How is everyone liking the game? Is it worth a purchase right now?
How do I increase my research/hr
It's been +54 for fucking ever
I'm in Research Tier 2already, goddamn my storage and amount that can be held jumped but research still +54/hr, hope it increases
Research Tier 4 is motherfucking requirement and that fucking tree to fill up
Right now
I'm 610/5325 with a max storage: 2130
Check your emails, Epic games sent out a survey if you played fortnite. Some interesting details in there, I hope they add raids/a PVP mode.
This game is such a mess of usability issues. Really horrible interface. Tremendous issues with understandability of the metagame, progression, value of currencies and MT purchases.
Please no pvp. Already ruined destiny and the division.
How is everyone liking the game? Is it worth a purchase right now?
Please no pvp. Already ruined destiny and the division.
I'll be logging on for my daily bonuses, but I'm probably gonna retire now and wait until significant changes are made to the game. Once I realize how many loot boxes (Pinata Packs) you can claim daily as a login reward bonus were exclusive to what tier you bought into (I didn't receive my daily loot box today), I decided I couldn't continue playing the game at great length anymore because any significant progress is limited to getting those loot boxes. Obtaining loot boxes are limited to finite campaign quests, buying them with real money (V-bucks), or generating V-bucks from completing daily quests that's only enough to buy one loot box in the span of 2 real-time days because you only get 1 daily quest (50 V-bucks) everyday. It very much feels like pay to win right now. The game would be a lot better if you could get a loot box after every mission you complete as then you can recycle extra materials into additional exp points and crafting items to level up your schematics (weapons and traps) and focus on min-maxing rolls. Otherwise, the progression feels too slow in general and the difficulty doesn't scale well at all until you reach level 15+ or Plankerton. It's just too easy in the beginning.How is everyone liking the game? Is it worth a purchase right now?
How is everyone liking the game? Is it worth a purchase right now?
How is everyone liking the game? Is it worth a purchase right now?
Man, every time I do play with others now it's always Rude the Lightning. This fucking sucks.
May the God Of Olympus guide you in your journey
QUICK, someone airbrush this on velvet
I gave two random dudes a legendary weapon each the other day for no particular reason. Though one of them accidentally gave me his entire life supply of blast powder so I guess it worked out.Some people are nice or underestimate mats
I just ask in chat if I can have mats or even trade and bam. stocked up and ready to make traps and guns
I always found them in basements.Any tips on finding servers to destroy? Any map in particular to find bunkers?
I always found them in basements.
How is everyone liking the game? Is it worth a purchase right now?
How is everyone liking the game? Is it worth a purchase right now?
It confusing for about a day. I watched a video and got it. Now I really like the interface. Anyway there is a patch tommorrow that will let you hide alot of stuff including text chat (yes!).
Hit my first real wall on this.
Homebase Storm Shield 5
That really has the beating of me at the moment. Especially trying to solo it. Have tried a couple of different setups, but they keep getting destroyed.
Also, think I may need to just go and grind a few urban areas to stock up on ammo. Because trying to finish wave 4 of 4 with double digit ammo isn't the cleverest of ideas.
Have you upgraded any of your weapons yet? helped me a ton when I did my Storm Shields.
Hit my first real wall on this.
Homebase Storm Shield 5
That really has the beating of me at the moment. Especially trying to solo it. Have tried a couple of different setups, but they keep getting destroyed.
Also, think I may need to just go and grind a few urban areas to stock up on ammo. Because trying to finish wave 4 of 4 with double digit ammo isn't the cleverest of ideas.
So you have to actually evolve your heroes to level 20 now to get a Tactical Bonus. Before, it was glitched and it allowed you to get the bonus without that requirement. Wish it stayed that way frankly. Not like it's easy to get all that hero exp just for that.
They have wiped the plankerton homebase withouth warning. lol
Thank god, mine was shitThey have wiped the plankerton homebase withouth warning. lol
They have wiped the plankerton homebase withouth warning. lol
Thank god, mine was shit
I agree, it should've been an option.Actually, I will not mind having a "nuke base" that returns mats to the base. But doing this withouth warning is going to hurt people that poured a lot of love in their bases.
In our haste to get this patch out we missed clarifying tweaks to the Plankerton, Canny Valley and Twine Peaks Storm Shield maps. We decided to make change to those maps to improve game balance at upper difficulties. Map changes require us to reset any base you have built. Building materials and traps have been refunded into your Storm Shield Storage, the storage overflows in cases like these so you have every piece of stone, every trap laid ready to be reused. We have to do this to avoid issues with built bases conflicting with the map changes. We know that the time it took to create your base can't be replaced, we hope that opportunity to rebuild with all your resources and past experience will allow you to make an even better base.
Makes sense I guess.
Well it's a test version and not the final release, having all mats and what not returned to the base as balance is done to the maps is fine and much better than a complete nuke with total loss which they could have done.Still the wording is a bit concerning as it implies this is likely not the last base wipe.
Well it's a test version and not the final release, having all mats and what not returned to the base as balance is done to the maps is fine and much better than a complete nuke with total loss which they could have done.
I get that spending a lot of time and having it removed sucks, I spent time on mine too, but as time goes on I also wish I built it in other ways and nows my chance.
My Plankerton base was pretty slick.
Wish they would have reset Stonewood since my base there looks like something out of District 9.
They have wiped the plankerton homebase withouth warning. lol