Yeah, that seems like the situation where Dragon Priest would be relevant at. It's mainly Dragonfire Bomb that swings it the favor of the Priest.Could dragon priest be a good counterpick to midrange shaman? at least that way the deck will be a success for me, even if has some terrible MU
You don't beat it with Dragon Priest. Best you can do is tech in Ragnaros.How are you supposed to beat Freeze Mage? I'm using Dragon Priest and every time I get out a couple big threats (not filling the board for fear of Flamestrike) he just uses Cone of Cold or Blizzard. Then again he got really lucky by getting freeze spells from Cabalist's Tome, and his Medivh gave him Curator and Antonidas. I'm at 20 HP and he just burns me to win.
Worse bolster PogChamp
Make aggro paladin great again
Make aggro paladin great again
hmm, that could work.. and it would at least waste a hard removal from the opponent
there is no in client preorder this time, only on their online shop.
That's not changing, it is mentioned very clearly in their press release that it's only available there. there is no card back this time.
It wouldn't be wasted. They used 1 card to kill 2 of your cards. Two-for-oneing yourself is bad. That card is amazingly bad against hard removal. Much more likely to screw with a deck that doesn't run silence or hard removal. Like zoo. Maybe Druid, if it doesn't get Mulched.
My guess is that they probably tested it as a beast and was found to be too good/auto include status.I don't like any of those cards. The hunter card needed to be a beast.
Both Hungry Toad and King's Elekk are rotating out at the same time so that makes space for this card to see play in the future in Midrange Beast Hunter deck.the hunter card is probably going to wait until after king's elek rotates out, that's just a much better upside, then if you want more 2 drops in midrange hunter it could be one of the better options, flame juggler won't be around then either, mid range hunter is seemingly dead right now though but it could come back if control is more popular. I get the impression that they're lowering the power level of cheap creatures finally so we're getting cards like these now.
The hunter card is bad. Kindly Grandmother is just way better.
The Paladin card seems interesting. It's kind of like a 2 mana Sword of Justice. It doesn't pair well with Steward of Darkshire but maybe it is a decent 2 drop in a midrange or control Paladin? Maybe not control. Too many spells.
The warrior card could just absolutely wreck zoo (6/7 fierce monkey) but it is very punishable by classes with hard removal.
the hunter card is probably going to wait until after king's elek rotates out, that's just a much better upside, then if you want more 2 drops in midrange hunter it could be one of the better options, flame juggler won't be around then either, mid range hunter is seemingly dead right now though but it could come back if control is more popular. I get the impression that they're lowering the power level of cheap creatures finally so we're getting cards like these now.
I think the Hunter card has potential to be run now or in the future.
Paladin card seems at odds with itself. Obviously built for flood decks but you don't want to be saving all your cards just to give them +1/+1.
Warrior card seems like it would be really insane if you can hit it on a Fierce Monkey or Bloodhoof Brave in the early game. Is that worth a card and two mana though? I'm not sure.
Reynoodle messed up his reveal.
Reynoodle messed up his reveal.
Does this mean if it gets attacked, its effect will proc, too?
Does this mean if it gets attacked, its effect will proc, too?
It's like you got all the cards mirrored. The hunter one is the best and the warrior one the worst.
I can't see this minion ever being played unless Hunters are really desperate for a 2-drop in the future. Adding +1/+1 to a random minion in hand just isn't a good enough effect. If it was, Forlorn Stalker would be seeing play. Not to mention it doesn't even buff the on-curve 3-drop that Hunters want to play.
that card doesn't see play exactly because it's a 3 drop and it's a 4/2 that's not good, you don't need more 3 drops in hunter, not a bad one like that. You will need more 2 drops eventually and this is good enough because it will be the best you will have. Mid hunter typically plays 4-6 2 drops. It's crucial to have something on 2, there are many many better options on 3.
The Hunter card is just not that good. I think it's worse than King's Elekk. It certainly doesn't fit in Secret Hunter which has very few beasts in it. It's fair but Hunter doesn't need fair.
Yes. Which means that after stat boost it becomes incredibly powerful.