Skins are crack.what is wrong with you people
what is wrong with you people
It was on sale...>_>
First pick Kalista. These guys are gonna get rolled :lol.
Yeah, I don't mind spending £15 on a F2P game I've been playing for nearly 5 years.
Just need Pentakill and Gankquin skins now
Pfff, a real support main would've already had all the skins.
skumbag arthur: dj sona
skumbag arthur: all these sonas
skumbag arthur: bruv
that wouldn't make much sense, the idea was to buff him remember?They could potentially make it so knockups are reliant on others and his Q doesn't knock-up (or apply to his ult).
I dunno, his mobility, built in critometer and an ult that knock-up and crits is ridiculous whichever way you cut it. That's before we get to that toxic as fuck wall.
so painfulDammit.
To cave in or not to cave in
nah, it's just that he's essentially got two useless spells during teamfights, but his passive seems really strong and he has a semi-spammable double stun/slow and a super strong disengage ult. his heal and his tunnels are kind of up in the air how useful they will be, tho i imagine him teaming up with the jungler for some insane ganks would be pretty amazingi keep thinking about bard and i dont think he does anything
he just seems worthless
but i dont know this game so
then it would be just an aoe stun and so not exciting whatsoever?yeah but what if you could kill them while your ult was on them instead of just using it as a stun to catch out or escape to get away
I don't play support, but it's more me perma banning her so my team doesn't pick her. 9/10 times it'd be people who have never played her before and is just doing it because of the skin.
prolly just not defined yetI just noticed the range on Bard's ult, the fuck
tank changes
armor reduced by 5
Not buying DJ sona. As cool as it is and as dominant as I was with Sona in like Season 2, I just don't want to play support that much and when I do, I like Morgana, Zyra, Annie or Thresh. Plenty.
Pretty interesting site. Not sure how I can interpret stats gameplay wise
Interesting stat calculations on this site. According to this my teams don't get enough first towers or first dragons and my EXP as support is lower (I tend to roam too much). Everything else is pretty good though.
I'm not good with Sona so I think I'll pass on the skin.
Not buying DJ sona. As cool as it is and as dominant as I was with Sona in like Season 2, I just don't want to play support that much and when I do, I like Morgana, Zyra, Annie or Thresh. Plenty.
that wouldn't make much sense, the idea was to buff him remember?
the site says that i do significantly less damage than enemy supports.
so yeah.
Is this including normal games?
Appears to be ranked only. Won't even load me since I haven't completed my placements yet.
Is the jungle really that stale in ranked yolo queue as Reddit has led me to believe? I've seen plenty of variety in normal games.
i thought this was pretty cool[IMG]
bouncer renekton and nasus are nice ideas
and backless dress for syndra~~~
Thanks :D
I also have a dragon problem. 27%. And I'm usually in bot lane.
Interesting stat calculations on this site. According to this my teams don't get enough first towers or first dragons and my EXP as support is lower (I tend to roam too much). Everything else is pretty good though.
I'm not good with Sona so I think I'll pass on the skin.
how many aoe stuns include your own team and do no damage by themselvesnah, it's just that he's essentially got two useless spells during teamfights, but his passive seems really strong and he has a semi-spammable double stun/slow and a super strong disengage ult. his heal and his tunnels are kind of up in the air how useful they will be, tho i imagine him teaming up with the jungler for some insane ganks would be pretty amazing
then it would be just an aoe stun and so not exciting whatsoever?
Less than three hours to go for jungle tank buffs. If I'm going to be disappointed, I'm going down hard.
Interesting stat calculations on this site. According to this my teams don't get enough first towers or first dragons and my EXP as support is lower (I tend to roam too much). Everything else is pretty good though.
I'm not good with Sona so I think I'll pass on the skin.
[Nothing!]Shit hurts man, but I brought it on myself.
I waited all that time to play a game laning with DJ Sona in Team Builder.
Then it turned out the music-sharing is broken and you can't listen in after all. =(
The "Ideal" values are a calculated average of mid tier players in the division above your current one. For example, if you are in silver division, the ideals will be the average of mid tier players in gold. This means if you can consistently hit these ideal metrics you will eventually be promoted to the next division.