ayyyy lmao
lol nice
ayyyy lmao
So whats the date on that event?
Watch warrior get another 5 fantastic cards btw.
Still can't find the date. BTW maybe it's a darkmoon faire themed announcement to a karazhan adventure
agreedLOKShadow's PatronOTK deck wrecks the commanding shout otk deck. Their wild pyromancer commanding shout shenanigans don't work as well with patrons on board.
Yeah, let's nerf the only class left that can play control, let's really ruin this game for good.
yeah, right. warrior plays control now lol? where have you been? Execute is all about tempo, control has shield slam and brawls and they can live just fine with a nerfed execute.
Yeah, let's nerf the only class left that can play control, let's really ruin this game for good.
You keep complaining that blizzard is rigging bad match ups for players but do you realize that at the same time they would also be giving good match ups to the other side.Everything is aggro, better switch to tempo warrior.
Proceeds to face four Control decks in a row.
That is a really superficial statement to make. I'd rather they nerf warrior classic cards to bring them in line with other classic sets so they don't influence the meta so strongly from now til the end of the game. .
Agree so much. Execute is really really op in ways that hunters mark is not.well, yeah. If they really care about balance, they need to take a look at warrior. I'm just going with Blizzard's own logic BB used for blade flurry and even priest, what's warrior class identity supposed to be? To have the best removals, best board clears, best weapons, best health gain, best charge/aggro minions, best taunts for the cost, several top tier card draw options? Something has to give, it's not ok anymore. If warrior is supposed to have best everything, why play anything else.
I'd say start with execute, every warrior deck will have 2 of them forever and they have a million ways to activate them for essentially free. They nerfed freaking hunter's mark in a class that has so much trouble dealing one damage to a minion or draw cards, it essentially goes 2 for 1 and no one plays it, while activating execute is mostly free, you either cycle or you're playing the whirlwind anyway.
Destroying a minions cost 5 (assassinate)
Destroying a minion with a drawback cost 3 (mulch).
Destroying a random minion also cost 3 (deadly shot).
Destroying a minion with a huge drawback cost 1 (naturalize).
I think execute at 2 would be fair and it would still be 2 of in every warrior deck. If you want to make it really balanced and in line with what execute is in WoW, you can turn into deal like X damage to a damaged minion instead, 5 or 6, it still destroys most minions but you can't execute my ancient of war anymore, you're going to have to trade like everyone else usually does.
but Blizzard doesn't care about balance too much, no one can tell what they think at this point, they only like nerfing rogue again and again, that's the only consistent thing so far!
We complain about shamans and they are broken but it's one trick pony, rotation will fix it, they have fundamental design problems that are not going away, but warrior will always be OP if they keep making cards like they are now.
The reason warrior is so versatile is because they're classic cards are so good. As long as they have that they will be great.Asking for Warrior nerfs... SMH.
If anything EVERY class needs to be on the power level of Warrior. That means playable control archetype, aggro and tempo/midrange decks with a mix of tribal archetype (Dragon/Cthun).
Class cards are supposed to be good.
Doesn't matter, Iksar literally just tweeted that they are looking at fiery war axe.
God forbid someone has an answer for an OP one drop.
God forbid a control deck has removal. Not like that's important to control or anything.
RIP warrior. Add them to the shit heap along with handlock and control priest.
classes have strong cards, that's cool with us so long as it's not obvious to include them in every possible archetype of that class
mega iconic class cards get a pass in some circumstances but they are still talked about internally. EX: Fiery WAxe
the balance of the two from a population standpoint is fairly even I think.
it's more feasible to bring down warrior to the same level than bringing up everyone else. Some people have attachment to the class looks like, that they play a more skillful game if they're playing warrior and such, it's not true.
Like it or not, warrior is the new druid.
Revive Handlock please. Undo the Molten Giant nerf.Class cards are supposed to be good.
Doesn't matter, Iksar literally just tweeted that they are looking at fiery war axe.
God forbid someone has an answer for an OP one drop.
God forbid a control deck has removal. Not like that's important to control or anything.
RIP warrior. Add them to the shit heap along with handlock and control priest.
I steal my opponents C'thun. He plays Brann Doomcaller and emotes "My Thanks"![]()
Any cthun warrior who runs brann doom caller and doesn't shield slam their own cthun to ensure value deserves to fucking lose. You don't give away your win con like that, smh.
He already played his Sylv on an empty board tooAny cthun warrior who runs brann doom caller and doesn't shield slam their own cthun to ensure value deserves to fucking lose. You don't give away your win con like that, smh.
Do you have to run thaur or do you just deserve to lose any time you aren't on the coin?
Do you have to run thaur or do you just deserve to lose any time you aren't on the coin?
You cant run brann doom caller without Emperor smh
Actually I'd like to see what it'd be like if a Control Priest archetype was tier 1.
Actually I'd like to see what it'd be like if a Control Priest archetype was tier 1. At this point I kind of believe that it still wouldn't see massive play because it would mean 30 minute games on average and most players just don't want to play the game like that, especially on ladder.
Would depend on how cheap or expensive the deck was though.
war axe is warrior's op 2 drop. every other class needs one which is pretty much paladin and priest
Worgen Inner Rage Rampage Charge Faceless
44 damage to the dome + 5 from Emperor (never execute T_T)
still survived, thanks brann shieldbearer