Been playing fill lately. I can't even remember when the last time was that I played in the top lane. When did that become such a hot lane? Typically it's mid that everybody wants to play.
Since current top meta went from tanks to initiators with kill potential. Alternatively, maybe I wasn't the only player that got turned off by the new jungle. Seems like I see more support calls than jungle calls now in wood elo.
That's what I want more than anything. Ever since I started playing League near the end of season 3, there's been this cycle. Junglers continually get nerfed over and over again while the real problem is never addressed. Tank/AP junglers have been at a disadvantage forever. It's not Vi's or J4's fault. Those weaker champions need to be buffed, or the jungle needs to be changed.
Like, this time last season Vi was considered not too great (if I'm correct on when she got the initial nerf bat). Elise became meta. She got gutted. Kha'zix became meta, he got gutted. Then he became popular again (after others were nerfed) and was nerfed yet again. Now J4, who was just kind of there last year is now relevant because all the other champs around him got nerfed. Now he's getting looked at. Vi will more than likely be in the same situation. Meanwhile junglers like Voli, Amumu, etc have remained pretty much static on the tier lists.
Just do something to help those champs, other than continuing the cycle of nerfing meta junglers. It makes the role so damn boring.
Kind of sucks that I liked J4 and Vi last season when they weren't in the spotlight. And now that they are, I can't even stand the jungle.
What. No.
Pantheon, khazix and wukong.
After 3 games of hell, I get a support ezreal for my 4th game and no-one bothers to dodge.
Was it? I thought it was Lee Sin and Rengar (well not NA Rengar though). Then it was the occasional J4 off in the Chinese games.