LOKShadow has been running a OTK inner fire priest. Budget deck.
Yoggdruid is a gimmick and powerful. You'll need Fangral and the titular Yogg. Or if you want more gimmick, put in Malygos. Malygos also works for rogues. Or go full N'zoth deathrattle. Priests... their whole class is a gimmick. If you want to win, go C'thun or dragons. If you want to go full gimmick, make a Divine Spirit + Inner Fire deck.
So I am sort of new to this game (started a month ago), can anyone help me with my druid deck? I don't have much dust to craft (90 to be exact). Is there any recommendation or advices on which card I should work toward and which one are to be replaced? Any opinion would be much appreciated.
I read some guide online but most of them are too expensive to craft. I feel like I am stuck between C'thun Druid and Token(?) Druid.
edit: resized the picture
I just figured out the best deck for this brawl.
Hunter. Double up on Wisp, Murloc Tinyfin, and Target Dummy. Mulligan agressively for them. Concede if you dont get Wisp or Tinyfin.
Turn 1: Leper Gnome (If you have coin, save it for turn 3)
Turn 2: Doomsayer
Turn 3: Hobgoblin + Wisp/Tinyfin + Coin Leper Gnome if you have it. Protect with Target Dummy if you can.
Turn 4: Twilight Summoner (gets buffed by Hobgoblin)
Turn 5: Princess Huhuran (get a free 5/5)
Turn 6: Highmane
Turn 7: Dr. Boom
Turn 8: Call of the Wild
Turn 9: Whatever
This beats out Secret Paladin and Astral Communion Druid.
New to Hearthstone and got some Google Play money to spend on card packs - which ones are best for a new player?
Typically start with classic packs. I wouldn't buy expansion card packs until you start feeling like you are getting too many duplicates.
That's one way to deal with 30+ armor.
Can you concede to tank your casual MMR? I feel there's no way I'll get Priest wins for quests unless I'm up against the worst of the worst.
Can you concede to tank your casual MMR? I feel there's no way I'll get Priest wins for quests unless I'm up against the worst of the worst.
Lol it's ok man. Dusting a whole bunch of stuff to get that one deck then losing is a rite of passage.Gave in and just searched the net for a deck, spent all disenchantment powder I had on making it and managed to finally get some wins in, got to Rank 16 which is a bloody great feat considering. Never even seen the tiny rank portraits you get after 19.
Then I've been on a loosing streak and I'm back to rank 20.
Lol it's ok man. Dusting a whole bunch of stuff to get that one deck then losing is a rite of passage.
Now you know dusting when you don't have a lot of cards is dumb.
Anyone watching Savjz? Most insane game ever.
Gave in and just searched the net for a deck, spent all disenchantment powder I had on making it and managed to finally get some wins in, got to Rank 16 which is a bloody great feat considering. Never even seen the tiny rank portraits you get after 19.
Then I've been on a loosing streak and I'm back to rank 20.
Here's a clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/savjz/HomelyNarwhalOSfrogYeah that was really great. Shows how fun Hearthstone can really be when you get some non-meta decks up a against each other.
Rank 3 Priest should give some people hope.
The average is closer to 6% when you take into account relevant strong decks. Midrange Hunter, Aggro Shaman, Midrange Shaman, Tempo Warrior, Zoolock etc. all have 6% or above advantage going first.Constructed stats on advantage going first or having the coin.
Interesting stuff. Way more balanced than arena it seems. More reliable weapons and spells is likely the reason i suppose.
Most aggressive decks still really want to go first.
It's crazy how streaky this game can be. Lost like 6 in a row to drop to rank 16, win 6 in a row to get back up to 14.
I just wish it had native stat tracking. I basically only play on iPad and it would be nice to know winrates.
Here's a clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/savjz/HomelyNarwhalOSfrog
Waiting for the complete game to be uploaded to YouTube. It's truly an all-timer. Savjz himself said it was the best game he's ever played.
Just a shame Hotform is Canadian.LOKShadow might be my favorite streamer. He plays really weird interesting decks and plays them really well. I can't properly pilot any of his decks but i like trying.
Hotform is pretty good too. He handles his idiot chat pretty well.
Hotform is pretty good too. He handles his idiot chat pretty well.
LOKShadow might be my favorite streamer. He plays really weird interesting decks and plays them really well. I can't properly pilot any of his decks but i like trying.
Hotform is pretty good too. He handles his idiot chat pretty well.
Same here. LOKs patron OTK deck is keeping me from being bored of this game even though I'm terrible at it. He pulled off some amazing comebacks with that deck and makes plays I never would have considered.
We're taking an hour break on the stream. We'll be back shortly.
Edit: starting back up!