How do you play the mantis ship? Really struggling with it. My ship gets annihilated when trying to take over ships.
I just started using the Federation Cruiser (A) after spending time with the Engi (which I loved). Any tips or strategies? It's always awkward when first switching ships.
I realize it has a pre installed beam and 4 weapon slots, so is tried relying on that, but in hasn't been a smooth experience. I feel like it's missing one support system or something. Teleportation? Drones? Cloak? I'm open for anything.
(Advanced content is off, fwiw)
How do you play the mantis ship? Really struggling with it. My ship gets annihilated when trying to take over ships.
I think a lot of people prioritize the flagship's shields right off the bat when they should definitely be looking to mitigate it's damage output first.
You can't treat the flagship like any other ship in the game.
the very first thing you need to do is upgrade your teleporter. not that many ships in the first 3 sectors have medbays so if you are able to beam guys back and heal them in a timely manner then you can simply wear enemy crews out until your mantis bros are leveled. (you get substantially more scrap when you don't outright destroy a ship so the more efficient you become at hollowing ships out the better. more scrap early on allows you to steamroll too). don't let runs get you down though. mantis A is a very, very hard ship to get going with.
Yeah, once you get rid of 3/4 of the weapons it gets to the point where it can't damage you at all, letting you slowly but surely make progress on the rest. Hacked the medbay and had some fun with the rest.
Though I'm not sure of the specifics with that. It started to not lock both doors and they could walk out the top, though usually one would try to get out through the bottom exit and have to shoot the door down, meaning he was toast. Have to mess with it more.
Actually, on that note, has anyone beamed in a crew in a medbay then hacked it? Does that hurt you too?
Any tips for getting Stealth B? The basic ship is absolute chore to operate!
Any tips for getting Stealth B? The basic ship is absolute chore to operate!
You need a good start. Shields ASAP, and also see if you can trade the Glaive Beam for a pair of 2-power weapons, or something like that (1-1-2/1 works too, 4 power is enough for quite long in the game so don't bother upgrading the weapon system anytime soon).
Before that, combat is simple, wait till enemy shoots, wait a bit more for projectile travel, cloak to evade (make sure it has 2 power, medbay is not relevant during battles), shoot the beam so that it starts from shield generator and hits as many rooms as possible (sometimes prioritizing hitting merely max number of rooms is better though). It kills almost all early ships with one beam, and slightly stronger ones too if you take out the shield generator before the beam hits another room. Your weapon gets hit, just restart (if early/first sector).
Also make sure to upgrade engines too, extra dodge and FTL charge are lifesavers.
And hope you're lucky.
Later on... not sure. I used brute force (weapons and defenses mostly) to fight my way through the sectors till 8, where i died (i just wanted Stealth C, didn't really care about winning with B).
Yes indeed, that's exactly how I emptied the flagship on the screenshot above. And indeed, it doesn't hurt you at all (makes sense; it doesn't heal you normally). I ported my boarding party straight to their medbay, waited until a few of their crew were there, then activated the hacking drone. They didn't last long.
(Bonus points: after killing all of the crew in the medbay, my crew destroyed it. I teleported them back, then the remaining enemy crew got into the medbay to repair it. The second they took it from red to orange, I activated the hack again and killed them. This game makes you do evil, evil things).
He meant using the Stealth A (to get the Stealth B). I haven't tried the Stealth B yet, but, why would you ever want to sell the Glaive? It's one of the best weapons in the game and particularly perfect for a stealth ship.
Duh. Missed "getting". I read too fast.
The Glaive is powerful but its drawbacks make it a weak weapon. Long reload, even with that reload augment (Weapon Pre-Igniter is another matter of course), requires a lot power, is weak against shields.
The Vulcan Chain Laser, Burst Laser MkIII are definitively superior, and i prefer, with the ships 3 weapon slots, something like 2-3-3 when it comes to power use in late game.
I guess one could combine the Glaive with missiles or bombs but getting them requires weapon power upgrades, so it ain't viable early on really.
My hacking strat fell apart when trying to face the second level of the flagship. It's anti-drone would shoot down the hacking drone down every time. Really needed some sort of missile weapon to distract it.
I recal reading They want to have it optimised for windows touch screens later onCan anybody confirm whether it now functions correctly on Windows 8 tablets?
