TiltOf course I have to play to the 1 priest on ladder teched against control while playing control warrior. Double SW Death, double holy fire, double mindcontrol, and big game hunter? COME ON!
so, the druid card 'wrath'
seems like the 1 damage draw is just there to tempt you away from making the correct decision of going with the 3 damage to minion, which druid really, really lacks
so, the druid card 'wrath'
seems like the 1 damage draw is just there to tempt you away from making the correct decision of going with the 3 damage to minion, which druid really, really lacks
I imagine one of the curse sites might let you do that but I'm not entirely sure. Many give deck stats and stuff for in visual cards.Is there a deck site that lets you search by card? Like, say I want to find all Mage decks that use Unstable Portal.
Is there a deck site that lets you search by card? Like, say I want to find all Mage decks that use Unstable Portal.
Is there a deck site that lets you search by card? Like, say I want to find all Mage decks that use Unstable Portal.
As a Druid you will dominate the midgame with your overbudgeted drops
I don't really think of druid cards being particularly over budget, not really more than any other class. Are you just saying that druid class cards are midgame oriented?
Pretty sure Hearthpwn does this. Just search for the card and there is a link to all the decks that that card is in.
Hearthpwn lets you filter cards that you want included or excluded. Pretty good search tools there.
Essentially yes, aside from Lore Druid cards are more or less on the same level as other good class cards in terms of budget. War too but he's not played that consistently. It's the breaking of the curve combined with drops like Claw and Shredder into Sylvanas, Lore, Belcher and Keeper if needed that lets you take over the board with relative ease.I don't really think of druid cards being particularly over budget, not really more than any other class. Are you just saying that druid class cards are midgame oriented?
So apparently Hobodin is a thing now![]()
Ebolodin seems to be the name it's going by on twitch from what I saw :|
So apparently Hobodin is a thing now![]()
Just know I wasn't hopping on a bandwagon, I was already riding the damn thing when all these new people showed up.
When the fuck are they going to nerf Mech Mage Jesus Christ.
NOTHING but Face Hunter, Mech Mage, and Zoolock all fucking day long.
When is Blizzard going to realize that this is not an ideal state for the meta to be in. Something is wrong.
When the fuck are they going to nerf Mech Mage Jesus Christ.
NOTHING but Face Hunter, Mech Mage, and Zoolock all fucking day long.
When is Blizzard going to realize that this is not an ideal state for the meta to be in. Something is wrong.
Opinion completely valid, but seeing same decks sucks anyway.But I really have no idea why yall hate them. As a casual player who has never played any card games before, I much prefer fast games. I don't want to play matches that last more than 10 minutes. Also I have no interest in spending a bunch of time getting great or competitive... I barely play more than 2 or 3 games per day, if that
So I didn't start laddering until late this season but what happened with mage? Did someone popular start playing a mage deck with mana wyrms and a bunch of secrets? I've seen that same deck a bunch of times now around rank 6 and not even a single mech mage. It's so common I'm considering running double kezan.
But it seems pretty apparent that most of the regulars in this OT do not like fast agro decks, so I recognize I'm in the minority and won't push the issue
But I really have no idea why yall hate them. As a casual player who has never played any card games before, I much prefer fast games. I don't want to play matches that last more than 10 minutes. Also I have no interest in spending a bunch of time getting great or competitive... I barely play more than 2 or 3 games per day, if that
I've seen Savjz experiment with Tempo Mage as well, people are playing some weird variants too. The other day I drew like shit with Oil Rogue and lost to this guy with Sorcerer's Apprentice, double Frostbolt/Flamecannon and Water Eles.Tempo mage, probably the deck Trump was laddering with a bit ago. Turn one wyrm, turn two unstable portal or a removal spell, spirals out from there.
Opinion completely valid, but seeing same decks sucks anyway.
Personally if I'm going to lose I want it to feel like I've either been outplayed or made a mistake, losing against face hunter feels like neither. It's a really really dumb deck (as in there's no subtlety, no thinking etc) where you mostly feel hopeless and like you've actually outplayed them but still lost.
I've seen Savjz experiment with Tempo Mage as well, people are playing some weird variants too. The other day I drew like shit with Oil Rogue and lost to this guy with Sorcerer's Apprentice, double Frostbolt/Flamecannon and Water Eles.
So basically 10+ arena
My god.
Murlocadin has to be the most fun this game has to offer....
Some of the OTK's you get are insane.
I don't really have a problem with face hunter decks. If you can trade and stall the board they gas out and lose and if they win by bum rushing your ass it rewards them for taking the risk of building the deck in that direction. I'm also grateful to have a cheap deck I can craft that can stop my opponents before they drop their legendaries or combo off 20 plus points of damage in one turn. If whatever you're playing doesn't respect face hunter as part of the meta and gets overrun then so be it.I can understand some of what you're saying. And I'll honestly discuss the subject in a straightforward manner
It's totally true that there's very little thinking in the deck, but I have no problem admitting that's the exact reason why I like it! Like I mentioned, I've never played any card game before (physical or digital). My brother played Magic though and he said it was much more complicated than HS. I cannot even fathom that, because some of the control decks in HS already seem super complicated to me that requires too much thinking
Here's the part I don't understand though and want to ask yall. Seems like everyone complains about Face Hunter because they say it's super OverPowered and totally imbalanced. But I have not found that to be the case:
I got to rank 11 or 12 with no trouble. Again I'll admit that it required no thinking and I probably won literally 80% of my games to that rank. However once I got to 10 and especially 9 or 8, games because much harder. Now I win maybe 50% or 55%
So with that being the case, how is it that Face Hunter is completely OP & invincible? It does not seem like you can automatically reach highest rank of Legend just from this one deck, as everyone who complains says. Or is it just that I'm a bad Face Hunter player and you actually can?
