Thank you for taking the time to reply.
Since in general it's advantageous for the monster to delay the encounter, that explains why much of the time I have played the game & the streams I have watch have been mostly this evade vs hunt mode of play. The combat interaction is much shorter. Which is fine, of course. But it explains why others view the game play as mostly running away as the monster & chasing as the hunters. Because is it

. I am wary of the mechanic being tiresome as well. Maybe the hunter character variations will limit that fatigue.
Thank you as well for replying. That makes sense. To me it seems like the monster, if it can, avoid attacking at level 2 and wait until being fully powered & armored at level 3 is a better move. The one nagging thought in my head is once the monster is at level 3 the hunters will then go to defend the generator. At that point they can really prep the environment around the generator ( lay land mines, harpoon traps, get into elevated positions, create a plan etc. ). So as a monster at level 2 it might be more advantageous to engage them when the hunters are moving and have to co-ordinate on the fly versus the monster at level 3 having to attacking into a prepared position.
I don't know. I was terrible at the game in the beta & alpha. So I obviously don't have a proper grasp on the games mechanics.