It's a way to let multiple people have the same name. Random #.
Ah I see. Thank you, been wondering this for months.
It's a way to let multiple people have the same name. Random #.
So, I just started playing this casually on my laptop..
If I'm not really interested in grinding out characters or paying money what's the best way to be paired up against similar opponents? I'm guessing casual to answer my own question but..
Was having fun playing ranked until I got to 22 and keep being paired up against people with maxed out decks or all kinds of wacky cards.
I see the op suggests playing arena but my understanding is that's also limited in how many times you can play it.
So, I just started playing this casually on my laptop..
If I'm not really interested in grinding out characters or paying money what's the best way to be paired up against similar opponents? I'm guessing casual to answer my own question but..
Was having fun playing ranked until I got to 22 and keep being paired up against people with maxed out decks or all kinds of wacky cards.
I see the op suggests playing arena but my understanding is that's also limited in how many times you can play it.
So, I just started playing this casually on my laptop..
If I'm not really interested in grinding out characters or paying money what's the best way to be paired up against similar opponents? I'm guessing casual to answer my own question but..
Was having fun playing ranked until I got to 22 and keep being paired up against people with maxed out decks or all kinds of wacky cards.
I see the op suggests playing arena but my understanding is that's also limited in how many times you can play it.
Just always play ranked and don't care about your rank. Then you'll always be using matchmaking.
I was dominating a Hunter and just when he was pulling a crazy Unleash the Hounds + combo the computer turns off. I hope he doesn't think that I ragequitted, because the victory was absolutely mine. ;-;
Stupid overheating computer.
Shields up! Were joining forces with Nvidia to give away 15 NVIDIA SHIELD tablets so you can play your next rounds of Hearthstone on the go!
LTTP but I'll repost as I'd like to see a GAFer win!
Hunters don't think or feel, so I think you are ok.
Entered. Wish me luck on my birthday!
So, I just started playing this casually on my laptop..
If I'm not really interested in grinding out characters or paying money what's the best way to be paired up against similar opponents? I'm guessing casual to answer my own question but..
Was having fun playing ranked until I got to 22 and keep being paired up against people with maxed out decks or all kinds of wacky cards.
I see the op suggests playing arena but my understanding is that's also limited in how many times you can play it.
At what rank do people typically hit the progression wall on the way to rank 1? I mean when do you start seeing nothing but net decks? I'm not bragging or anything ( I know I suck) but I've got queue anxiety and the climb to 15 has been relatively painless this far. Been getting bonus stars for win streaks . I just want to know what to expect
You'll get to 5 eventually. It just depends on what you're playing vs the meta as to how long it will take.
At what rank do people typically hit the progression wall on the way to rank 1? I mean when do you start seeing nothing but net decks? I'm not bragging or anything ( I know I suck) but I've got queue anxiety and the climb to 15 has been relatively painless this far. Been getting bonus stars for win streaks . I just want to know what to expect
So, I just started playing this casually on my laptop..
If I'm not really interested in grinding out characters or paying money what's the best way to be paired up against similar opponents? I'm guessing casual to answer my own question but..
Was having fun playing ranked until I got to 22 and keep being paired up against people with maxed out decks or all kinds of wacky cards.
I see the op suggests playing arena but my understanding is that's also limited in how many times you can play it.
Dailies will kill you before then because if you want the free coins it challenges you to try diff classes. Plus one loss ends your win streak bonus.
Dailies will kill you before then because if you want the free coins it challenges you to try diff classes. Plus one loss ends your win streak bonus.
I just do my dailies on casual. Hell I pretty much just grind gold on casual with my face cancer.
I see..on another note... Just played a game where I had one piloted shredder vs a full field. He kills my shredder with the last attack and a doomsayer spawns and completely wiped the board... I didn't think that that was possible
Gazlowe doing some work, pulling some overtime.
I just got into a match where the opposing player immediately conceded, is that some sort of bot or bug or something? Not that I mind, I'm rank 19 now >.>
People that stay in lowest rank possible to farm gold faster. Win one. Lose one. Repeat.
How does that get you gold though? You have to win 3 games to even get 10 gold. And I'm back down to rank 20 again after a string of losses![]()
And now I just seem to keep losing, I must be doing something wrong - I'm using the deck that was recommended earlier, but I keep getting my ass kicked, particularly because there's only 2 minions with Taunt in this deck so I have no real defense.
These people with golden portraits are terrible. The last one waited until the rope started burning to do something and I conceded immediately. I've had enough of their bullshit.
These people with golden portraits are terrible. The last one waited until the rope started burning to do something and I conceded immediately. I've had enough of their bullshit.
And now I just seem to keep losing, I must be doing something wrong - I'm using the deck that was recommended earlier, but I keep getting my ass kicked, particularly because there's only 2 minions with Taunt in this deck so I have no real defense.
Yeah... good job reinforcing them on their winning strategy... You want someone to stop burning rope... Burn rope yourself. Nothing a time waster hates more than having their own time wasted.
Which is why I'm always doing something else while playing. Reading a book, exercising, doing homework, etc. Waste my time all day, I don't care!
Which is why I'm always doing something else while playing. Reading a book, exercising, doing homework, etc. Waste my time all day, I don't care!
Taunt doesn't actually do anything on stealthed minions.Drafted a horrible priest deck in arena and went 0-3. On the last game, arleady 0-2 the Hunter drops a stealth minion on turn 2 then gives it taunt on turn 3 and doesnt attack with it the whole I can never go face as I didn't draw a single silence or when he buffed it to a 9-3 I didn't draw my minion that kills a 7 attack or more minion.
Far out that was a shit game, made me so angry.
Taunt doesn't actually do anything on stealthed minions.
Really? Confident I tried to go face and was unable to. Im also somewhat drunk so maybe I did not.
Good to know for future then lol.
Lol he was probably so surprised you never attacked him! But yeah stealth cancels out taunt. I learned something new out stealth this week and I've been playing almost a year. I had an Ogre Brute and attacked face while he had a Stranglethorn Tiger on the board. My Ogre attacked into the Tiger instead and actually unstealthed the tiger, turned it into a Magma Rager pretty much. Kinda cool!
I feel like cruel taskmaster should benefit from spell power :/. (I got a thalnos from a shredder and wanted to try it.)
Any other minions with battlecries that say deal x damage, but don't get buffed by spell power? Is it just that battlecries are immune?