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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

Picked up Ninja randomly, hadn't played it since it was released I remember doing like the ice dungeon and Shiva back then with it. It's pretty fun now, a lot more complexity than Monk since you kinda have to keep your oGCDs for the right time and what not, and feels very "combo" oriented once stuff is off cd.

Also have Shadewalker to give bad tanks threat is a boon for random dungeons. Just did a Bardam's Mettle run with a DRK who wasn't using Dark Side, for some reason. Guess he liked being at full mana and not having to press any buttons. I tanked half the pulls, healer was strong. I locked threat on him for bosses though with it, and thank god for that.

Low ping ninjutsus sure feel a lot better though, can do a lot more stuff now.

are there?

There's a couple but unlike GW2 jumping puzzles, the movement and jumping collision in this game isn't quite up there so it can be painful.


Is there a way to create a Macro that targets the DPS player closest to me and just casts Dragon Sight? We need FFXII Gambits.... >_<

Could do a mouseover macro if you play on PC or use someone as a focus target if you aren't setting the boss as your focus target.

You can also try /targetpc though I don't know how that actually works.
Why have I not read this before?
Urianger pls



Ok. Got RDM to 58 today. Can easily get it to 60 tomorrow. Then, I'm gonna start doing SB stuff for real. No more excuses. There isn't really another class right now I feel like I really want to have on me anyway. Maybe I'll look at SAM later on in the expansion but ehhhh.

Doing this all was so dumb since I'm just gonna clear SB with my main Dragoon anyway, but I still had a lot of fun messing with all these other class play styles.

Is there a way to create a Macro that targets the DPS player closest to me and just casts Dragon Sight? We need FFXII Gambits.... >_<

There in fact is something that does just that.

/micon "Dragon Sight"
/merror off
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"

Targets the closest party member, casts Dragon Sight, switches back to your previous target enemy. You span the ac line so you don't get screwed on priority queueing.

You can also take out the tic and tle lines and do /ac "Dragon Sight" <2> which targets the number 2 in your party list, usually your buddy DPS. If you do that method, you can also move around anyone you want to the number 2 slot at the start of the instance for later. This method just gives you a little more control than the other. Depends on what you want to do.


Thanks a lot. That's a pretty informative simple macro. But the problem with target closest party member is that I'm afraid it would accidentally cast Dragon Sight on the tank instead. That would suck! Any ideas? How do I move party members around for the number 2 slot?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Am I missing a CD I should pop when tanking Susano EX? When he does Stormsplitter I'll survive the initial hit, but die a second later. I could Holmgang and survive fine, but if I don't there are times where I die a second after the buster. Not the first blow, but a second later. Should I be popping a bunch of CDs at one in order to survive until the other tank provokes?


Thanks a lot. That's a pretty informative simple macro. But the problem with target closest party member is that I'm afraid it would accidentally cast Dragon Sight on the tank instead. That would suck! Any ideas? How do I move party members around for the number 2 slot?

I believe you go into the party menu and click on a member and then you can click the arrow in the bottom left to move them up or down. Haven't had to mess with that aspect yet since I haven't got Dragon Sight right now. Reddit has this image that might help.

Oh. I got the party numbers wrong sorry. For partner DPS you should be targeting 4 not 2. 2 is the tank. Only time you'll have to rearrange this is for 8 man content with this setup.

Might be useful to add a
/p Casting Dragon Sight on <4>. Please stay close for damage buff.
Just to let people know what's going on as well. Playing AST has taught me people aren't too good at looking at their buffs on their own. There are benefits for picking both DPS and Tank. DPS is obviously ideal, but it's hard to expect randos to know what they're doing and stay close in that case, whereas a Tank will always be in range most likely. Just depends on how much you want to trust random DPS to maximize damage.


Character Configuration -> UI Settings -> Party List if you want to set it as DPS first so your melee buddy is slot 2. It's what I used when I randomly alt'd Ninja so I could use Goad macros for slots 2-6.

Am I missing a CD I should pop when tanking Susano EX? When he does Stormsplitter I'll survive the initial hit, but die a second later. I could Holmgang and survive fine, but if I don't there are times where I die a second after the buster. Not the first blow, but a second later. Should I be popping a bunch of CDs at one in order to survive until the other tank provokes?

The other tank should Provoke during the cast itself and once you see the Provoke finish, you can Shirk the other tank to dump your threat to them. If you're taking any damage after the vuln is applied, they're just Provoking too late.

