Sunwalker has become very rare as well in "optimal" decks outside of things like Kel'Thuzad.
I feel it used to fit in the "really amazing" category in the basic set though.
RIP Twitch part two
What's this story about Amaz inviting people to his tournament that were already eliminated in the qualifiers? Half the story seems to be in deleted Reddit threads and all I'm getting out of Amaz's "official" explanation is that it's "fixed" now without actually saying what that means.
What's this story about Amaz inviting people to his tournament that were already eliminated in the qualifiers? Half the story seems to be in deleted Reddit threads and all I'm getting out of Amaz's "official" explanation is that it's "fixed" now without actually saying what that means.
Oh, inviting people back into the qualifiers after they were already disqualified? I mean, that would be fucked up if I was someone who wasn't disqualified.
No invites can be extended except for seeding preference
The more I think about it, even getting invited into groups if you lose the qualifiers, even if a spot opens up they need to fill, shouldn't be allowed.
I mean, it doesn't say it explicitly but inviting someone to a higher seed after they've already failed breaks this rule I think.
I'm pretty sure the Pinnacle would not qualify for points, given that it'll be 5 invites and 3 from qualifiers.
You're right, it's late here and miscounted the minions LOL!
Owl + Ragnaros would work too.
Trump just threw a game by picking Druid a second time![]()
Why is Twitch still down? Did someone set the servers on fire or something? I need something to distract from studying for finals!
Why is Twitch still down? Did someone set the servers on fire or something? I need something to distract from studying for finals!
People want to watch popular streamers in tourneys, not nobodies. Stream numbers will be up if popular or interesting players are in your tournament.
What are you talking about willis? Mech Warper is perfectly balanced!
See balanced just like Dr. Boom. Not pictured the instant concede after i ended my turn.
I decided to get my Asia-account going after decking out EU and NA pretty decently. First pack from that "get a character to level 10"-mission, Cairne and golden Lavaburst...
Good job fighting cancer with cancer.I live doing things like this to Hunters
Serious fuck that class
LMAO!Good job fighting cancer with cancer.
Sebastian Fors ‏@ForsenSC2 10m10 minutes ago
Today I qualified for Pinnacle 4 (2nd time in a row),won twitch awards for most cancerous chat and got second place for best hs stream! ggwp
Golden Recombobulator makes the creature it turns golden, that's pretty awesome.
Anyway, looking for input on this burner priest deck. I opened two Shadowbombers recently and wanted to try this idea out. The potential for burst is there easily but I can easily say after two games I don't have enough minions and I feel like that is something that should change. Maybe I just need stickier minions that'll deal damage over a long period and survive a bit longer to make it to a crazy burst combo. I'm just not sure yet. Just going to keep testing it out and go from there. Any advice is appreciated!
First image was my original idea, and second is my first attempt at changing things;
Can it juggle itself?I made this card as the joke idea for how Knife Juggler could be made more random without being better, but I wonder if there are actually decks where this would be run. Unleash The Hounds would be chaos from either player with one of these out.
Can it juggle itself?
This seems like a card that Blizzard could actually design. They love stuff like this.
Arcane Golems, maybe? If you want stickier minions, maybe Shades of Naxxramas instead? What is Vol'Jin's role in the deck as it stands?
I live doing things like this to Hunters
Serious fuck that class
If that card lowered attack to 0 then it would crush aggro.
Figured that'd be too good, yeah.
It would hit itself because I like how stupid that is.
But now, the dude running a Hobgoblin deck loves you.
Would be awkward. A hobgoblin deck would be running things at 1-atk already and the buff would leave them neutered after buff. If anything, druid is a good class for hobgoblin, so the druid with this card could run hobgoblin and then taunt or trade of the arch druid and have a nasty board. I like the idea that this would me taunt buffs more useful for druids.
Does a Stormwind Champion let 0-atk minions get buffed by Hobgoblin?