Omar Ismail
gutterboy44 said:Your entire argument is based on the assumption that optional features necessarily = more fun to a given product and that it is impossible for a optional feature to be a deterrent and less fun. A simple scenario of exchanging hot seat laps with a friend where one prefers the use of rewind and the other doesn't could technically detract from the fun. (ohhh shit! look out Brahmagupta variables!)
More importantly, I don't even need a one versus the other scenario to validate my argument, lets assume GT5 and FZ3 have the exact same features, at no point would I ever tout the rewind feature as fun enhancing or integral. It is the very same reason I would never slight a game that didn't have B-Spec mode, by your flawed logic it equates to more fun because some people enjoy it or could use it as a learning tool.
Helloooo McFly!
Omar Ismail said:I'm not trying to convince YOU to like rewind. That's asinine.
My overall mantra is that any feature that makes a game more fun for people while not negatively affecting anybody else is a Good Thing.
Do you honest to God disagree with that statement? Seriously?