That said, I usually just throw Rampart+Vengeance at it since it's not like they're needed anywhere else for the fight and they time out for it fairly well (you'll eat the tankbuster every 120s +/- a few seconds for the longer rotations). I've had to solo tank him for extended periods so it's not a one-shot level of vulnerability, just a "I'm sorry healers" one.


Wow thanks, you guys are a great help. With enough assistance maybe one day I won't contribute to the dragoon floor tank meme any further! Probably not, but worth trying!
One of my weird frustration points with the game is knowing I'm in it for unpopular reasons, and knowing the stuff I care about will never be addressed in-depth (I am the world's saltiest person at the raid design panel they did that one time ending when it did, glossing over a lot of their post-gordias decisions when I'm dying to know how Creator floors evolved during the panicked tuning phase), but one thing I'm super curious about is the team they actually having do the job/role balancing design. To reference the Game That Must Not Be Named, WoW recently did an AMA with a bunch of developers specifically tasked with the class/artifact/pvp/item design.

Most of the FFXIV stuff we get is filtered through Yoshida, with the occasional reference to Mr. D or whoever; Yoshida's got a bunch of high-level shit to do; I believe he sets the overall direction, but the fiddly numbers stuff has to fall to his team, right? So in the lead-up too and aftermath of something as heavily focused on the combat system as SB was supposed to be, I'm dying to know who does the fiddly tuning and how they came out the way they did.

Tanks always feel like an internal struggle between the macro direction (People who tank should only be required to threat and occasionally CD; DPS should be a bonus) and the micro reality of how the game's combat works. Beyond "don't die", the only thing tanks can do is, as you noted, DPS. But if the DPS potential is too great, designing encounters around 1-2-3 turtle tanks would mean groups with active tanks would blow everything up! So you go at them through their AP, over and over, trying to figure out how to nerf them so even tryhards can't do balance-wrecking. So I'd like to know the though process behind the original move to STR/VIT hybrid, and then the move back to pure STR (probably the weakness thing, but it seems like that could have been solved within the debuff itself and not the base design of the job.)

I'd also like to hear from like, the monk guy, and figure out how he sees Monk fitting into groups. Or the person behind MCH because it's basically the platypus of jobs in terms of wut and why and I am actually super curious about how it happened, similar to I want to know when the constant requests for Minion Pokemon turned into them making Minion RTS. Or the thought behind the healer changes overall--why make DPS more boring alongside making it so much easier to access?

etc. I'm super curious about how the big-picture direction met with the small-scale design, and what their vision for each job was when they were making it. And based on data they can get now from instances, do they think the gap has sufficiently narrowed? But all we get is, you know, "Calm down" or "you're playing it wrong" or whatever; high level answers. I just wanna nerd out over some of the nerdy non-lore aspects of the game.

Job particulars are something I don't think they've ever elaborated on beyond incredibly broad generalizations that you can only draw vague conclusions from.

I have a feeling it's due to Yoship's apparent focus on not divulging anything that more casual players might find confusing. Stuff like his comments on the healer DPS issue which is entirely a product of their own design among other things.

Then you look at stuff like Riot where they routinely break down their thought process when it comes to designing new champions or redesigning old ones.

Versus SE where they basically say fuck it.

It would be interesting to find out who exactly is responsible for working on what job. I remember someone on reddit made a post talking about staff changes and about how many people they had for creating battle content, it was something like a really small amount of people, around 4-5 I think and they made the comparison to World of Warcraft having something like 14-15 people designing battle content.

I think they clutch their cards to their chest too much. But I realize they will never have anything like a public test realm that would probably go some way towards fixing issues that end up in the final product that players have to deal with for a long time before they fix them. Their philosophy is just too different from western MMO devs.

Admittedly I could be wrong and there are a bunch of JP MMO devs that divulge deep details on their game equal to that of Riot/Blizzard/etc I just haven't heard of them or have forgotten them.


Wow thanks, you guys are a great help. With enough assistance maybe one day I won't contribute to the dragoon floor tank meme any further! Probably not, but worth trying!

This one isn't really your fault in terms of being relatively new. Dragon Sight just isn't a very well built move. The DPS increase really doesn't justify the huge hassle of such a short finicky tether. They really need to dramatically increase the range on it at a bare minimum to fix it. Luckily, Japanese Dragoon community is very vocal about not liking Dragon Sight so it'll likely be one of the first things adjusted in balance patches for us. I'm also really, really praying for them to allow Dragonfire Dive to trigger Dive Ready. Wouldn't completely fix all the problems the job has right now, but it would really help.