All I read is how difficult this game is, pretty much stopped me from buying this gabe when I initially was really interested
I don't usually post about the progress of runs, as generally I'm pretty terrible at this game, but I am extremely pleased with my progress thus far and I really need some advice from somebody more skilled than I about what direction I need to take my ship.
I don't usually post about the progress of runs, as generally I'm pretty terrible at this game, but I am extremely pleased with my progress thus far and I really need some advice from somebody more skilled than I about what direction I need to take my ship. My current stats are:
and I'm at a shop with these:
I've never finished the game, yet I'm in Sector 5 right now and this run is far better than my previous run to reach this area (I had a Kestral A run to reach the first phase of the final boss, and I destroyed this phase, but the second phase almost instantly destroyed me) so I would really appreciate any advice on what I should be aiming for/doing. I also have four crew members, two Engi (engine and weapon systems), a human (the pilot), and a Mantis (Shield system).
EDIT: Oh and my previous run that progressed so far on easy so this is quite a significant jump and I'd rather not squander it by being unprepared for the final boss.
Does the drone recovery arm reclaim hacking pods?
Hacking is awesome, but that might make you too reliant on using multiple drone parts per fight.
I sincerely think the most unbalanced thing in this game is the "intruders" event you get when you warp into certain beacons. I've had more ship wipes due to them just spawning on my door or camera systems and blowing them up before I can even properly react. Even worse is that this event happens even if you have Zoltan shields.
Is fun and awesome on easy. . and still not that easy
Does anybody know whether they added a random shield piercing effect to weapons? I swear I saw a (regular light) laser beam pass right through one shield bubble (without depleting it) and nail a room.
Certain beams will go through shields depending on how much damage they naturally do. Artillery Beam gives no fucks about shields at all. I think the Glaive and Halberd can go through 1 shield level or so but I'd have to check. Fire and Anti-Bio beams need shields to be down in order to do damage though.
Does anybody know whether they added a random shield piercing effect to weapons? I swear I saw a (regular light) laser beam pass right through one shield bubble (without depleting it) and nail a room.
I don't usually post about the progress of runs, as generally I'm pretty terrible at this game, but I am extremely pleased with my progress thus far and I really need some advice from somebody more skilled than I about what direction I need to take my ship.
I sincerely think the most unbalanced thing in this game is the "intruders" event you get when you warp into certain beacons. I've had more ship wipes due to them just spawning on my door or camera systems and blowing them up before I can even properly react. Even worse is that this event happens even if you have Zoltan shields.
- Pause
- Open all doors (close medbay doors)
- Send your crew into medbay
- shut off O²
- Unpause
- Watch them suffocate while you rub your hands together gleefully like a maniac
Well, that strategy wouldn't work if he had no door control. Also, if they hit the O2 generator, I would make a priority securing and repairing it, otherwise you may well end up in a no-win condition if the entire ship is without oxygen, including the medbay, and you can't leave it for long enough to repair the O2 system.
Intruders will happen.
I think my biggest issue when I first started playing was that I always played with the mindset of "As long as no one boards my ship" too much.
Nooooo. Made it to the boss on hard, and he hacked my shields. A lot of people have been saying hacking is too random there, and I agree. Because of the way the boss works with, plenty of crew, and cloaking on top of it just in case the already very fast repair wasn't enough, the choice of hacking is too big. Even if you did disable the hacking controls, it wouldn't really do anything, because they'd repair it while cloaked and still use it on schedule. So the difference between getting lucky and having sensors or oxygen hacked, or getting unlucky and having weapons or shields hacked, is monstrous. It's not fun watching the hacking drone fly towards your ship to choose a random target, because you know it is such an overwhelmingly important part of the battle and you can't do anything about it.almost everything connected
There wasn't much to do but slug it out, and I got to the 2nd stage, but was too damaged to survive.
If they hack something integral you can't deal with, jump away. Engines should be high enough so that it's not a big deal. If you want to play it safe, just hacking their hacking puts things back on an even playing field.
Single most painful thing in existence = watching someone else play.
I'm currently watching a let's play where the guy is quite good but constantly powers down his engines and moans about not dodging any shots, always buys a teleporter even when his crew consists of only two engys and lives in a constant state of forgetting to re-power disabled systems.
'I don't understand why I haven't done any damage to the other ship in the last half hour... There shields must be regening too fast'.
NO! Your weapons were ion'd in the first round and haven't fired since as all the power is sat in the power bar waiting for you to notice a giant fucking green column of spare energy.
