Watching lethalfrag do no pause hard mode runs is so cool. He's so quick to react immediately to what the enemy is capable of, which makes me appreciate the game on another level.
The ridiculous Mantis ship runs he's had the past few days have been awesome. He goes 7 sectors finding pretty much no weapons on the Mantis C and then gets an Ion Bomb and a Breach Bomb to pretty much dunk the flagship.
It's really fun how you can counter things the flagship does with many different things. The game feels hard but fair. He had a brain fart to not pick up hacking but picked up cloaking and it ended up working out well when his piloting got hacked he could at least cloak to have some evasion.
I may end up buying the game just to wuss out and play on easy. It's fun to watch that is for sure. My sleep has been fucked 5 nights a week watching Frag play. I'm just glad he's not a huge douche or unbearable or anything so I can at least listen to him while I do other things.
I need alternative weapons soon enough. And if you get hit, not impossible even with cloak on, and get hit on the weapon, you're fucked. The weapon is way too risky.
And hitting the shield generator is what i do, but sometimes it is not enough, if the enemy has upgraded shields, one beam might not damage the shields enough.
Maybe the level matters, but it didn't destroy their drone for me.
The rest of your strategy doesn't work on hard since. They repair everything very fast (especially taking cloaking into account), the first time I disabled it but it would always come right back.some of the weapons are connected to the ship
Obviously it's possible, I just don't like that the biggest turning point in the fight is one momentous coin toss at the beginning.
Oh yeah, if you get hacking or mind control make sure to get 3rd level. cloak you can make good things happen on 1 level, depending on your build...getting 3 and using it as a preigniter is nice, but yeah, if you only have 1 level on hacking or mind control they'll still mess ya up!
EDIT: And yeah, defense 2 SHOULD do a good job of keeping hacking off, but the flagship can spam it (not sure what the limit is, but i've seen them send 4 at a rate of 1 per second until they managed to slip one by (which can happen, but is maybe only a 25% chance.
I may end up buying the game just to wuss out and play on easy. It's fun to watch that is for sure. My sleep has been fucked 5 nights a week watching Frag play. I'm just glad he's not a huge douche or unbearable or anything so I can at least listen to him while I do other things.
Level 1 mind control is good enough to dispel enemy mind control, any higher is a waste of power unless you're planning on using mind control offensively.
Hacking drones get shot down by Mk 1 Defense Drones as well I think, but they probably don't fire as fast. Level 1 mind control is good enough to dispel enemy mind control, any higher is a waste of power unless you're planning on using mind control offensively.
I have to admit that I really love Mind Control. One of the greatest benefits, I find is that it allows you to immediately remove the enemies' evasion to secure some guaranteed early blows by hacking the pilot, in addition to serving as an offensive element by causing them to damage crew members. It also serves two primary defensive mechanisms, dispelling enemy Mind Control is certainly one benefit, but it can be used, in my experience, to great effect by using it against enemy boarding parties, particularly if paired with blast doors, as it allows you to keep all of your crew at their stations and using the boarding party to distract the boarding party until they can be teleported back to the ship. In saying all this, it certainly isn't nearly as powerful as Hacking is..
Upgrading weapons to rank 5 is expensive early on (money i'd rather save for augments and other stuff). Using 2-2 or 2-1-1 or even just 2-1 gives me redundancy and buffer both.How does that differ from any other weapon?If you're afraid of that you can always upgrade the weapon system to provide some buffer.
Oh yeah, if you get hacking or mind control make sure to get 3rd level. cloak you can make good things happen on 1 level, depending on your build...getting 3 and using it as a preigniter is nice, but yeah, if you only have 1 level on hacking or mind control they'll still mess ya up!
I'd put Mind Control just above Hacking because it can deal some serious damage when used at the right time, and it doesn't require secondary resources like drones.
