wealth of nations
res publica
conquest of paradise
I'll get those then. Thanks.
wealth of nations
res publica
conquest of paradise
After Uzzy is done picking, what do we do? Move on to Morfeo or wait for more possible new players before we continue picking?
Both Poland and Lithuania have been chosen. Are roboleon and ZZMitch okay with that?
Did we? I don't remember discussing it. That would probably make it difficult to choose nations. For instance, France, Burgundy, and Aragon have already been picked, but all three can probably live together peacefully for awhile, as long as Burgundy agrees to become the Netherlands, because they have slightly different goals.Didnt we say no neighbour rules this time? So it wouldnt really matter anyway.
I agree with waiting a few days for newer players to maybe pop in before moving on to Morfeo.
re: adjacent nations, I think that got scrapped, I remember Morfeo and Colkate(I think?) not liking it much. I think the thought was players probably wouldn't play next to potentially antagonistic nations without a decent reason; I wouldn't be Lithuania with a human Poland when they have every incentive to double-team me with <insert angry other neighbour here>. It's not like Lithuania really has that many good allies that aren't Poland.
I wouldn't be human Poland with a human Lithuania either though. In fact, without Lithuania, I'm not sure Poland would even deserve a higher rating, certainly nowhere near the rating it gets now. Poland really depends on that PU a ton, and sure, Mgo, crab, Toma or Fitz could still make things happen in the situation, but not a less experienced player. I think adjacent nations in general is fine, but this might be the one exception.
I think there's probably another exception, Denmark, which is not very good and definitely not deserving of 4.2 or whatever it has with a human Sweden or Norway. We could probably use the 'only by consent' rule for Lithuania if an earlier player picked Poland, and for vassals/junior partners if an earlier played picked the liege/senior partner? Just throwing it out there.
No selecting of subjects if a player has already picked the overlord makes sense, outside of that, there should definitely be no adjacency rules.
Someone pick Bohemia, so we might crush Austria together.
Also, I've got a few music mods downloaded from the workshop. Will having those enabled prevent me from connecting to the game?
I think every nation should be allowed, and that by choosing a country like Aragon, Denmark and Poland, you do run the risk of somebody else choosing their subjects. I guess that means that their ratings probably should have been lowered, but that might be too late now.
If this changes a ton for the people who already choose, I dont have a problem with us restarting the choosing process, but now with everybody knowing about that risk.
I choose you:
Is it just me or can you see the cock and balls on that lion?
Correct. Same cock that I will ram into Englands ass.
Who did Kab choose? Cant see it in the doc.
Edit: nm, I am stupid.
Edit 2: Only three more players need to choose, would be awesome to be able to start tonight if everybody has picked!
If I completely fuck up again, I will be watching fanboi.
Who did Kab choose? Cant see it in the doc.
Edit: nm, I am stupid.
Edit 2: Only three more players need to choose, would be awesome to be able to start tonight if everybody has picked!
Eastern Europe is crowded as fuck.
It is nice seeing your friends training EU4... as good... wait what is that...?!