So I mucked about doing jungle clears with Nautilus and when assigning points to skills you must now first max...I have no fucking clue.
You start E now, then go W. Feels about the same for his first few levels and whether you sink in 2 points in E or W first doesn't matter, he can still clear to level 4 with relative ease. Maxing W or E as far as jungling goes are both fine. E was slightly faster (I can get to 6 about 12 seconds faster) but uses up lots of mana to the point I question if it won't be an issue when a ganking opportunity comes up and it's not quite as good on health. Because E comes up more often and so makes up lots of the lost damage, clearing with W isn't any slower than before and is much less mana intensive than maxing E and a bit better on health.
Maxing E improves ganks but I'm not convinced it would be a net gain to dueling. Maxing E increases the odds of getting caught with not enough mana to spam the very ability you're depending on to duel. Gut feeling is that you still max W, or maybe do something like E-W-W-Q then R>E>W>Q because you're still Naut, and you still don't want to pick fights unless everything is stacked in your favour.
Eh. Clears with voli aren't a problem at all. Might get two bites per large dude now. Would say just a bit faster not really easier imo.
I think more than anything it'll make sure that Bite is up when you need it up. There were times as jungle Volibear I'd take the wraith camp and actually have to sit in the river side bush a few seconds longer that I would have liked to just to make sure that it's up in time for the gank.
So wait hold up, with Naut's E being 4 seconds cooldown at max level, Lich Bane would be able to deal a nice chunk of damage on a target. Not saying ti should be built on him but it's a thought :V
Nope. Nautilus is still a tank. If an item doesn't provide at least some defensive stats* then skip it. Mister Negative suggested IBG which is now useful on Naut. The excellent base damages he now has thanks to low CD E spam and the new jungle enchant means he can make better use of Abyssal Scepter and Liandry's Torment (although Liandry's would still be just ok, but now haunting guise is a genuinely attractive buy). Wit's End should still be his best offensive minded buy. Even though the AP ratio on E is reduced, AP is still better than before over time because of how often E will come out, so picking up an RoA is ok now too if you can get it early enough.
(And let's not forget to some unsung defensive AP items like Banner of Command are actually cost effective if you can use all the stats like Nautilus can.)
I'm totes fine dude. Totes fiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee.
an extra four health per W proc might as well be nothing. The E change is definitely nice for his clear though. Just doesn't seem like one of those changes that's extremely noticeable.
The extra health on W is just numbers clean-up Riot has been doing recently to various champs where weird numbers are being rounded up in cases where it wouldn't do any harm balance wise. Usually the rounding is on base stats, but there's another example of numbers clean-up on abilities in the PBE patch as well (Skarner's Q damage).
Damage increase on E for Xin is just a nice little boost. I had a gut feeling he'd be getting a small buff recently since he felt like he just needed a little something since the start of S5.
Also, loving the concept of the new jungle enchant. Very similar to an idea I had a few months back kicking around in my head for an AP bruiser item (small amount of health + stacking AP when damaged).