Get quest "Destroy 40 minions".
Play against three freeze mages in a row.
I just quit those games there is not enough time in the world for me to bother with lame mage.
Get quest "Destroy 40 minions".
Play against three freeze mages in a row.
Any tips for a noobie? I just downloaded it the other day.... leauge of legends taking it's toll on me want to try something new. Tried few casual matches and winning about like 50% overall (would say like 65-70% on Paladin and Hunter, but Priest is like 30% Lol.... and mage is like 50ish) of the games and tried like 6 rank games so far and gone 4-2. Tried the arena thing too and went 3-3.
Any tips for a noobie? I just downloaded it the other day.... leauge of legends taking it's toll on me want to try something new. Tried few casual matches and winning about like 50% overall (would say like 65-70% on Paladin and Hunter, but Priest is like 30% Lol.... and mage is like 50ish) of the games and tried like 6 rank games so far and gone 4-2. Tried the arena thing too and went 3-3.
There's definitely an intent to vacuum it to your hand when it's going to die otherwise.
As a vanilla arena draft you might end up using that without ever using your hero power, but that doesn't strike me as the reason you would design a card like this.
It helps you in the mid to end game when you're starting to run low on cards in your hand and can win via incremental value. It's unlikely to be something you would run unless you were a relatively new player in constructed, which is why it's common.
Since you can use the effect to yout advantage,it isn't.Isn't it a rare? It's complete trash btw. The effect is clearly a drawback (especially if there are good inspire cards in the expansion). At 2 mana it could be playable, but 3 is too much.
Isn't it a rare? It's complete trash btw. The effect is clearly a drawback (especially if there are good inspire cards in the expansion). At 2 mana it could be playable, but 3 is too much.
Since you can use the effect to yout advantage,it isn't.
2 mana 2/5 with an upside is what count as a "good" card now ?
You guys deserve a 6/7 Dr. Boom.
Isn't it a rare? It's complete trash btw. The effect is clearly a drawback (especially if there are good inspire cards in the expansion). At 2 mana it could be playable, but 3 is too much.
You guys are all looking at this shit in a vacuum
You cant say its a good or bad card until you see the other 100+ cards in the expansion
What if there is a 2 drop that says "Inspire - Draw 2 cards if a minion returns to your hand this turn"
This suddenly becomes pretty insane
You guys are all looking at this shit in a vacuum
You cant say its a good or bad card until you see the other 100+ cards in the expansion
What if there is a 2 drop that says "Inspire - Draw 2 cards if a minion returns to your hand this turn"
This suddenly becomes pretty insane
If it's a taunt it should be 2/4. 2/5 taunt would get played even without the extra ability.
You guys are all looking at this shit in a vacuum
You cant say its a good or bad card until you see the other 100+ cards in the expansion
What if there is a 2 drop that says "Inspire - Draw 2 cards if a minion returns to your hand this turn"
This suddenly becomes pretty insane
Sure, it's not as good as Druid of the Flame. I'm just saying that I think it's wrong to see it as a terrible extremely slow card. It's a mediocre-to-okay fast-ish card.
We really have no choice but to look at stuff as they are because it's kind of difficulty to predict how good a card is. Everyone knows Grim Patrons are amazing but nobody really thought that they would be useful outside of maybe Mage in Arena because Warsong Commander hadn't been changed yet.
If it was a choice I would agree with you. Since it isn't it's a drawback in all, but the most fringe cases.
It's like saying the heal from Zombie Chow isn't a drawback since you can combo it with Auchenai Soulpriest to deal 5 damage instead. It's still considered a drawback and the card is costed like so.
Blizzard demonstrated the Warsong Commander change with Grim Patron in one of their early BRM showmatches. They just hadn't refined the deck to what it exactly became. I think there were a lot of questions with Grim Patron. People just were not sure. I don't think people were necessarily saying it was going to be a bad card, they just had trouble predicting ita full potential.
We really have no choice but to look at stuff as they are because it's kind of difficulty to predict how good a card is. Everyone knows Grim Patrons are amazing but nobody really thought that they would be useful outside of maybe Mage in Arena because Warsong Commander hadn't been changed yet.
Its not necessarily a drawback in the same reason the Brewmaster effects are not really drawbacks.
Breh what you mean... you aren't satisfied with this amazing 3 drop taunt?A 3 mana 2/4 taunt should probably just be a thing that exists without any other weird text, but I don't think there's much difference between a 2/5 or a 2/4 taunt with that text makes much of a difference.
Breh what you mean... you aren't satisfied with this amazing 3 drop taunt?
Breh what you mean... you aren't satisfied with this amazing 3 drop taunt?
Ironically that thing would probably be even more useless at 2-4 since it'd no longer work for the Hobgoblin deck, the only deck that might consider using it.
about 5 hours and only 15%, TGT is a flop!!1111
tomorrow it is I guess.
there is another card reveal from a Portuguese podcast tomorrow.
Trump's stream has been fucking depressing today. He's been super rude to viewers and was getting rocked on ladder. Ruder than usual I should add, flat out disrespectful at times.
When he's acting like that is the only time he's actually entertaining to watch.Trump's stream has been fucking depressing today. He's been super rude to viewers and was getting rocked on ladder. Ruder than usual I should add, flat out disrespectful at times.
about 5 hours and only 15%, TGT is a flop!!1111
tomorrow it is I guess.
there is another card reveal from a Portuguese podcast tomorrow.
When he's acting like that is the only time he's actually entertaining to watch.
I think it's just super slow at updating or Blizzard is limiting somehow.
I was looking at Twitter earlier and there was at least one bot going crazy.
Up to 19% now as well.
I got 4 shielded minibots in this arena deck.
Somebody stop me.
I got 4 shielded minibots in this arena deck.
Somebody stop me.
I got 4 shielded minibots in this arena deck.
Somebody stop me.
I don't think anyone can stop you with that many minibots.I got 4 shielded minibots in this arena deck.
Somebody stop me.
Sounds about right really.Really good: North Sea Kraken (Common), Sacred Warrior (Common), Totem Golem (Common), Thunder Bluff Valiant (Rare)
Good: Kodorider (Epic), Frost Giant (Epic), Silver Hand Regent (Common), Ball of Spiders (Rare), Fallen Hero (Rare), Coldarra Drake (Epic), Tuskarr Totemic (Common), Draenai Totemcarver (Rare)
Average: Lowly Squire (Common), Garrison Commander (Common), Maiden of the Lake (Common), Effigy (Rare)
Bad: Poisoned Blade (Epic), Tournament Medic (Common), Lock and Load (Epic), King's Defender* (Rare)