I hope we get some cool legs though. Like Anub'arak, 7/7 for 7 summons two 0/2 nerubian eggs!. Could be as good as Dr. Boom maybe.
The next two brawls arejudging by the graphics in the last patch.Unstable Portal Brawl and Murloc Brawl
ehh if true both will get boring very quickly
WHOS RNG IS MORE BULLSHITIs a pretty shit way to play Brawls![]()
Has there been any word on when exactly the next card is being revealed?
This game desperately needs more cards. I feel like I've been playing the same decks with basic tweaks since the beta.
The next two brawls arejudging by the graphics in the last patch.Unstable Portal Brawl and Murloc Brawl
Would you rather have new deck slots or Bomb Lobbing Scientist?any info on deck slots? its really getting annoying especially with the upcoming expansion. We need more wtf blizzard
My guess would be sometime in the afternoon today or tomorrow.
any info on deck slots? its really getting annoying especially with the upcoming expansion. We need more wtf blizzard
The next two brawls arejudging by the graphics in the last patch.Unstable Portal Brawl and Murloc Brawl
Hey guys, I haven't played Hearthstone since about thr first month or two it was out and I was wondering if you guys have some tips. I'm not really looking to play ranked constructed, but arena for sure since I love drafting in Magic: The Gathering. I was also wondering if the single player expansions are needed, and do you guys feel they are worth the money?
If the only thing you enjoy is arena then no the singleplayer adventures are not worth it for its content.
Are they enjoyable just on their own? Or are they really only worth it to get access to cards for ranked constructed?
I was about to say run and never look back because right now (this might change in a year or so) for a new player it's almost impossible to catch up on cards. But since you're primarily interested in arena that's an entirely different deal since it lacks the entire collection aspect, making it an actual level playing field. There are guides in the OP, apart from that I suggest just watching good arena streamers like Ratsmah, Kripp and Hafu to improve your play. It's not too hard to go infite w/dailies in arena (i.e. making a net profit in gold to cover the entry fee), especially with experience in other card games.Hey guys, I haven't played Hearthstone since about thr first month or two it was out and I was wondering if you guys have some tips. I'm not really looking to play ranked constructed, but arena for sure since I love drafting in Magic: The Gathering. I was also wondering if the single player expansions are needed, and do you guys feel they are worth the money?
They're... alright to play through but almost definitely not worth the price if you're not going to use the cards.Are they enjoyable just on their own? Or are they really only worth it to get access to cards for ranked constructed?
Madder Scientist, put a secret of your choice from your deck or your hand into the battlefield!
TGT will be redeemed!
170g for 10 wins
Okay Blizz
Well at least they're addressing the reward issue with TGTby making it even worse
Yes, perhaps I'm not as pessimistic, old, grumpy of a person as other people.Yoshi is hyped for everything though. .
Are you for fucking real Blizzard?
I don't think being not hyped for everything new that comes out makes you pessimistic or old/grumpy. If that makes me pessimistic and old/grumpy then I am that.Yes, perhaps I'm not as pessimistic, old, grumpy of a person as other people.
Yes. Yes you are.If that makes me pessimistic and old/grumpy then I am that.
Why are you so proud of fighting cancer with cancer when you could be curing it instead?I so enjoy wrecking face hunters face with my face paladin, ending the game with justice demands retribution.
feels so good.
Yeah another brawl where aggro is heavily rewarded.I want a Brawl where if you have enough mana to play a card you must play it.
I want a Brawl where if you have enough mana to play a card you must play it.
So guys,
Why are you so proud of fighting cancer with cancer when you could be curing it instead?
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Donald Trump, 2013
1 mana 5/5...
What in the fuck.
The negative penalty on that card must be off the chart.
Millhouse Manastorm FINALLY about to get replaced!!!!!!!
So basically "Battlecry: Your opponent wins the game. No seriously."I think the text is "Battlecry: All the cards in your opponents hand cost (0) mana next turn."
Leaks you say? there are these official joke? cards I guess
they have text and everything, wonder what they say.
Blizz is scared about giving Druid anything strong and for a good fucking reason. Wild Growth+Innervate and even FoN+Savage Roar - the most broken 2-card combo in the game - have massive implications and as long as the class keeps trucking along as is I don't see them changing their approach. It has only fallen off very recently and it's still one of the better non-high tier classes so I wouldn't expect any new Druid cards that are powerful on their own this expansion. What seems likely are cards that (try to) open up alternative playstyles, so either dragons or heavy Inspire synergy.I hope for some good Druid cards. Gvg basically bypassed the Druid class