But from my experiences, it does not seem imbalanced to me whatsoever at high ranks
I can understand some of what you're saying. And I'll honestly discuss the subject in a straightforward manner
It's totally true that there's very little thinking in the deck, but I have no problem admitting that's the exact reason why I like it! Like I mentioned, I've never played any card game before (physical or digital). My brother played Magic though and he said it was much more complicated than HS. I cannot even fathom that, because some of the control decks in HS already seem super complicated to me that requires too much thinking
Here's the part I don't understand though and want to ask yall. Seems like everyone complains about Face Hunter because they say it's super OverPowered and totally imbalanced. But I have not found that to be the case:
I got to rank 11 or 12 with no trouble. Again I'll admit that it required no thinking and I probably won literally 80% of my games to that rank. However once I got to 10 and especially 9 or 8, games because much harder. Now I win maybe 50% or 55%
So with that being the case, how is it that Face Hunter is completely OP & invincible? It does not seem like you can automatically reach highest rank of Legend just from this one deck, as everyone who complains says. Or is it just that I'm a bad Face Hunter player and you actually can?
But from my experiences, it does not seem imbalanced to me whatsoever at high ranks
I can understand some of what you're saying. And I'll honestly discuss the subject in a straightforward manner
It's totally true that there's very little thinking in the deck, but I have no problem admitting that's the exact reason why I like it! Like I mentioned, I've never played any card game before (physical or digital). My brother played Magic though and he said it was much more complicated than HS. I cannot even fathom that, because some of the control decks in HS already seem super complicated to me that requires too much thinking
Here's the part I don't understand though and want to ask yall. Seems like everyone complains about Face Hunter because they say it's super OverPowered and totally imbalanced. But I have not found that to be the case:
I got to rank 11 or 12 with no trouble. Again I'll admit that it required no thinking and I probably won literally 80% of my games to that rank. However once I got to 10 and especially 9 or 8, games because much harder. Now I win maybe 50% or 55%
So with that being the case, how is it that Face Hunter is completely OP & invincible? It does not seem like you can automatically reach highest rank of Legend just from this one deck, as everyone who complains says. Or is it just that I'm a bad Face Hunter player and you actually can?
But from my experiences, it does not seem imbalanced to me whatsoever at high ranks
I don't really have a problem with face hunter decks. If you can trade and stall the board they gas out and lose and if they win by bum rushing your ass it rewards them for taking the risk of building the deck in that direction. I'm also grateful to have a cheap deck I can craft that can stop my opponents before they drop their legendaries or combo off 20 plus points of damage in one turn. If whatever you're playing doesn't respect face hunter as part of the meta and gets overrun then so be it.
Note: I don't particularly enjoy face hunter but It was the first deck I built before moving into more interesting options. The moment a true stoopid runs into a few taunts and difficult trades they will crumble. A decent player still have to trade effectively to some degree. Yes, you can die in a few turns before you hit your decks stride but mulligan for the matchup, expect unleash the hounds and play around kill command.
Edit: I haven't been playing long so if I missed some period of repetitive trauma involving the archetype I may lack empathy for those complaining.
I wouldn't call face hunter OP just annoying. The meta does seem to revolve around the same 1-2 classes though and everyone else reacts to them to find a counter. Hunter would be in that 1-2.
The Hunter face deck is certainly not invincible. It's just not a fun deck to play against. Also making a deck specific to countering it means giving up on other matchups. I think there is a place for the style of deck though, and don't think the game should be only about control style matches.
I suggest you learn some of the ins and outs of other styles of decks. The game is fun when you get the hang of new decks.
Ahh okay, thx for the replies
I might have misunderstood the complaints then. Sounds like yall realize it's not completely OP/invincible... just that some people don't find it fun to play against??
that's a totally different subject then
It's just that there is very little interaction against face hunter. Interaction is what makes the game fun for many, not only winning.
While anyone can streak their way into single digit ranks due to the deck's consistency Face Hunter actually does require some knowledge of the meta and certain rules of play to get to legend. What makes it so unsatisfying to play against is that it's a coin flip for the most part: you draw your early answers to stop the bleeding or you don't and get overrun within four turns. There is hardly any room for decision making while the Hunter can go full SMOrc and still mindlessly topdick lethal when you just needed to survive that one turn to stabilize forever. You simply don't get to play the game.
It's very much like Zoo at its peak in that regard where you'd regularly get rekt by total knobheads disrespecting even basic positioning just because you didn't get your Fiery War Axe/Circle/taunt givers in time.
Anyone has a good deck to beat sapphiron on heroic mode?
Dat feel when you top deck a savage roar for the motherfucking win with only 2 HP! I got zapomatic from a shredder but any 1 attack minion would have done the job. This is why Druid is the best.