The Shogun
The dynamic campaign mode is hands down the best way to play the game.
Its freaking awesome
Its freaking awesome
Yeah, its still early in the game's life but Monster's don't realize how much they set the tone. Hunters never retreat from what I've seen. Groups just don't seem to know how. I've seen a couple of groups try and drag a fight elsewhere a bit, but most of the time if you can start a fight in a highly advantageous area you can be sure that the game is going to end there because Hunters don't know how to fold a bad hand.
Yeah... That's one of the things that really irked me when I first started playing. Bad domes are worse than bad Medics. If there's one class that should know the landscape and map better than anyone else, it should be your Trapper. Knowing how to harpoon properly is a big deal too.
Another thing - Hunters should fly more. High ground is a massive advantage in itself by strafing Monsters from the sky changes everything. Its worth losing your ability to (hopefully lol) dodge attacks on the ground.
The dynamic campaign mode is hands down the best way to play the game.
Its freaking awesome
How long does an average match take ?
jesus christ the steam reviews
took me by surprise
also thankfully i haven't played with a bad medic yet which wasn't a foregone conclusion considering the default med has a sniper and we all know how people playing this class are all upstanding team players
What's your record?![]()
I played a full 5 day thing this morning and it seemed to take nearly an hour. 5 matches all vary a bit, averaging say 10 minutes each.
For what it's worth Best Buy sent me an email with my code after I picked up my idea. I was hoping for a voucher. I contacted 2k and turtle rock on twitter but they ignored me.
I'm so on the fence going for this right now. I don't have an issue spending $60 on a multiplayer only game if it's good, I've just heard mixed things.
I'm with you. I'm really tempted to pick it up, but for 60 bucks I'm wary.
This thread is moving fairly slowly too, which is never the greatest sign.
I'm with you. I'm really tempted to pick it up, but for 60 bucks I'm wary.
This thread is moving fairly slowly too, which is never the greatest sign.
So anybody that got their hands on a physical does the pre-order monster work? is there a code in the case? Or was the code on your receipt?
GAF hates the game,I am not surprised.
hows the game run on ps4? I may pick this up tonight....
I've played about three hours worth on the ps4 and only encountered one major slowdown. It was during a defend match (the end of evactuation) and there were several monsters, hunters, explosions, particles, and liquids all in a small space and it definitely effected the framerate. But that's been the only instance and it was only for a few seconds. Other then that, it's been seemingly rock solid. Having played a bunch of destiny lately which is rock solid 30, this feels the same.
Yeah my Destiny raid group are all looking at this for a fun diversion... the beta was great but I played on PC. I think I am in!
Destiny is on OT17![]()
Can I definitively play as the monster in this? I've got a headset, but I haven't bothered to hook it up yet. I'd rather play as the monster, as I'm not going to be communicating in a team.
The dynamic campaign mode is hands down the best way to play the game.
Its freaking awesome
if you ar ejust talking about random matchmaking and not playing with a set group in a custom match where you are the monster, it is not 100% that you will be the monster each time. you can set the monster to be your "priority 1 role" and it will try and throw you into matches without a monster player,but it is not 100% guaranteed.
As far as I am ware though,there are less monster players than hunter players so you'd have a good chance
Aussie on Ps4 here - add me bros! PSN ID: ugh_the_boot
Some thoughts. I played a couple of games last night offline with bots as this was my first time playing the game and didn't want to drag any online peeps down with me. I played a couple of games as the Assault as I wanted to get the hang of the mechanics first but damn this game is hard (which is soooo awesome!) Maybe the bots are really crap in this game (it seems that way if they are assigned to specialized classes) but we just could not find or keep up with the monster. All 3 games the monster basically ran away from us the whole time, evolved to stage 3 then came and mangled us. I picked the goliath monster on each match so again I could get a feel of the base mechanics of it all.
Really looking forward to hopping online tonight but before I do I have a few questions:
1.) Do the landmines you put down as the Assault class cause friendly fire damage? I really hope not.
2.) Is the main player in the team the Trapper? It seems like it's the Hunter's priority to find and kill the monster asap and the Trapper needs to first find the monster and then create a dome to stop it escaping as early as possible....soo 2 key things are the Trapper's doing before the other team members come into play.
3.) When a monster down a hunter, what is the best way to kill them off? I noticed when I was using the monster hunters kept getting up after I downed them. Is there a way to kill them so that there is no way they can be revived? I saw the AI do this to be when I was using a hunter, the monster just stood over the top and ravaged me until I was dead. Do you press L2 (eat) button to do this? I couldn't get it to work.
4.) Is Daisy really doing anything worthwhile? And is she always NPC?
Thanks guys appreciate your help. I really liked the feel of the game, everything felt really solid especially seeing as I only had about an hours playtime. Really looking to try and cut down the downtime at the begining of the match because the monster seems way too fast for the team to keep up. Also the levels are so packed full of obstacles it makes it easy for the hunter to get away but it also felt like a real jungle with very solid level design. Anyways looking so spend a great deal of time with it this weekend to learn more of the ins and outs.
I don't get why the game only shows extraction and skirmish I supposed to unlock nest and the likes?
So I can't play those modes on their own?skirmish is a playlist of most of the gametypes. evac is a multi-stage game mode where events in one game mode carry on to the next
What's your record?![]()
So what is the consensus everyone?
Solid game? Great successor to left 4 dead? Online working?
Game hasn't been getting good rep from people, but now the game is in the wild and people are playing it, so how is it?
Well if XBL Activity charts are anything to go by, Evolve is off to a slow start on the XBO at least. Currently 8th in the Top Played games, behind Dying Light and a few others.
I wonder what their sales expectations are for this game.
Well if XBL Activity charts are anything to go by, Evolve is off to a slow start on the XBO at least. Currently 8th in the Top Played games, behind Dying Light and a few others.
I wonder what their sales expectations are for this game.
This is what wanted to hear. Thanks.Great fun, online is solid, but it can be difficult to get matchmade into your choice role.
Teamwork is essential, so I don't know if it's comparable to L4D. Feels a little closer to something like Dota where one bad player can throw the whole game.
Wasn't it released just today? Let some folks get home from the office.![]()
Who knows with 2K. I feel like they're going to pull a Square/Capcom with their expectations, given all the other moves they've made in marketing and selling the game.
^And yeah, it's still early in the day and a new IP. If this was Halo or CoD then that would be troubling.