I actually think it's better than Knife Juggler when played on Turn 2. If you play it against a Worgen Infiltrator, Leper Gnome, or Abusive Sargent that's played on Turn 1 than this card can be really good. It's kind of like a Mad Bomber with less risk versus reward.
I think this is actually a good card. I could see this getting slotted into an anti-aggro deck if the meta becomes
super fast. Like remember the meta post Undertaker Nerf where everybody was targeting Face Hunter? That kind of meta. And I wouldn't use the term "good enough for arena" for this card, as this is potentially
insane in arena. One of the best neutral 2 drops in arena because 1 drops are getting more popular and this thing answers those in
Like, people have been saying that the cards revealed have been too slow. But this card is faster than Knife Juggler because it's not awkward on curve like Knife Juggler can be. Now, does it replace Knife Juggler? Probably not. Knife Juggler is going to remain king for decks like Midrange Paladin and Zoo because they have other cards that synergize better with Knife Juggler. But as a solid 2 drop that's meant to answer hyper-aggro 1 drops? Absolutely.