, Full Occupation of Scandinavia
Coming back to discover that the AI's set fire to a bunch of my fleet was rather annoying too, as having the largest navy in the game was the best thing Venice had going for them.
They really need to add an option for the AI in multiplayer: "Don't fuck with my fleet, I like it big".
In fairness, afaik it wasn't the AI that set fire to his fleet so much as it was fanboi.
Meantime in Commonwealth, the AI decided it was a good idea to make an army ~30K above force limit
I wondered why my economy was flashing red lights when I started
AI doesn't really care about force limit so much as it cares about how much army they can actually pay for. Maybe lucky nations bonuses (which they will have gotten, but you don't get when you're playing) allowed them to pay for that size army.
Don't humans work the same way? Force limits are purely theoretical, you simply make the largest army you can sustain reliably.
Don't humans work the same way? Force limits are purely theoretical, you simply make the largest army you can sustain reliably.
Meantime in Commonwealth, the AI decided it was a good idea to make an army ~30K above force limit
So that's why they kept coming back with huge armies after I beat their invasion forces.
Only when you're filthy rich or have France as enemy. Otherwise there are a lot of things to better spend money on.
but if I could afford to do while having the advisors I wanted and a monthly surplus
So, filthy rich.
You'd think so, you'd be wrongAdvisors aren't that expensive. Running 1/1/1 should leave you with enough money to at least partially exceed your force limits for even moderately wealthy nations. If you're massively behind in tech and need to go 1/1/3 or something, fine, but running 2/1/1 when you're teching well seems wasteful, especially in multiplayer when you're probably not going to face ADM or DPM constraints.
Running 1/1/1
Are there? Advisors take priority to a certain extent, and certain building lines, but after that money has no purpose except to fund an army. I'd probably never exceed my force limit by a large amount because troops become exponentially more expensive the more you exceed it, but if I could afford to do while having the advisors I wanted and a monthly surplus, I'd definitely exceed them.
Yup. What's been hammered home to me in this game is just how pointless money is, as long as you aren't running a deficit. It'd be nice if I could throw my surplus money into useful buildings and infrastructure, but they really aren't too many that would be worth blowing the monarch points on. We should be able to spend the money on commissioning great pieces of art and architecture that boost prestige, or on propaganda campaigns that boost morale, or on scientists to boost technology.
Yup. What's been hammered home to me in this game is just how pointless money is, as long as you aren't running a deficit. It'd be nice if I could throw my surplus money into useful buildings and infrastructure, but they really aren't too many that would be worth blowing the monarch points on. We should be able to spend the money on commissioning great pieces of art and architecture that boost prestige, or on propaganda campaigns that boost morale, or on scientists to boost technology.
Feel free to gift any excess cash you have to my vassals and/or colonial nation if it feels like a burden.
That would involve peace-time game-play, and Paradox isn't interested in that when they could be designing new and frustrating ways to use mana points instead.
Only slightly sarcastic.
I agree 100%did you check out my winged hussars though? best looking units in EU4
I would say that is 1:1 on size.
Yeah, but his browser is running in a 640x480 window.So you have a really huge monitor?
(and also because fuck you guys and your non-Australian time zones).
Speaking of Hearts of Iron 4, we should have a few multiplayer games going.
Smaller ones with fewer people because honestly trying to organize HoI with 10 players sounds like a nightmare (and also because fuck you guys and your non-Australian time zones).
10 players, hmm. UK, USA, France, Germany, the Soviet Union, Italy and Japan are the big seven and would need to be played in any multiplayer game, then you can add in Canada, Australia, Finland, Hungary, Romania, the Netherlands, Nationalist China and maybe Brazil as second tier, but unessential choices.
There are other countries that could be picked, of course, but they're either too weak to do anything really or it'd make the game very ahistorical. So you've got a maximum of 15 players, I'd say. After that you're really going to struggle to accommodate everyone.
Dibs on USA
We don't need a full house of majors to be fun. You could easily have a game where you have one or two USSR players (In HoI3 multiple players could play one country and take over different theatres or duties as needed) then have a series of players as UK, Aus, Canada trying to beat back the Germans and take on the communists.