Yup, if the currently announced totem cards are the only ones coming out then Shaman is still bottom tier. There needs to be a Goblin Blastmage-type card with Totem synergy in order for the Totem tribe to really work as a deck. Maybe something that does 1 damage to random enemy for each totem that comes into play.
Why would you run Dranei Totem Carver? Seems pretty bad, we have similar cards like that, never get play.
Shaman has the 2nd best class legendaries,next to warlock.We still have the shaman legendary and they are due for a good one.
Frostwolf Warlord costs a full mana point extra, and is honestly not that bad of a card. With just one totem she's a 5/5, which is OP for a vanilla at the same cost. I don't think she's bad by any stretch of the imagination, it's just not clear if she's good enough.
So... I guess I should stop playing Dr Boom because face hunter don't run him?This is easy to answer, just ask yourself: Would face hunter run it if it were a hunter card? If the answer is yes, then it's good enough.
So... I guess I should stop playing Dr Boom because face hunter don't run him?
Could be a good midrange card, it's likely to live a turn and leads into a very powerful hero power + Argus play. In fact bringing back the all but dead midrange type seems to be one of Blizzard's main goals with TGT.Some of these cards are, in fact, not bad.
I think Maiden of the Lake is actually quite playable, and people aren't giving it enough credit. It's flexible, neutral, non-terrible defensive stats, and synergizes with the whole theme of the expansion as well as plenty of existing things.
Maiden of The Lake is ok but how many 4 drops you can put in a deck? It's highly contested between class cards and Shredder. This card is good if you're making a hero power deck, then you pick it over a shredder.
There is no way a mid range mage for example pick this over water elemental.
Patron Warrior will thank you for playing this too
Why would you run Dranei Totem Carver? Seems pretty bad, we have similar cards like that, never get play.
As suggested, here's 90 minutes of me playing Constructed in which I make a number of silly mistakes but manage to reach Rank 15.
Now if I could only get past that, that would be great.
How is that better than Blackrock?Effigy and sacred warrior are in.
Lock and load and frost giant seem like cards that people will try to get to work... But I doubt they will.
Shamam cards don't count, since it'll still suck so nobody will play the class.
2 out of 24, not so great, but already better than blackrock
Finally achieved the 12-win Arena run. Went 10-0, 10-1,11-1, 11-2, 12-2. Decklist below (having trouble uploading the images):
Arcane Shot
Abusive Sergeant
Leper Gnome
Timber Wolf
Webspinner x2
Explosive Trap x2
Bloodfen Raptor
Mad Bomber
Mad Scientist
River Crocolisk
Scavenging Hyena x2
Animal Companion
Kill Command
Unleash the Hounds x2
Arcane Golem
Blackwing Technician
Lil' Exorcist
Raid Leader
Dread Corsair
Piloted Shredder
Blingtron 3000 (which gifted a Doomhammer to seal the 12th win
Stampeding Kodo
Drakonid Crusher
Rewards were 220+30+150+75 (total 475) gold and a pack.
That feeling when you create a Face Hunter in Arena and it works![]()
Finally achieved the 12-win Arena run. Went 10-0, 10-1,11-1, 11-2, 12-2. Decklist below (having trouble uploading the images):
Arcane Shot
Abusive Sergeant
Leper Gnome
Timber Wolf
Webspinner x2
Explosive Trap x2
Bloodfen Raptor
Mad Bomber
Mad Scientist
River Crocolisk
Scavenging Hyena x2
Animal Companion
Kill Command
Unleash the Hounds x2
Arcane Golem
Blackwing Technician
Lil' Exorcist
Raid Leader
Dread Corsair
Piloted Shredder
Blingtron 3000 (which gifted a Doomhammer to seal the 12th win
Stampeding Kodo
Drakonid Crusher
Rewards were 220+30+150+75 (total 475) gold and a pack.
That feeling when you create a Face Hunter in Arena and it works![]()
Somehow this keeps happeningW--why did you take a screenshot of your computer monitor with a cell phone?
The Shaman totem cards are dependent on how strong that archetype ends up being. Advantage of Totem Golem is that it's usable even outside of Totem archetype. Same for Tuskar Totemic IMO.the only cards i see getting play is effigy, sacred warrior and totem golem
the rest are too cheesy or overcosted at the moment
The Shaman totem cards are dependent on how strong that archetype ends up being. Advantage of Totem Golem is that it's usable even outside of Totem archetype. Same for Tuskar Totemic IMO.
I really like Sacred Warrior. Main problem with Light Warden was the low heallth which meant you couldn't combo twice with Pyromancer. It gives Priest a much needed reliable burst damage source.
The Warlock card is interesting. It's usable as a 8 drop in Handlock. Need to be playtested to see how it stacks up with Emperor in that deck.
The Hunter Lock n Load card could have stupid implications.
Rest of the cards are generally at least solid in Arena with massive snow ball potential.
4 mana is too slow for something that doesn't have taunt and is supposed to be anti aggro. I would much rather just use Mogushin or Senjin if I wanted a heavy anti aggro card.
If someone spends Silence on a Mogushan then they are less likely to have another for the following Belcher drop. At that point if that happens then you win the game.I disagree. 90% of the time your belcher gets slienced by beatdown decks. This card will be less likely to be silenced, and if they do burn an owl on it, you can then just drop your belcher and stabilize from there. Aggro can't afford to kill a 1/8, and if they do, it's a better card than Healbot. I'm optimistic for it.
Somehow this keeps happening
So this happened. What was I even supposed to do here? Pray?
W--why did you take a screenshot of your computer monitor with a cell phone?
How does Justicar Trueheart work? What's a 'better hero power'?
So this happened. What was I even supposed to do here? Pray?
So dumb they didn't make the shamen one summon 2 random totems...
I always laugh when I see that the Warlock one doesnt change
At least Blizz realize that they already have such a strong hero power, and making it better would break the class
So dumb they didn't make the shaman one summon 2 random totems...
So dumb they didn't make the shamen one summon 2 random totems...