This one isn't really your fault in terms of being relatively new. Dragon Sight just isn't a very well built move. The DPS increase really doesn't justify the huge hassle of such a short finicky tether. They really need to dramatically increase the range on it at a bare minimum to fix it. Luckily, Japanese Dragoon community is very vocal about not liking Dragon Sight so it'll likely be one of the first things adjusted in balance patches for us. I'm also really, really praying for them to allow Dragonfire Dive to trigger Dive Ready. Wouldn't completely fix all the problems the job has right now, but it would really help.
Maybe something else that'd work is if instead of Life of the Dragon's duration being based on your current BOTD gauge, it's based on how many eyes you have accumulated. IE make it like this: You can activate LOTD at 2 eyes, or 4 eyes. 15 second duration for 2 eyes, or 30 second duration for 4 eyes. This effectively makes it work the same way it does now, but without the penalty of gaining nothing if you're sitting at 3 eyes and the boss jumps away.
People malign FFXIV for taking from WoW but I don't think they took enough imo.

Higher damage with short tank CDs would have been more interesting. Also would have solved the healer DPS issue since the higher damage would necessitate more constant healing/mitigation.

Unless things have changed and healers in that game DPS most of the time now. I haven't played it for years.

Blackest Night is the best tank CD in the game purely because it's on a 15 second cooldown, requires some timing and you get a visible reward if you do it right. It makes a satisfying zing sound when you do it right because it gives you 50 blood when broken.


Maybe something else that'd work is if instead of Life of the Dragon's duration being based on your current BOTD gauge, it's based on how many eyes you have accumulated. IE 15 seconds for 2 eyes, 30 for 4 eyes. This way it basically works the exact same way it does now, but just don't lose it without gaining anything if you're sitting at 3 eyes and the boss jumps away and there's nothing else for you to attack.

But then you can't just use Geki on cooldown without forcing yourself to go into lotd.

The easiest way to fix the transition problem, assuming the team really sees it as a problem and it isn't a planned weakness, is to not have you lose eyes when you drop BotD. It's a fairly simple fix in that case.


But then you can't just use Geki on cooldown without forcing yourself to go into lotd.

The easiest way to fix the transition problem, assuming the team really sees it as a problem and it isn't a planned weakness, is to not have you lose eyes when you drop BotD. It's a fairly simple fix in that case.
I kinda expanded on my post after I hit submit, but yeah. That's the ideal thing, but we'll have to see what they do.

The way I suggested it is you can use geirskogul before you gain the 2 eyes, and then you can make the decision to use the 2nd geir to activate LOTD or hang onto it until you get 4 eyes, depending on the fight and jumps. I'd use the last boss of the two dungeons you unlock after beating the story as my hypothetical scenario, as you gainLOTD/can lose your eyes right as they start their unique mechanics.

Real talk Life of the Dragon is my favorite thing to happen for Dragoon AOE during dungeons though, since you can just pop it, AOE normally and use Nastrond whenever it comes off CD without needing to worry about refreshing BOTD.


So my free trial is pretty much over. Reached lv 35, can't do any more main quests cause I have to be lv 36. My question is, if I upgrade to a full account, will I still be lv 35. Because once I reached it, my exp became 0/######. Even if I upgrade, will I get the experience points I would have gotten doing all those main quests?


Does LotD really need a major change though? I feel the way it currently works, it allows for a huge burst of damage when you have full gaze, whenever you want, with Gek->Nas. If timed right, with jumps in reserve, and all buffs stacked at once, going into LotD and pulling off Gek->Nas->All the Jumps, would be one hell of a combo for any DPS check.

What I don't understand though, is why LotD is a meter at all. Why not just keep BotD as the meter, and have a Nas-ready proc like how Dive-ready works?


I kinda expanded on my post after I hit submit, but yeah. That's the ideal thing, but we'll have to see what they do.

The way I suggested it is you can use geirskogul before you gain the 2 eyes, and then you can make the decision to use the 2nd geir to activate LOTD or hang onto it until you get 4 eyes, depending on the fight and jumps. I'd use the last boss of the two dungeons you unlock after beating the story as my hypothetical scenario, as you gainLOTD/can lose your eyes right as they start their unique mechanics.

