it will only give you armor if it's removed by trading, it doesn't give you armor if it's removed by spells. You can't really count on the armor.
Not many spells clean 7 health early on.
it will only give you armor if it's removed by trading, it doesn't give you armor if it's removed by spells. You can't really count on the armor.
it will only give you armor if it's removed by trading, it doesn't give you armor if it's removed by spells. You can't really count on the armor.
Not many spells clean 7 health early on.
Not many spells clean 7 health early on.
Minion battlecries also won't trigger the armor gain. So something like Shadow Strike into SI:7 also cleanly kills it.
what was exactly in his video? lol
I'm surprised you guys think Outfitter is bad. Is it the 1/1 body that people are worried about? Because the effect seems insane to me.
Minion battlecries also won't trigger the armor gain. So something like Shadow Strike into SI:7 also cleanly kills it.
I thought outfitter was no brainer level of good. Play it right after small time recruits and you're probably getting like 5 buffs. So it's sorta like getting a 2 mana 6/6 spread out.
The problem is you skipping turn 2 if you have to drop it on curve.
Yeah i noticed that lol![]()
The subtitles are from tomorrow's reveal if you select another language.
And after that you feel pretty happy as the warrior.
The problem is you skipping turn 2 if you have to drop it on curve.
considering this is one of the highlights of the expansion, it is very mediocre... it should be an "above average" card for these, and considering there are only 9 cards on this families it makes me think they are not really trying to make this mechanic a thing
As opposed to current aggro paladin which plays... what on turn 2? Knife Juggler?
I don't see how this is "skipping" your turn. Especially because 1/1 bodies in Paladin are pretty useful.
You need to make it hit on 3 minions for it to be worth it mathematically speaking. That's not always going to happen. It's a terrible top deck too, like worst than a 1 mana Argent Squire.I'm surprised you guys think Outfitter is bad. Is it the 1/1 body that people are worried about? Because the effect seems insane to me.
The subtitles are from tomorrow's reveal if you select another language.
And after that you feel pretty happy as the warrior.
The problem is you skipping turn 2 if you have to drop it on curve.
The neutral one needs to be the weakest usually. A good arena card :trollface
If you think that a 1/1 on turn 2 isn't skipping your turn as aggro then I don't know what to tell you. You skip the turn and enable more powerful plays later on, that's the point of the card.
You may already have enough powerful cards worth buffing on turn 2 depending on your mulligan.
I wonder how this effects steward synergy, if a 1/1 would get buffed by a divine shield even though it's buffed to 2/2.
They seem to have moved random away from board and on to the hand. Don't know how I feel about that, that's obviously better than before but still not ideal. This expansion feels like it's going to be harder than before to make reads on hands.
These buff cards in your hand remind me of eternal cards, but the eternal cards let you choose which card to buff. I wish hearthstone mimicked that aspect.
I thought outfitter was no brainer level of good. Play it right after small time recruits and you're probably getting like 5 buffs. So it's sorta like getting a 2 mana 6/6 spread out.
this expansion set sucks so far
this expansion set sucks so far
does thalnos boost explosive trap or snipe. i'm gonna tech him into secret hunter since quick and kill are there and draw feels better than a second tracking
siiiick, i'd definitely prefer him over a second tracking then, kinda find it wacko most people don't
Tracking lets you draw that card you need and gives you 3 chances to get it immediately. Thalnos gives you 1 chance and that is determined when it dies which is often far after you need it.
There is a reason why people don't run it, or novice engineer... it's because those cards aren't better than tracking. But see for yourself. Getting spellpower to be of value when your opponent determines it? Not likely. They are far more likely to remove engineer and then attack face because of explosive trap, than to just attack face and lose all value from their minions.
siiiick, i'd definitely prefer him over a second tracking then, kinda find it wacko most people don't
while the card draw from Thalnos is nice, it isn't as good as tracking because in tracking you are by yourself choosing which one you want, not just topdecking, also there is the consideration that the spell damage from Thalnos is very... delicate, since the card is so fragile, you can't really depend on Thalnos to even make it to the activation of the secret, it often removed very quickly and effortless
Thalnos works better on instant damage turns when you can pull off efficient spells to make damage on the same turn
those are just bonuses, it's not about letting my opponent get value off of it. quickshot and KC are 4 cards in the deck that can get the bonus early. and with secret hunter i feel like running out of cards in hand is a much bigger problem than just not having the right ones for the situation personally, especially when you're playing a dream hand and have the upper hand. it's not really a deck you can try to come back with most of the time
the only time where i feel like tracking really makes a huge difference is when you want to pull savannah or ragnaros, but early game it's pretty rare i have a floating crystal and usually all i would want to hit on is huntress so i find most early game ones are a waste
When MC gets rotated out and they can make actually early game minions again without creating a tier 0 deck.When will Paladin get normal statted minions... >_>
It's an Arena card and it's perfectly acceptable for that purpose.Grimestreet Smuggler is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It's an Arena card and it's perfectly acceptable for that purpose.
Yeah but Pompous Thespian was clearly "power creep" over Frostwolf Grunt (which made it even less interesting) AND came out in an Adventure which had less cards. There are going to be a bunch of vanilla type minions in the expansion as there always are.Pompous Thespian was an arena card but that didn't make it any less boring.