Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
It took me to Tier 3 all Steel, like 20 fucking walls on Fight the Storm 3 level missions
Then 20 floors and roofs of Tier 3 Brick and we won because I knew the Clusterfuck that comes @ the 5 minute mark
When the real mist monsters come to play
Randoms think putting Tier 1 Steel will Hold out against the waves of enemies that just small Traps will be the key
When you do Fight the Storm missions, you know to burn ALL YOUR RESOURCES, and Farm at least 2 times over just to be safe for at least the onslaught coming at FTS 2 and 3
I'm guessing the next area bumps it to FTS 4 and 5 for last area
Thank fuck I took the extra 15-20 minutes to do so, team was yapping away like we can hold, I said trust me, then when it was over they were like Holy Shit that's insane, you saved us from disaster
Earned 5 Lightning in Bottle, that resource is rare as fuck, no way I'm.burning 1200 Steel Mats and roughly 1500 Brick mats for a fucking loss and not earn that in reward even as Power Level 23 player
I need this FUCKING GAME to drop me a Legendary or Mythic Constructor
I'd drop Soldier in a Heartbeat
I have Rare Soldier @PL 41, Ninja and Outlander @PL 56
Need a damn Base Kyle real bad
Love to build, but have Rare or Uncommon, always get unlucky drops from Loot llamas
Game really needs to address these issues, Survivors and Defenders are heavily favored as Trash
Then 20 floors and roofs of Tier 3 Brick and we won because I knew the Clusterfuck that comes @ the 5 minute mark
When the real mist monsters come to play
Randoms think putting Tier 1 Steel will Hold out against the waves of enemies that just small Traps will be the key
When you do Fight the Storm missions, you know to burn ALL YOUR RESOURCES, and Farm at least 2 times over just to be safe for at least the onslaught coming at FTS 2 and 3
I'm guessing the next area bumps it to FTS 4 and 5 for last area
Thank fuck I took the extra 15-20 minutes to do so, team was yapping away like we can hold, I said trust me, then when it was over they were like Holy Shit that's insane, you saved us from disaster
Earned 5 Lightning in Bottle, that resource is rare as fuck, no way I'm.burning 1200 Steel Mats and roughly 1500 Brick mats for a fucking loss and not earn that in reward even as Power Level 23 player
I need this FUCKING GAME to drop me a Legendary or Mythic Constructor
I'd drop Soldier in a Heartbeat
I have Rare Soldier @PL 41, Ninja and Outlander @PL 56
Need a damn Base Kyle real bad
Love to build, but have Rare or Uncommon, always get unlucky drops from Loot llamas
Game really needs to address these issues, Survivors and Defenders are heavily favored as Trash