Real talk Life of the Dragon is my favorite thing to happen for Dragoon AOE during dungeons though, since you can just pop it, AOE normally and use Nastrond whenever it comes off CD without needing to worry about refreshing BOTD.

I'm interested to see what they do. Of all the 'broken' underpowered jobs, it honestly seems the easiest to fix. Like, it's not unplayable and it's my main so I'll stick with it regardless, but I hope they make sensible changes.

So my free trial is pretty much over. Reached lv 35, can't do any more main quests cause I have to be lv 36. My question is, if I upgrade to a full account, will I still be lv 35. Because once I reached it, my exp became 0/######. Even if I upgrade, will I get the experience points I would have gotten doing all those main quests?

You will still be at 35. AFAIK you don't gain retroactive EXP. It just unlocks your exp meter so you can gain exp again once you upgrade.

Does LotD really need a major change though? I feel the way it currently works, it allows for a huge burst of damage when you have full gaze, whenever you want, with Gek->Nas. If timed right, with jumps in reserve, and all buffs stacked at once, going into LotD and pulling off Gek->Nas->All the Jumps, would be one hell of a combo for any DPS check.

What I don't understand though, is why LotD is a meter at all. Why not just keep BotD as the meter, and have a Nas-ready proc like how Dive-ready works?

Right now the two biggest complaints around LOTD are

A) it takes too long to get active for too little a boost. I don't have a problem with this really, but I get it and
B) it's too easy to lose progress during boss/raid mechanics

The second one is the real issue in my mind. Right now, downtime in a fight is a huge punishment to dragoons in a way very few other classes have to deal with and that will probably get worse as we get more high end content.


You will still be at 35. AFAIK you don't gain retroactive EXP. It just unlocks your exp meter so you can gain exp again once you upgrade.
Shit. Guess I'll just make some new characters and builds so I have something to look forward to if I ever upgrade.


Does LotD really need a major change though? I feel the way it currently works, it allows for a huge burst of damage when you have full gaze, whenever you want, with Gek->Nas. If timed right, with jumps in reserve, and all buffs stacked at once, going into LotD and pulling off Gek->Nas->All the Jumps, would be one hell of a combo for any DPS check.

What I don't understand though, is why LotD is a meter at all. Why not just keep BotD as the meter, and have a Nas-ready proc like how Dive-ready works?
Dragoon DPS got bumped down significantly because of the change to Geirskogul (you used to be able to get 3/min) and you can lose all your accumulated eyes and see no benefit from them until you get the 4th eye and activate it, which, depending on the fight, you can lose even with them changing BOTD to a 30 second cooldown. Someone here or somewhere else I was looking compared it to Greased Lightning, except Monks get the full benefit of GL3 until it's dropped due to whatever reason, whereas if you lose BOTD forcefully because of mechanics you lose all your accumulated eyes and have to build them all up again.


Any lv 70 RDMs willing to share their gamepad layout?
I'll probably start leveling mine soon, but would rather get used to a tested layout than trying to piece one together.


Neo Member
But then you can't just use Geki on cooldown without forcing yourself to go into lotd.

The easiest way to fix the transition problem, assuming the team really sees it as a problem and it isn't a planned weakness, is to not have you lose eyes when you drop BotD. It's a fairly simple fix in that case.

Thanks for the macro, will test it out when we premade susanoo ex tonight. I usually just soft target other dps during idle time for dragon sight and it still made me lose dps haha. Yeah I reaaallly hope they'd fix losing eyes if we drop botd since there's only so much that recasting botd can do and building 4 eyes just takes a lot of time or at least make dragonfire give dive ready


Come on, throwing out "underpowered" and "broken" on Dragoon when there are Machinists out there just seems mean?

I love my dragoon so I hate to be mean to it. I only end up using these kinds of harsh terms because it's the general tenor of the community right now hahah.

And yeah, poor MCH right now. They are gonna have to do a fair bit more to it than DRG to get it in a place where it can justify a position on raid squads.


Dragoon DPS got bumped down significantly because of the change to Geirskogul (you used to be able to get 3/min) and you can lose all your accumulated eyes and see no benefit from them until you get the 4th eye and activate it, which, depending on the fight, you can lose even with them changing BOTD to a 30 second cooldown. Someone here or somewhere else I was looking compared it to Greased Lightning, except Monks get the full benefit of GL3 until it's dropped due to whatever reason, whereas if you lose BOTD forcefully because of mechanics you lose all your accumulated eyes and have to build them all up again.

