Omar Ismail said:As for rewind. It is a genre defining feature.
I played the NFS Shift demo to see if I should rent it to tide me over until F3 hit, and I honestly couldn't play without rewind. I was halfway through the second lap, screwed up and got put into last place after being in first. Realizing I'd have to do the ENTIRE race over, I said screw it and played the F3 demo.
Rewind makes racing games fun and anybody that argues that is a complete moron. Full stop.
I will say that I like the graphics of Shift better than F3 surprisingly enough. Cockpit view was worse though.
So talking about GT5... if it doesn't have rewind then I honestly couldn't care less about it.
You have just described exactly what I hate about that "genre defining feature" and gamers in general today. Gone are the days of having to work hard to achive something you want, gone are the days of pratice makes perfect, gamers today just want to be spoon feed. Then the want to compare e penises like a bunch of morons when half of them couldn't score over 10,000 in pac-man.
Please don't ban me bish, posting in risky thread, goes back to lurking.