Rank 5 finally. Felt a bit more difficult than usual, but I think that is because I usually wait until the last week try and push.
Here are my stats for the month in case anyone is interested:
Amazingly I made it in 157 games which is EXACTLY the predicted number of games for 59% win rate and 10 more games than expected with 60% win-rate. Based on this reddit post.
Therefore I can expect another 120 to 200 games to Legend if I want to keep pumping out games at a decent winrate.
As you can see I did dabble in a variety of decks and decided to stick with zoo and a bit of hunter. I played Hunter when I felt it was control warrior heavy and played warlock any other time. Most of this was simply my desire to hit 5 early since I was in the Hearthstone mood.
In the end I feel like my stats were pretty damn good with Shaman being my only unfavorable match-up. Typical shaman losses were to on curve 7/7 followed by feral spirits and two 5/5 taunts for 0 mana.

Here are my stats for the month in case anyone is interested:

Amazingly I made it in 157 games which is EXACTLY the predicted number of games for 59% win rate and 10 more games than expected with 60% win-rate. Based on this reddit post.
Therefore I can expect another 120 to 200 games to Legend if I want to keep pumping out games at a decent winrate.
As you can see I did dabble in a variety of decks and decided to stick with zoo and a bit of hunter. I played Hunter when I felt it was control warrior heavy and played warlock any other time. Most of this was simply my desire to hit 5 early since I was in the Hearthstone mood.
In the end I feel like my stats were pretty damn good with Shaman being my only unfavorable match-up. Typical shaman losses were to on curve 7/7 followed by feral spirits and two 5/5 taunts for 0 mana.