I think you can tell how bad a player I am when I say that I don't ever remember pulling off 3 Geks per minute. Since it's a situational late game ability, I placed it on my second set of Cross Hotbars, along with activation stuff like BfB, Litany, BotD, and the AoE attacks. As such I always forget to check again when it comes back up after initially firing it off. It's only with the new LotD mechanic where I start to realize I'm not using it as much as I should.

Maybe I should swap out Bloodbath on my main Cross Hotbar and put Gek there. Just like how I removed Leg Sweep to finally place True North there when I realized it was now doing NO damage... (._.)


People malign FFXIV for taking from WoW but I don't think they took enough imo.

Higher damage with short tank CDs would have been more interesting. Also would have solved the healer DPS issue since the higher damage would necessitate more constant healing/mitigation.

Unless things have changed and healers in that game DPS most of the time now. I haven't played it for years.

Blackest Night is the best tank CD in the game purely because it's on a 15 second cooldown, requires some timing and you get a visible reward if you do it right. It makes a satisfying zing sound when you do it right because it gives you 50 blood when broken.

Being able to dps as a healer was the only reason I ever wanted to play one in FFXIV in the first place. That's not an issue, it's one of the main draws imo.


I think you can tell how bad a player I am when I say that I don't ever remember pulling off 3 Geks per minute. Since it's a situational late game ability, I placed it on my second set of Cross Hotbars, along with activation stuff like BfB, Litany, BotD, and the AoE attacks. As such I always forget to check again when it comes back up after initially firing it off. It's only with the new LotD mechanic where I start to realize I'm not using it as much as I should.

Maybe I should swap out Bloodbath on my main Cross Hotbar and put Gek there. Just like how I removed Leg Sweep to finally place True North there when I realized it was now doing NO damage... (._.)

I eventually got where I could do 3/minute if everything went well, but as soon as things went a little sideways I dropped BOTD and it was a big hassle. I won't miss Geki taking timer. As complicated as maximizing LOTD can get, it's a lot more obvious and straight forward than trying to manage meter in 3.0 IMO.


I love my dragoon so I hate to be mean to it. I only end up using these kinds of harsh terms because it's the general tenor of the community right now hahah.

And yeah, poor MCH right now. They are gonna have to do a fair bit more to it than DRG to get it in a place where it can justify a position on raid squads.

Don't worry. It happened during HW, and I would notice most PF groups would have "No MCH"

They're used to it.


I think you can tell how bad a player I am when I say that I don't ever remember pulling off 3 Geks per minute. Since it's a situational late game ability, I placed it on my second set of Cross Hotbars, along with activation stuff like BfB, Litany, BotD, and the AoE attacks. As such I always forget to check again when it comes back up after initially firing it off. It's only with the new LotD mechanic where I start to realize I'm not using it as much as I should.

Maybe I should swap out Bloodbath on my main Cross Hotbar and put Gek there. Just like how I removed Leg Sweep to finally place True North there when I realized it was now doing NO damage... (._.)
Yeah it's no worries, just Geir used to have a 10 second cooldown and removed some of your Blood of the Dragon time, so at a minimum skill speed that got you a 2.4s GCD, you could do 3 of them per minute while still maintaining BOTD assuming 100% up time in a fight.

Now Dragoon is the third weakest DPS ahead only of Bard and Machinist in terms of sheer numbers going by the new Stone, Sky, Sea dummy clear values.


Neo Member
I think you can tell how bad a player I am when I say that I don't ever remember pulling off 3 Geks per minute. Since it's a situational late game ability, I placed it on my second set of Cross Hotbars, along with activation stuff like BfB, Litany, BotD, and the AoE attacks. As such I always forget to check again when it comes back up after initially firing it off. It's only with the new LotD mechanic where I start to realize I'm not using it as much as I should.

Maybe I should swap out Bloodbath on my main Cross Hotbar and put Gek there. Just like how I removed Leg Sweep to finally place True North there when I realized it was now doing NO damage... (._.)

