Are you sure the Warrior just didn't get a bad draw?Altered my buff paladin deck to cancer buff and killed control warriors by turn 5. I feel sick.
IDK if you've seen everyone saying it, but if you want to win as Priest, go play Wild. Priest is very strong in that meta since you still have Velen's and Deathlord.Can everyone stop this warrior otk bullshit and try to find that unicorn priest deck so I can get easy wins on ladder?
*Woosh!*You missed the joke
Another arena stopped at 6 wins thanks to a crazy opponent and this is making me incredibly paranoid.
Whatever, I got a lot of gold.
Yeah, 6 wins is a pretty significant milestone in my experience. Any time I go 6-0 I start hitting insane decks.
*hugs* I hope you feel better man.what the actual fuck? i get garbage rng but manage to survive then when I cast ancestral knowledge the fucking game just fucking disappears, ui stops responding but I can click around so I exit the client and try to rejoin my game. nope, no game
piece of shit fucking client stealing wins what fucking garbage.
yeah. there goes my star what in the actual fucking hell is this bullshit? I want to say it was my cunt opponent doing some stupid shit because that would be just absolutely fucking predictable.
Testing decks is kind of frustrating in general. I think that's why so many people netdeck.playing against hunters that have both call of the wilds and highmanes in the top 15 cards of their deck while you're trying to test different priest decks is pretty soul crushing
*hugs* I hope you feel better man.
Testing decks is kind of frustrating in general. I think that's why so many people netdeck.
But may it be a great pity legendary!Man, I'm down to 5 packs on my WOG pity timer. Shit sucks.
I am always surprised when I play against a Druid, the Druid innervates something big, I clear it, and then they hero power for the next 2 turns.I turned around and decked a token druid with control n'zoth shaman so that improved my mood.
A druid who played yogg into my 2x ancestral spirit cairne + regular cairne + baine, wiped me down to 3 baines, shadowstepped his yogg, and froze my board out so I couldn't push damage. Second time yogg came down it completely cleared the board. of course 2 yoggs at maybe 12 spells each may have been the reason he got decked so hard![]()
Turn 2 he innervated violet teacher but had no turn 3 answer to my doomsayer.
Couldn't clear my emperor for 2 turns either, mad discounts.
I never even got to play the bonkers n'zoth
Zetalot has found the secret priest deck!
Altered my buff paladin deck to cancer buff and killed control warriors by turn 5. I feel sick.
Prior to the teaser, a post on a Chinese forum claimed to have leaked information that the next expansion will be based on a World of Warcraft raid that is written as three Chinese characters. From that, the internet soon sleuthed the following shortlist:
卡拉赞 — Karazhan
奥杜尔 — Ulduar
永春台 — Terrace of Endless Spring
悬槌堡 — Highmaul
Haha, damn. My "Hearthstone Pros Were Wrong" video now has more views on it than the video that inspired it.
PC Gamer getting in on the speculation
It will be interesting to see how much new stuff they will bring to the table. They have gone for a more "inspired by" them for TGT and LoE. It will be interesting to see how much new lore they create or if they will follow the raids more closely.
Having a magic based Adventure does sound like an awesome way to get some more spells and spell related minions into the game.
Come on Blizzard, introduce a scry-like keyword in this adventure. Just link it to the fortune teller or something.
I wonder if Dodds is going to be the one introducing this because then it's 100% sure there are 2 teams within the HS team.
Just got a new quest in eu
Battle a friend 80g
You both get a reward
Nice man!Haha, damn. My "Hearthstone Pros Were Wrong" video now has more views on it than the video that inspired it.
Fuck Priests.
I keep going back and forth on whether or not to craft two lock and loads to have some fun with a Yogg and load hunter.
I'm pretty card poor, have very few legendaries, and am sitting on 5600 dust.
It just seems like a lot of fun.
Why not just made Yogg Druid? that deck look fun but also competitive, my next dusting for deck target its seem
lacking Fandral, Yogg and at least one of Onyxia or Cenarius >_>
If i invest heavily in dust I want it to be majority non class legendaries. I'm looking at Thalnos, Twin emperor, sylvanas, or Leeroy.
cancer buff?
Just got a new quest in eu
Battle a friend 80g
You both get a reward