I need a cup of tea.
That description seriously doesn't match my definition of "quite good".![]()
Compared to most let's players I have seen he's normally on top of most things, I have seen some who haven't realised that you can pause the game or those who just leave there variety of weapons on auto fire and hate beams as they 'must be bugged as they do nothing'.
There was one guy who had somehow unlocked every version of every ship yet wasn't aware that you had to buy extra power to fuel those ship upgrades, he flew under the steadfast belief he had double shields even though the top two slots were never powered.
It's a love hate relationship as they do make me feel much better about my continued failed efforts in getting past the new flagship. Also helps my ego get passed that I have probably done the exact same mistakes and was never aware as no-one could comment on them!
You don't need any other weapon early on. The glaive does 3 damage; most ships in the first couple of sectors have one shield; that means you can still do 2 damage per room it traces. Better yet, if you start tracing the shield station, it will most likely go down, doing full damage to all the other rooms.
Its long recharge time is offset by the stealth system itself; better yet, you can fire it even when stealthed, as it's a beam weapon and doesn't drop stealth. All in all, I can't think of a better weapon for a stealth cruiser!
If they hack something integral you can't deal with, jump away. Engines should be high enough so that it's not a big deal. If you want to play it safe, just hacking their hacking puts things back on an even playing field.
Not only that; hacking their hacking tends to destroy their hacking drone, forcing them to redeploy. You can keep doing this until it hits a system you don't need, then stop counterhacking altogether.
Further, I assume deploying a defense drone right as the battle starts would counter their hacking drone, right? That's two systems that can counter the flagship's hacking, not counting jumping away, focusing fire on it, etc. To add to that, the most efficient strategy against the flagship is boarding to disable three of its guns, no weapons needed until that point. I'd say hacking is balanced enough, it's just that we're so used to fighting the flagship without it.
I just played again, this time getting hacking... but the same thing happened. They randomly hacked my shields again, and even though I hacked their hacking it still killed most of my life.
I think what happened is that if you don't match the exact level they have, your cool off periods won't line up, and they'll still get you. I was hoping it would destroy their hacking drone or something, that seems fair. Unfortunately no.
Also, hacking their hacking doesn't unlock the doors except when you actually activate it so it doesn't even fully counter it if you had exactly matched levels.
Either way, it isn't an even playing field. Regardless of what setup you have, the coin flip of which system they choose is the most important factor in the battle, and you have no control over it.
Maybe the level matters, but it didn't destroy their drone for me.
I've had defense drones up on lower difficulties and it got past.
The rest of your strategy doesn't work on hard since. They repair everything very fast (especially taking cloaking into account), the first time I disabled it but it would always come right back.some of the weapons are connected to the ship
Obviously it's possible, I just don't like that the biggest turning point in the fight is one momentous coin toss at the beginning.
So there are difficulty modes, good to know
Edit: and I read even the easy mode is hard as hell, lol
I'd save scrap for another weapon. Hacking is awesome, but that might make you too reliant on using multiple drone parts per fight. So I'd save until I found a good 3 shot weapon...a bomb would also be a pretty good option right now. Could help get shield down once they get to 3 levels, and tend to be pretty cheap.
EDIT: I always buy the defense scrambler if I have a chance. Makes a huge difference later on, especially for the final fight.
Coming back to the discussion we had earlier about the boss battle dominating strategy during the run too much - Mind Control + Hacking is a really fun combination that takes you through most of the game easily... but I won't take it, because I need one spot for the crew teleporter, which I consider almost a must-have against the flagship.
- Pause
- Open all doors (close medbay doors)
- Send your crew into medbay
- shut off O²
- Unpause
- Watch them suffocate while you rub your hands together gleefully like a maniac
Thanks to you and the others who replied. I went for the defense scrambler, upgraded shields, and upgraded dodge while hoarding the rest for another weapon. Unfortunately I ended up seventeen scrap pieces short of the Glaive beam at the final shop and despite having high defense and evade, I was absolutely slaughtered by the first stage of the final boss. I couldn't strip the shields fast enough to allow the fire drone to (drones were never actually an issue though on the run thankfully, ended up with twenty-four at the final boss; finishing every battle by burning the enemies' systems helped) before it ended up cloaking, recharging everything, and slaughtering me. Thanks for the assistance, but I think I'll have to go back to easy or find another approach.