I think what makes jungle hard is that satisfaction for the jungler largely comes at the expense of another player(s). If I'm in lane and I go even, trade a few kills, etc. I likely enjoyed my match. I enjoyed my match as a jungler by making sure someone else didn't.
But that might just be my playstyle, I dunno.
i dunno, i don't think most people enjoy losing in lane either
also a thing i forgot to mention is that since a big portion of jungling is pve, there's a part of jungling that's simply up to numbers. like you're either a fast clearer or you're not, and if you're not you're gonna be weaker, or you're gonna be super strong in some other aspect which isn't really all that interesting since clear speed is not really a demonstration of skill
laning is almost a purely pvp affair, as csing is very closely related to fighting the other player. you might have a strong pusher like morgana but there's still last hitting under turret and managing mana and potions and whatnot.
such a complicated subject, no wonder rito takes forever :I
yeah that's exactly what i'm saying. I wouldn't be mad if riot went and said "okay we're gonna stop doing anything else til we fix how basic some of our old shit is"
obviously you need some basic stuff, but what are you going to do to make those champs interesting and fun to play when the roster is full of just better versions of them.
well i don't think that's too smart as it's not as simple as throwing people/money at things until they get fixed
look how long sion took, getting the champion theme and kit takes time and you can't really speed up testing. having too many voices isn't always ideal
then there's the obvious issue of new champions = money which is part of their business model and that's kind of fair.
also i don't think the idea is that every champion is equally "competitive". for instance, i don't think the idea is that teemo should ever be played at pro level. some champions like garen are meant to ease people into playing the game
also part of making the new champions so weird is so that they're really different from older champions and we no longer have that thing xin zhao = j4 = irelia = vi = aatrox thing (replace for more intelligent comparison but i think you get the point)