8 minions on the board. Opponent casts Yogg. Yogg casts Entomb. Of the now 9 minions, he entombs my Tirion.
I couldn't help but LOL. That eventual Tirion gave him the win, too.
Perhaps the odds weren't as bad as 1/9, because entomb targets enemy minions only.
Can't any yogg spell be cast from either person's point of view?
In short, no. They're cast from the person who summoned yogg's point of view. So spells that can only target enemy minions only hit enemy minions. Same with spells that only hit face, they must hit face, or spells that hit friendly minions must hit friendly minions. AOEs too.
That is perhaps the only reason why yogg is played. Because the summoner has the advantage of the RNG when it comes a bunch of spells. Especially card draw and 1 sided AOEs and even some hard removal (assassinate for example).
Oh yeah, hence why playing Yogg into Sylvanas is such a terrible idea.
Midrange hunter isn't weak to Warrior, its favorable matchup for hunter
Why Stable Master? That card is...not good.
when you get back to back call of the wilds
Came up against someone in the tavern brawl playing Shaman. They thought it would be cool to hit all the powerful cards in a curve... forgetting that overload was a thing. They just clumsily hero powered every second turn.
You're the opposite of the hunter I faced. Counter spelled both calls.
And there I am taking another break.
I've wasted enough enchantment powder on too many budget decks since they are all I can make and every time it turns out they are some low tier meta shit. I am tired of loosing all the time and feeling like absolute shit because I don't have the time, money or skill combined to do anything worthwhile with this game.
Aura being throw around a lot. Not sure how that would be represented in the game without being directly tied to a minion/weapon.cards that modify board space. Like earthquake for shaman that removes 4 board slots for the opponent for X number of turns.
Are there more classes in this game besides Hunter? Half the games I played yesterday were against Hunter, and today 5 of my first 7 games were against hunter.
Such diversity. So balance. Much BrokeBack.
Middle of the month always seems to be flooded with midrange hunter for whatever reason. Was the same way last month.
And there I am taking another break.
I've wasted enough enchantment powder on too many budget decks since they are all I can make and every time it turns out they are some low tier meta shit. I am tired of loosing all the time and feeling like absolute shit because I don't have the time, money or skill combined to do anything worthwhile with this game.
Just play zoo and learn from that.
Yeah Zoo is the by far my best low budget deck. Been using it to climb.
edit: My other decks are PavelHS f2p warrior and mid range Hunter (2 x Call of the Wild). Zoo more reliable for me right now. Although taking some ideas I learned from Pavel's f2p pirate warrior and making something more reliable for my deck & cards
It's nice of you to try and help but I assume Zoo is this: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/deck-guides/zoo-warlock-standard-deck-list-and-guide-hearthstone-og
And that is anything BUT budget.
2 legendaries is not budget. That is "Fuck I wish I had bought 40 card packs and maybe gotten some scrap legendaries I don't need."
It's nice of you to try and help but I assume Zoo is this: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/deck-guides/zoo-warlock-standard-deck-list-and-guide-hearthstone-og
And that is anything BUT budget.
2 legendaries is not budget. That is "Fuck I wish I had bought 40 card packs and maybe gotten some scrap legendaries I don't need."
You can build it like so:
It's nice of you to try and help but I assume Zoo is this: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/deck-guides/zoo-warlock-standard-deck-list-and-guide-hearthstone-og
And that is anything BUT budget.
2 legendaries is not budget. That is "Fuck I wish I had bought 40 card packs and maybe gotten some scrap legendaries I don't need."
No Soulfire?
Welcome to Hearthstone: Whispers of YoggFTW8 minions on the board. Opponent casts Yogg. Yogg casts Entomb. Of the now 9 minions, he entombs my Tirion.
I couldn't help but LOL. That eventual Tirion gave him the win, too.
Gormok and Leeroy aren't necessarily must-haves for zoo. You can play the deck without them. Just swap them for a couple Doomguards or something.
Are there more classes in this game besides Hunter? Half the games I played yesterday were against Hunter, and today 5 of my first 7 games were against hunter.
Such diversity. So balance. Much BrokeBack.
Maybe you would like my mathups from this weekend:
So weird that we're near the same rank on the same server and facing completely different match ups.
What program is that?
What program is that?
Here's the YouTube archive of last night's stream with me and Dahbomb.
Congratulations to Manhack and Hollomat for winning the overrated/underrated competition!
Makes you wonder if it is *really* random.
Here are my stats for this month: