Don't you still have to log in to receive them or did that change recently.
Don't you still have to log in to receive them or did that change recently.
I don't think you can infer anything from that. The GvG trailer showed Shielded Mini-Bot, Goblin Auto-Barber and Arcane Nullifier as legendaries as well as a non-existing 2-mana 4/1 legendary card that used Darkbomb's art.
"Silver Hand regent - Inspire: Summon a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit."
holy shit
So I did some light news reading, is "Inspire" what they mean by mounts? Or are there a class of cards they haven't revealed yet?
"Silver Hand regent - Inspire: Summon a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit."
Inspire is a new mechanic. Its like a battlecry, but instead of triggering when summoned, it triggers everytime you use your hero power.
A lot of these Inspire cards are just too damn slow.
Cards seem like shit so far. lol
Then what are mounts?
Basically every inspire card should be recreated as a card showing it costing 2 more mana and with the inspire effect built in to the text, because really that's the best you'll generally see from it.
So that 3 mana 3/3 inspire paladin card is really:
5 mana 3/3 summon a 1/1 recruit vs the existing and not used Silver Hand Knight:
5 mana 4/4 summon a 2/2 recruit.
Completely inferior. And if you do this for the other inspire cards (add two to their mana cost and rewrite the inspire as the text of the card, you have the same crap, example, the inspire Yeti: 7 mana, 4/5, draw one random spell).
Edit: I guess you have to factor in getting a hero power, but it's still worse, 3/3 + 2x 1/1 vs 4/4 + 2/2, closer, but still worse. And Muster is the example that really kills it anyway, not SHK.
Out of the six legendaries I've opened two have been repeats already. At least it wasn't Sylvanas...
I think I'm not buying classic packs anymore with the expansion around the corner and all of them being full of dust.
I'm holding out for some bombs to shake up things, even Blizzard can't be this oblivious to the state of their game. Or at least that's what I'd like to believe.
In fairness, after having just made criticisms myself, all it would take are 2-3 key/core cards to slow the game down enough that some of these cool, efficient cards could plausibly be viable.
If leaks haven't come out up to this point, I wouldn't start falling for them now. Plus who's playing that crap on turn 3 just to get a 1/1 on turn 4 instead of a 4/3 shredder or a 3/5 or a 4/5?
This is definitely prime time for fakes.
If you get the 3 card god combo of Fallen Hero, Maiden and the Mage Dragon.... you can do 20 damage from just hero power if they all survive.It's really hard to evaluate the inspire mechanic until we see all of the cards. Currently none of these are playable in constructed, but who knows what all the combos will be?
It has the highest win rate in Arena after god damn Dr Balanced and mutha fucking Tirion...CoolOff said:Goddamn on-curve Muster is such a dumb fucking card in Arena.
If you get the 3 card god combo of Fallen Hero, Maiden and the Mage Dragon.... you can do 20 damage from just hero power if they all survive.
I know that, it was a joke.So, let's evaluate this.
Not only do you have to get all 3 of these cards in your hand, you have to get all 3 in to play, and all have to survive an entire turn.
As the meta currently stands, it's uncommon for Ysera survives a single turn, and she's just 1 card and has 12 health.
I don't know if it's uncommon. Ysera sees play because she is one of the safest high end cards with immunity to BGH/Shadow Word.As the meta currently stands, it's uncommon for Ysera survives a single turn, and she's just 1 card and has 12 health.
Wait, the Silver Hand Regent is a neutral? Huh? That has to either be a mistake or it's a fake card.