How so?

How so?
No it's not.
Well it's not the weakest deck for sure, but to say it's "strong" is pretty optimistic. I don't think I lost a single match to a druid when I did the climb from rank 5 to legend.
Just because he ran Rag out onto a field of 1/1's doesn't mean he's an idiot. He probably had a hand full of "answer" cards and Rag was the only play that made sense.
Lol I'm playing Sjow on stream right now wtf?
Edit: Its over rofl, I crushed him RNGstone.
I just got 4 priest in a row in arena.
Yeah, I don't have any of the wings and don't stand a chance this time around in the ladder. Already getting creamed at rank 17.
They wouldn't be playing Priest if they weren't hellbent on forcing both players into fatigue every game.
They wouldn't be playing Priest if they weren't hellbent on forcing both players into fatigue every game.
They wouldn't be playing Priest if they weren't hellbent on forcing both players into fatigue every game.
Well said. 15-20 minute games are a highlight of playing priest and if you can string out a game you know you have zero chance of winning a further 10 minutes then that's as good as a win in my book.
Yeah, I don't have any of the wings and don't stand a chance this time around in the ladder. Already getting creamed at rank 17.
Acinixys said:Just played a Warrior with 12 legendaries in his deck. I know cause he played all of them
I've been losing like crazy in ranked. Played my murloc deck for about an hour today, and won all of one game; it was pretty dispiriting.
I don't know If I'm lucky to get a bunch of Legendaries or Unlucky to not get many Epics. I have (not counting Naxx) 8 legendaries and only 13 Epics, (1 crafted Legendary and 2 crafted Epics) I almost always have the 2 or 3 legendaries I need for a deck but rarerly the epics.
Are you sure you just haven't dusted some of the bad epics? I would just dust something like Bestial Wrath, Shadowform, or Kidnapper. Too much potential dust to let it sit on a card I'm never going to use.
I don't know If I'm lucky to get a bunch of Legendaries or Unlucky to not get many Epics. I have (not counting Naxx) 8 legendaries and only 13 Epics, (1 crafted Legendary and 2 crafted Epics) I almost always have the 2 or 3 legendaries I need for a deck but rarerly the epics.
For perspective I've played since the second week of open beta. Playing just about enough of the game to not miss any daily quests but not much beyond that.
Sometimes the RNG in this game can be pretty fun.
I had nothing but 2 unleash the hounds in my hand and a Webspinner on board versus 3 minions of my mage opponent. Guess which beast i got by suiciding the Webspinner ?
Totally won that game huntard style.
Don't hate me gaf, I don't have the legendaries for something like control paladin, priest or warrior, and zoo is even more braindead than hunter.
I got the buzzard by the way
So I wonder--I've played several games against hunters over the last few days, and almost every game ended up in me being destroyed. Complaints about hunters has been a consistent thread throughout the life of HS; even with the UTH nerf (what did they even change?), they're still one of the most discussed (reviled?) classes. Are hunters just fundamentally broken? Are their synergies too strong? Would a few changes bring them back down to Earth, or does the entire class need a redesign (like the WoW hunter, just in reverse)? Don't know if I've ever seen a deck type be so dominant for so long.
When UTH had a "MUCH higher" mana cost... they were irrelevant.
Hunters have been pretty polarizing so far.
UTH 1.0: Annoying class with an OTK but bad at competitive levels
UTH 2.0 (4 mana): Lost their ace in the hole so they became totally useless
UTH 2.1 (2 mana): Finally became a competitive deck, and it was a doozy
UTH 2.2 (3 mana): Semi-balanced, strong, but not too strong
Post-Naxx: Became dominating again thanks to Mad Scientist, Creeper, Webspinner and the decline of Rogue, which had a favorable matchup against Hunter and was also dominant in the months prior to Naxx
All hnter specific cards need a relooking at imo
As much as cards like Savannah Highmane and Hunter's Mark are in the spotlight right now, Hunter was not at the top of the meta pre-Naxx. Mad Scientist, Webspinner, and Haunted Creeper are ultimately what pushed them over. And of those, I think it's Mad Scientist that's so strong to the point of being overpowered. It's also fueling some really annoying Mage Secret decks.
Everything will be fine if people just start running Secret Keeper and Bloodsail Corsair.
This game is like crack, if my internet wasn't so shitty right now i would buy a bunch of card packs with real money. Also i'm wondering if i can change my client to english and not break everything, using the spanish translation seem off somehow....
There is a way pretty easily. I think it is an ini file or something. You can probably just google it.
Was the 500 wins a ranked only thing?
Dan, I guess I have to climb that Zoo Hunter hole more oftenYep, only ranked wins count.
Don't worry, you can counter mad scientist with flare.
Oh wait.
Unless it's a mage, since Counterspell triggers before Flare :>
So Pyromancer Equality is dumb shit, but getting 4 Thaddiuses with Rivendare/Reincarnate/Faceless whatever you used is legit?Wild Pyro + Equality is pretty retarded
Lost a game where I had 4 Thaddius on the field to that dumb shit