Ghost is Bad
holy fuck that ahri was bad.
i dont even know how but we made a massive comeback randomly. mainly because i was landing 3 man ults all the time.
holy fuck that ahri was bad.
WhoaGromp’s poison armor now scales up with the bonus health of the owner, allowing tanks to opt into extra clear speed when they need it.
Because she is the undisputed second best jungler in the gameVi nerfs. Why?
that's me! i'm the jinxer!Don't jinx it!
i guess the shield will discourage laning a bit since he's a bit worse against single targets since the w dmg thing won't be up as long but feels like he could turn into of those roa tanksIf you can weather the opponent's early game, yes absolutely possible in top lane.
do u think xin needs that big of a buff tho? he's mostly outclassed in this meta, but whatever j4 and vi like xin should like so i feel like them getting nerfed and this minor things could make him compete a bit more at the bruiser rankingsan extra four health per W proc might as well be nothing. The E change is definitely nice for his clear though. Just doesn't seem like one of those changes that's extremely noticeable.
yes, basically sunfire and jungle sunfire both build out of a new item that's replacing the giant belt portion of sunfire cape. the item gives a mini sunfire cape effect and hpThink I saw a change that changed the passive on sunfire to the same one and made it unique...
she's overpowered atm. too much damage, lockdown, fast and safe clears, same as j4, they just do everything too wellVi nerfs. Why?
hmm, that's interesting. so maybe tanks should start at gromp now?Whoa
Because she is the undisputed second best jungler in the game
Pay 2 winholy fuck that ahri was bad.
i dont even know how but we made a massive comeback randomly. mainly because i was landing 3 man ults all the time.
Gromp was always meant to be the tank start camp with that smite buff, they just needed to give it more oomphhmm, that's interesting. so maybe tanks should start at gromp now?
strongest jungler in the game.Vi nerfs. Why?
Vi nerfs. Why?
Gromp was always meant to be the tank start camp with that smite buff, they just needed to give it more oomph
what?Because hey let's nerf every good jungler and not buff the bad ones or fix the jungle for the millionth time in a row
Vi totally wasn't considered weak a year ago or anything
Phew. Voli buff is more quality of life than a straight buff. Most times I just don't bit jungle camps if I'm ganking because of the cool down.
I was worried he got buffed.
do u think xin needs that big of a buff tho? he's mostly outclassed in this meta, but whatever j4 and vi like xin should like so i feel like them getting nerfed and this minor things could make him compete a bit more at the bruiser rankings
hmm, that's interesting. so maybe tanks should start at gromp now?
Because the landscape in which Vi existed a year ago is exactly the same as the current landscape.Because hey let's nerf every good jungler and not buff the bad ones or fix the jungle for the millionth time in a row
Vi totally wasn't considered weak a year ago or anything
Because she is the undisputed second best jungler in the game
Because hey let's nerf every good jungler and not buff the bad ones or fix the jungle for the millionth time in a row
Because the landscape in which Vi existed a year ago is exactly the same as the current landscape.
Even reddit would frown at that post.
I remember when that used to happen...once upon a time, in a golden land.
Yes, unfortunately. I lost a promo the same way once, but it was just to go up a division, not a full tier.
Vi was top tier regardless of other junglers.Well yeah obviously. All the other good junglers received nerfs, making Vi a top tier pick once again.
Well it's not like there's a lot of competition. Thanks Riot.
Was thinking the same thing
these two are really awkward posts being in the same day every other jungler is getting buffsWell yeah obviously. All the other good junglers received nerfs, making Vi a top tier pick once again.
if anything i think all riot's recent nerf/buff winrate craziness indicates that going with smaller changes might be a better choice, even if the impact is not as immediately noticeableHe doesn't really but I can't imagine those buffs changing his play rate or anything. I found myself kind of struggling with him if I didn't have rangers so hopefully I'm wrong and they do make him feel a little different.
these two are really awkward posts being in the same day every other jungler is getting buffs
don't be dumbos
This isn't really going to do much, just tone her down and make people forget she exists which is basically great for Vi players.I don't know. Guess i'm just salty about Vi seeing as I bought her yesterday :/
she'll still be strongI don't know. Guess i'm just salty about Vi seeing as I bought her yesterday :/
That would be fucking stupid.I'm actually surprised they nerfed the ult damage. The range is the only thing I have trouble with.
I remember reading a suggestion that she could only ult targets with a stack of denting blows but that sounds pretty harsh.
so the only reason why people play vi is now gone?I'm actually surprised they nerfed the ult damage. The range is the only thing I have trouble with.
I remember reading a suggestion that she could only ult targets with a stack of denting blows but that sounds pretty harsh.
I'm actually surprised they nerfed the ult damage. The range is the only thing I have trouble with.
I remember reading a suggestion that she could only ult targets with a stack of denting blows but that sounds pretty harsh.
Vi was a menace. This doesn't hurt her THAT bad considering how good she's been. She definitely needed a nerf. She's been auto ban for me for a little while.
Now give Blitzcrank's hook a slight range nerf, please.
Now now, no need to exaggerateVi nerfs are fine by me, she's been top tier for 2 years now.
Naut changes look cool, he'll have another source of damage that isn't only his shield. Shield damage nerf looks harsh but we'll have to see how the new item changes the clear.
what i deserve is a wannabe blitz player not locking it in first pick so i can properly teach him how to fuck people up.
Yeah looks like it will make his clears a bit easier. I'll gladly take that change
Vi nerfs are fine by me, she's been top tier for 2 years now. The nerfs aren't even that hard.
Naut changes look cool, he'll have another source of damage in his E which is far more reliable Shield damage nerf looks harsh but we'll have to see how the new item changes the clear.
Now now, no need to exaggerate
That's a weird way of saying 4 monthsA year and a half, then.
That's a weird way of saying 4 months
She was good, she wasn't top tier, big differenceI've been wrecking solo queue with her since 2013. Or do you only watch LCS?
so the only reason why people play vi is now gone?
He's talking about the ult > Denting blows changeWait what? No of course not. This is a love tap. I play Vi for the cc lockdown; damage is icing on the cake. She's still a top-tier jungler.
He's talking about the ult > Denting blows change
So wait hold up, with Naut's E being 4 seconds cooldown at max level, Lich Bane would be able to deal a nice chunk of damage on a target. Not saying ti should be built on him but it's a thought :V
gauntlet would be much, much better.
i don't want to be mean but you're like the worst theory crafter i've ever seen lolSo wait hold up, with Naut's E being 4 seconds cooldown at max level, Lich Bane would be able to deal a nice chunk of damage on a target. Not saying ti should be built on him but it's a thought :V