I finally make it to the rock homeworlds and I don't get the quest. Seriously considering using a modded save to unlock all the ships.
You mean the Cruiser?Anyone got a preferred tactic for the federation ship?
You mean the Cruiser?
Artillery beam, artillery beam, and artillery beam.
Anything else is support. Mind control, hacking, cloak (you can get it for the Cruiser in AE), ions that sort of thing. Don't bother with teleport. You're likely to mess up and stupidly kill your boarding team as the (yep, you guessed it) artillery beam tears the enemy ship apart. Happened to pretty much everyone playing the Cruiser at least twice.
Since you're going to blast ships rather than ransack them, a Scrap Recovery Arm is quite necessary (SRA is generally useful since it gives more scrap even if you ransack ships).
Yeah, I actually dislike how much I rely on the teleporter. Even if my crew isn't really made for boarding I will always get one to disable the weapons, otherwise the shield + dodge rate is usually too much for me to try and deal with along with those damn triple rockets.
Might need to try hacking the shield(...or engine) one of these times and see how it goes. It's just too damn useful on all the stages otherwise.
If you play the Engi A ship ever, max the drones. Get two Defense II drones and a Defense 1 drones. Four bars of engines. Level 3 shields. Level 3 hacking will help for the third phase when the boss boards your ship and mind controls your crew. The defense drones will minimize damage from the triple missiles. Hacking will is especially useful in phase 3, in the earlier phases I tend to use it to kill the shields. Whatever beast weapon you have at this stage can handle the rest.
Unlocked Rock B.
Fucking cheevos.
Finally got to the final stand on hard mode, stealth cruiser type b (my favorite ship)
Got a Vulcan cannon early on, picked up a second and got rid of the glaive. Was really fucking powerful going into the final battle...
But... Asshole hacked my weapons system and that was that. With cloak and hacking combined I could barely get the charges going. I even had the weapon pre igniter and still was essentially powerless. Hacking is fucking OP, no way I should have lost on the first stage. Tore any other ship up in seconds.
Edit: also had stealth weapons. That was a ship I would have wanted in infinite space mode.
So a guy at a company I work for started playing this again. I thought I'd get in on the action.
First jump in the Kestrel A? Meteor field with an AI drone. Took a ton of damage due to their cloak and ion beam.
Finally blow them up, jump out, straight into a rebel fighter that proceeds to crack open my hull like an eggshell.
End of the run. All crew members dead due to fires. Two jumps.
I'm going to go cry.
The firebeam is illegal amounts of fun. This guy just stood at the helm, knowing there was nothing that could be done, and died when the oxygen ran out.
Later, these guys boarded and had no ship to return to.![]()
For some reason Steam isn't syncing my cloud saves anymore... was working fine for the longest time, but now my saves aren't transferring and it's scaring me a little (on one PC I have Rock B unlocked, the other I don't. I don't want it to finally kick in and sync the less advanced save... especially since getting a teleporter and something that sets the enemy on fire has been a bitch to get.
So let's say, through horrible, preposterous, asinine planning, you find yourself in a situation where you can either upgrade your shields or evasion. Which should be prioritized?
Early game I prioritize shields, late game I prioritize evasion.
My favorite strat, hands down. Runner ups include oxygen manipulation and med bay hacking.In the continued adventures of lol firebeam, we meet the dreaded Flagship.
(Excuse the discolouration, it's f.lux)
See that was my plan when I accidentally killed the whole enemy crew in Phase 3 of a Captain's Edition mod run.Sounds like LethalFrag's hard mode run with the Mantis B. He was able to micro his crew members to avoid losing any to the mind control, but ended up in a similar stalemate until he teleported six crew members over there to keep every important system down for as long as possible.
Damnit I was so close to beating the last boss with the Rock B on hard! In my first fight with him my strategy was to hack the missile turret, then teleport my Rockmen in there to kill the crew. Their crew would die before they could break through the hacked doors. Eventually I had whittled them down to two, but I myself had taken significant damage. I had no way to pierce his shields because my weapons sucked, so I had the bright idea of jumping away to a nearby repair beacon, and then re-engaging him with his reduced crew and hacking his shield instead. Turns out his crew replenishes if you escaped from him!
I finally beat the first form and ended with critical health, then I was reminded that his second form had a defence drone... With my Rockmen unable to overpower his crew, and no way to drop his shields, all I could do was admit defeat.
My final weapons were a chain laser, the initial heavy pierce laser and a hull smasher laser 2 (which I wasn't able to use because I foolishly decided to overlook weapons upgrading as boarding had served me well in the second half of the game). I think I had already sold the firebomb when I got the teleporter. I'll be sure to try it next time!Did you sell your firebomb in that run? You could have firebombed the enemy shield room and teleported your crew in there, eventually the AI would have given up the room as the fire spread and your rock crew could sit and chill while attacking the shield room uncontested.
Vulcan is too good.
Modded Captains Edition with the infinite progression mod and no fleet chasing you turns this into the Star Trek game I've always dreamed of.
Thanks for mentioning this. It had never occured to me that FTL would have mods. Captain's Edition with infinite is great!
Infinite drags on a little too long (hurhurhur).
Seriously, infinite is mostly busy work. At least with the additional weapon mods it keeps it fairly interesting (modified versions of every weapon with both being stronger and weaker to give it a diablo-esque loot system
This game needs a PvP mode. Or at least do a sequel with one. The devs are sitting on a goldmine here, could also include clans and whatnot..
I was thinking this as well. I dunno how i'd fare without pausing though ._.
also, this happened to me last week
I normally air out any intruders, but this time it really bit me in the ass when they hit my door system. Felt helpless. Then I got a rock man in the next area and upgraded my health systems and everything was good.
How would that work exactly? Forced no pausing or would it have predetermined turns?This game needs a PvP mode. Or at least do a sequel with one. The devs are sitting on a goldmine here, could also include clans and whatnot..
Five sector map.How would that work exactly? Forced no pausing or would it have predetermined turns?
lol how the hell did that happen?