Remember that deadnames thought aatrox was in need of buffs!Not Deadnames confirmed.
Remember that deadnames thought aatrox was in need of buffs!Not Deadnames confirmed.
Who are some good tanks that are worth investing in that are fun to play?
Who are some good tanks that are worth investing in that are fun to play?
If you can confidently play him he's still a strong jungler and you can unexpectedly cheese botlane I've found with him.
Always build full tank, though. Your main aim is to get a successful ult off.
Would a Rod of Ages still be worth it on him for some extra damage on his E?
To cave in or not to cave in
Will I have to wear sexy nurse outfits when I'm 70The answer is no. Take all the money you spend on skins and start a Roth IRA. You're welcome.
Don't ban Sona, pick Blitz/Leona, enjoy the freeloTime to perma ban Sona in ranked for the next few weeks then.
The answer is no. Take all the money you spend on skins and start a Roth IRA. You're welcome.
The answer is no. Take all the money you spend on skins and start a Roth IRA. You're welcome.
The answer is no. Take all the money you spend on skins and start a Roth IRA. You're welcome.
Don't ban Sona, pick Blitz/Leona, enjoy the freelo
Who are some good tanks that are worth investing in that are fun to play?
The answer is no. Take all the money you spend on skins and start a Roth IRA. You're welcome.
also there is a leeg tournament in my town in a month i should go stomp them all right
Starting to see some Mao support in high level streams. Hopefully that doesn't become a thing.
It's not just QT though, I've seen Mao supp a handful of times in the past few days in other streams as well.It's just cause QTpie is on Vayne and the whole enemy team is designed to murder him. Point and click lock down is nice but Mao is pretty item dependent.
If it's damage you want it's on his R - over 1:1 scaling IIRC. Maybe grab a Liandy's for the pen, AP and HP and due to it scaling with his slows.
Even so, tank items are still the way to go IMO. His R's damage is joke if you get a full one off even without extra AP. BV to block any stuns and then enough HP and defences to makesure no-one takes you down in the meantime.
His W speeds you and another up and his E is there for pure CC (the slow doesn't scale with AP IIRC).
Leo, Yasuo, Malph, Varus lockdowns
Still going Sona
:lol :lol :lol
i keep thinking about bard and i dont think he does anything
he just seems worthless
money < skinDJ SONA IS OUT
He can definitely do things.
Imagine getting that ult off on a couple of enemies out of position in a team fight. It could turn a 5v5 into a 5v3 for long enough to make a huge impact.
His portals can lead some pretty effective ambushes.
Probably not the best examples we'll see, but the potential is there for sure.
Because it's a drawback plus that would just be Leona ultyeah but what if you could kill them while your ult was on them instead of just using it as a stun to catch out or escape to get away
Gleeb is the only true hero.Krepo won't save you Neko
got 96lp in silver 1 does the excess lp i get after the next win get stored in case i lose promos or something ?
i feel like its a total waste if i win the next and lose promos
got 96lp in silver 1 does the excess lp i get after the next win get stored in case i lose promos or something ?
i feel like its a total waste if i win the next and lose promos
No, but the LP amount isn't important, it's your MMR that is.
If you've been getting >15LP so far for wins and less or equal in losses then you're moving up in MMR even if your title doesn't reflect that. This gives you some leeway when it comes to possibly losing promotions. I lost 4 games on the bounce once hitting S1 from S2 and didn't get demoted because I was on about a 15W/5L spree on my way from Silver 3 up to S1.