This game is really hard. So I finally get to the flagship with the Engi ship for the second try. I whoop his ass and he runs. I whoop his ass in the next solar system and he runs. What's jacked is that he's fully healed up each time. Then in the 3rd area he finally kills me because unlike him, I don't get to heal to full every time I run. I guess I need to hit his engines but I have such a hard time even getting through his shields with my guns on autofire and I focused all attacks on shields. I switched to defensive drones to try to keep the missiles at bay which worked great. Then I'm getting boarded and fires and systems down, I can't keep track enough to even switch my targets as I'm putting out fires. I guess I need to pause more often. Damn!
Sucks to have it all gone and back to square one where maybe I'll get lucky and not get boarded by an army early like what happens at times.
Fun game, but damn!! Still have yet to beat the flagship on easy after 3 days. Maybe I suck.
Na dude, it took me ages till I first beat him, even on easy.
Another tip is not to use autofire. Use Pause A LOT and plan your weapon hits manually.
Fun game, but damn!! Still have yet to beat the flagship on easy after 3 days. Maybe I suck.
I used to get really annoyed at losing this game but once you win once every loss after that doesn't feel so tragic. If you resign yourself to chance, accept what ever fate throws at you and don't plan too far ahead then this game is ... [Ship Destroyed]
So I'm on normal again. I'm pwning face. I get to the boss, get through both his first phases like a goddamn boss. I enter the third phase with full health. Before I can get rid of his zoltan shields (and I have 2, 3 shot lasers and two types of teleporting bombs) he gets a missile volley off and hits every system, and continues to hit every system with every volley. I literally can't do shit. From full health to zero with nothing I could do about it. Cheap. Just dumb and cheap. So pissed.
So I'm on normal again. I'm pwning face. I get to the boss, get through both his first phases like a goddamn boss. I enter the third phase with full health. Before I can get rid of his zoltan shields (and I have 2, 3 shot lasers and two types of teleporting bombs) he gets a missile volley off and hits every system, and continues to hit every system with every volley. I literally can't do shit. From full health to zero with nothing I could do about it. Cheap. Just dumb and cheap. So pissed.
Yeah, this is exactly why I don't fight the boss without cloaking anymore.
Get either a stealth system or pump upgrades into engines and shields.
I do, always have 4 shields and engines are either maxed or close to maxed. When I was fucking with him like a boss, he was missing everything, I was fucking up his shit. Oh, final stage? Oh let me hit every system with a missile and have it explode with fire and your crew close to death before you can even get through the zoltan shield.
How do I get zoltan shields? I know about the shield bot (awesome) and I have maxed out my shields but never actually got the real deal myself. Is it obtained by a quest or what?
Had a really fun run last night. I think Fire Bomb might be my favorite weapon. Send one over, immediately followed by a pair of rockmen. It's a recipe for maniacal cackling.
I eventually managed to get a pair of fire drones, too. That feel when you've got every room of the flagship on fire at the same time. Go ahead and turn on your advanced AI control. You can't repair anything when everything is on fire.
Weapon pre-igniter is basically broken in general. I'm just glad that random enemies don't ever seem to have it.
The Augment itself can't be obtained outside of playable Zoltan ships (which obviously start with it). The drone is as good as any other ship can get.
Ah, alright.
The drone seem like the better option as it regens the shield though.
Ah, alright.
The drone seem like the better option as it regens the shield though.
No that is wrong in AE, in AE if you run into th same quest they unlocks the zoltan cruiser, if you complete it and 'unlock the cruiser' your current ship gets the zoltan shield augment, you can get if even if you already unlocked the ship before.
This is only do the AE version tho.
Can you still play the original version, or does the update forces you to play the game with the new mechanics?
Try this. I'm going to use it to give myself a clean save for mods. When I have myself set up I'll post that if someone needs it. Just create a new prof.sav then erase or move the existing ae_prof.sav file you have. The next time you load it will convert the save file with all of the ships unlocked.Can someone please post their complete savegame file with all the unlocked ships and types? I post 5 pages back but no one responded :'(
Many thanks...You can toggle if you want Advanced Edition content on or off when you start a run.
No that is wrong in AE, in AE if you run into th same quest they unlocks the zoltan cruiser, if you complete it and 'unlock the cruiser' your current ship gets the zoltan shield augment, you can get if even if you already unlocked the ship before.
This is only do the AE version tho.