You can create a separate horizontal hotbar and enlarge it and put it somewhere easy to see to put your important cooldowns that aren't in your main cross hotbar. I put litany, dragon sight and geirskogul there (botd used to be there but since it's so easy to maintain it now I almost never had it not available when I had to use it)


Fuck. I need to read more carefully. I was maxed out on Allagan Poetics and I finally reached Illshyre so I bought my full armor set and stuff before hitting 60. Didn't realize I had bought the wrong tier, I bought the hellfire stuff instead of the newer, better Shire stuff. Then I was like whatever, at least I'll get my shire weapon. Nope. Bought the wrong Rowena token. I hate life


Neo Member
Fuck. I need to read more carefully. I was maxed out on Allagan Poetics and I finally reached Illshyre so I bought my full armor set and stuff before hitting 60. Didn't realize I had bought the wrong tier, I bought the hellfire stuff instead of the newer, better Shire stuff. Then I was like whatever, at least I'll get my shire weapon. Nope. Bought the wrong Rowena token. I hate life

I did this once with 4 alexander savage tokens (worth 4 weeks) for a tank accessory instead of slaying one. Even harder to see because accessories don't have red text which indicate you can't use them. Hurt me the entire night lol
Can't hear all of this MCH trash talk over the sound of my flamethrower.

In other news, I joined a Lakshmi learning group and cleared after four pulls- people were not kidding when they said she was easy.


Got Samurai to 61. I have to say, I really like it. It was originally the nostalgia of getting to play my FFXI main in a good game but I really dig the mechanics.
You get quite a bit of xp for doing 3/10 of them a week for the weekly challenge. Like 800k total when I was 68 I think?
It's been like that forever, though; this seems recent.
Why have I not read this before?
Urianger pls

Real talk; this is kinda fucked up. I'm sure they mean he's super sad 'cause they were close but jeeze.


So. I've decided to make a new character tomorrow, a tank this time, my first character was a pugilist/monk. Aside from the fact that I'll be charging headfirst in every duty instead of following the designated tank, how is the mauruder/ warrior different from the pugilist? And what skills/roles should I be using? Also is it possible to use skills from another class that you wouldn't get normally? using pokemon as an example, like if a pokemon learns a move that its evolution cant learn so it delays evolution until it learns it. That kind of mix and match thing, is that possible? Might be a stupid question..


People malign FFXIV for taking from WoW but I don't think they took enough imo.

Higher damage with short tank CDs would have been more interesting. Also would have solved the healer DPS issue since the higher damage would necessitate more constant healing/mitigation.

WoW's healing paradigm is something from which FFXIV needs to never take inspiration.

FFXIV's healing paradigm is fun and interesting in the first place at all due to the fact that player skill and intelligent use of abilities and resources can lead to a disproportionate amount of reduced damage incoming, on top of the fact that healers are very capable of dealing significant damage - leading to the notion that while doing "just your role" will get you through an encounter, optimizing it to the point where you can deal damage as well gets you through it faster, and that's tangible feedback that you're doing well. This means that healers (and this applies to tanks, too) have lots of room to optimize and have their performance dictated by player skill in a meaningful way. This is indeed basically the premise of SCH in-universe (using superior tactics to support troops, rather than raw power), and they embody it in their playstyle, and it's an underlying truth to how all healers function in this game.

Contrast WoW, where the best you can do as a healer is having health meters and your mana less-depleted on average - because the encounter designs are such that damage is constant, and should the moment ever arise where someone isn't in need of healing or shielding immediately, you're encouraged to instead sit idly so as not to spend more mana than is necessary. Even if you did have the spare time and resources necessary, you wouldn't be able to use it to contribute meaningful damage by design. It's dry and unrewarding.

Some people may dislike the lack of purity amongst non-DPS roles in FFXIV, but it's a major portion of what sets it apart from its contemporaries and what makes them fun in the first place. It ultimately gives you the same tangible reward, regardless of selected role, in a way that wouldn't be possible with a much more pure implementation of the traditional trinity of roles.


People malign FFXIV for taking from WoW but I don't think they took enough imo.

Higher damage with short tank CDs would have been more interesting. Also would have solved the healer DPS issue since the higher damage would necessitate more constant healing/mitigation.

Unless things have changed and healers in that game DPS most of the time now. I haven't played it for years.

Blackest Night is the best tank CD in the game purely because it's on a 15 second cooldown, requires some timing and you get a visible reward if you do it right. It makes a satisfying zing sound when you do it right because it gives you 50 blood when broken.

As a lifelong healer main, I like it how it is. Spam heavy healing is what came into WoW in Wrath in Wrath of the Lich King and it was simply a byproduct of taking a hatchet to classes for easier balance and group formation. I am probably going to carry some salt for the destruction of Burning Crusade's class design theory for as long as I play games.

Also, as of Warlords and Legion, WoW is probably the last game in the genre you want to look towards for tank design.
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