F3 demo is lacking... Seems like those sim games can't really capture the sense of speed aspect. While playing F3 demo I couldn't tell which car was faster mini or ferrari, if it wasn't for lap times I would never tell, ferrari feels faster but I could barely tell the difference.
The game is very easy, I haven't played a racing game for about 3 months, with a controller probably 6-7 months and here I am, my 2nd F3 demo try with a mini and I'm first halfway through the first lap with everything off and auto-transmission; I have yet to try manual. Is it made so easy for demo purposes?
Graphics. T10 releasing those beautiful screenshots left and right, but I noticed not many of them were actual gameplay shots, still I was hoping to see this something close at least during gameplay. Sure enough, screenshots don't represent the actual gameplay at all. Yes, scenery is nice, but you know what? I don't remember anything from the scenery when I was driving cars. On the other hand, my car, as well as cars in front of me weren't looking even close to those beautiful screenshots released by T10. What happaned there? Dashboards look like decals, two dimensional, an afterthought really. Shift demo has twice as better looking dashboards. It does look better compared to F2, but not by leaps and bounds as many here suggest.
Didn't really want to touch graphics but there are too many misleading posts already on this subject in this thread alone so I decided to chime in.
...but why is it so easy?