yeah, i think people are being pretty counterproductive to these issues being fixedThe thing is that if you kill camps faster you take less damage. Assassins that deal large amounts of damage can thus have healthy clears.
I think it is a bit ridiculous with all the whining from junglers about how the jungle is nerfed while they still are the most influential role and do not have a lane opponent.
Edit: that said, more jungle diversity would be a good thing.
well they're essentially played like assassins, at least in the early game. beefy assassinsAssassins huh. Calling Lee Sins and J4 assassins.That's a good one.
They should call them Idoeverythingsins.
I don't think anyone is saying the Q change is bad in lane, though it adds another element of uncertainty to pulling off a combo in a hectic teamfight. Some champions have lots of mobility, jumps, blinks, etc.The nerf to Veigar's E was pretty noticeable, but I think the Q change is alright. It lets him farm his Q and harass at the same time.
Why do you feel this way? It can get 2 minions instead of 1 (unlike say, trying to CS with Karma's Q) and the hitbox is very forgiving.Nah the Q change is terrible for laning
Why do you feel this way? It can get 2 minions instead of 1 (unlike say, trying to CS with Karma's Q) and the hitbox is very forgiving.
Hmm, thanks. Maybe you are right when you put it that way.You might get an extra minion every wave or something.
That's really not that much bonus Ap through laning phase.
The problem now is that you have 0 ways to trade with champions because your W and E are so unreliable and your Q can be avoided by sitting behind some minions or simply dodged
The cooldown got raised too making your downtime during lane higher if you do choose to farm with it and then proceed to get zoned
RIP veigar and kassadin. I'm lucky I don't play jungle tho.
i really really like new zilean
At this point I don't think people will be satisfied until Riot just reboots the jungle into the S4 one.reddit went insane today with jungle woes
i can sympathize but it's kind of ridiculous how all of s3/4 a lot of people were asking for season 2-like harder jungle clears and now they want the easy s4 jungle to come back
i think in the end rito should probably do something in between, buff/mini-rework a whole bunch of champions into modern relevancy and maybe make the jungle a bit easier, make camps deal less damage or something so that ppl that take longer to kill em at least runs around with some health
it's conceptually crazy that tanks get destroyed by the jungle while assassins clear it so quick. it sounds like it should be the other way around, right?
At this point I don't think people will be satisfied until Riot just reboots the jungle into the S4 one.
When you get Nidalee in ARAM and briefly know what it feels like to be the most hated person alive.
Reddit is filled with nothing but hubris right now, it's hilariousyeah it's like suddenly everyone's a veigar and a kassadin main
i wish there was a way to remove everything on reddit but the videos
anyways i really liked the little zilean i played today. i think you can now skip tear and go for mikaels like any other mana-hungry support
Reddit is filled with nothing but hubris right now, it's hilarious
Volibear isn't top tier but he's still pretty fun. Middling clears but good ganks and solid objective control.So jungle guys.. what's your favorite junglers lately? I've been on a Nidalee kick lately but when she's banned I sometimes wonder what to pick.
In terms of strength and fun to play I've been doing - Nidalee, Sejuani, Vi (though I'm a little bored of her). Nidalee is my new hotness though I think she's tier 1.5 at best as a jungler. Probably more Tier 2. Vi is Vi. Sejuani is secret OP still.
I'm seeing more Rek'sai, looks like she's survived the nerfs and is still solo queue viable. I personally hate playing Lee Sin and J4 so won't touch them. I still think Pantheon is really strong but I've way over played him. Nightblue loves Wukong but he never really clicked for me. I do okay at best.
Who else have you guys been enjoying? I used to have fun with Malphite and Jax jungle but I think they may not fit too well in the current.
I feel so bad for the poor guy. What a rough life he has.Holy shit Nightblue is cracking on stream. He's mass banning anyone that mentions QT, no matter what they say.
Dude is just upset that QT quit LCS and in two months has overtaken him as the number one streamer.
I remember once playing a match where Ghost hit a 5 man Braun ult and Rumble followed up with another 5 man ult. That's one way to instantly lose a game.I was running out of time for my promo matches so I decided to actually play ranked today. My Lux bought a book. Xin Zhao bought the red jungle thing. Me and Wukong 2v5 penta'd the enemy team at dragon. It was pretty fun, and I got to move up two divisions. Now I can forget about ranked again for 20 days.
Holy shit Nightblue is cracking on stream. He's mass banning anyone that mentions QT, no matter what they say.
Dude is just upset that QT quit LCS and in two months has overtaken him as the number one streamer.
NB3 is going sub-mode only.
Only toxic people need to go sub-mode only. Sodapoppin is mad salty and he had to turn on submode.
Enjoy your viewership tanking, I guess.
Sorry. I'll try do to better.Soda used to be such a fun streamer to watch, but lately he's gotten way too serious about stuff.
It's not that he was really that strong, it was just a toxic kit that needed to be reworked.Old Veigar E had to go. 900 range instastun (as a part of a huge aoe stun / denial) was just ridiculous. Now you're actually mean to trap enemies in the circle which I'd assume was always supposed to be the point. I can't really comment his overall balance but the new E is definitely a step in the right direction.
So jungle guys.. what's your favorite junglers lately? I've been on a Nidalee kick lately but when she's banned I sometimes wonder what to pick.
In terms of strength and fun to play I've been doing - Nidalee, Sejuani, Vi (though I'm a little bored of her). Nidalee is my new hotness though I think she's tier 1.5 at best as a jungler. Probably more Tier 2. Vi is Vi. Sejuani is secret OP still.
I'm seeing more Rek'sai, looks like she's survived the nerfs and is still solo queue viable. I personally hate playing Lee Sin and J4 so won't touch them. I still think Pantheon is really strong but I've way over played him. Nightblue loves Wukong but he never really clicked for me. I do okay at best.
Who else have you guys been enjoying? I used to have fun with Malphite and Jax jungle but I think they may not fit too well in the current.
Holy shit Nightblue is cracking on stream. He's mass banning anyone that mentions QT, no matter what they say.
Dude is just upset that QT quit LCS and in two months has overtaken him as the number one streamer.
If you don't mind me asking, but what's the deal with Nightblue and QT?
So jungle guys.. what's your favorite junglers lately? I've been on a Nidalee kick lately but when she's banned I sometimes wonder what to pick.
i think the multiple smites thing is a neat idea
Xin, Skarner, Hecarim, Nautilus, Sejuani, Sion. I'd like to play Vi because I enjoy the champion but at the same time I don't like playing OP champions.
Riot can still salvage the jungle but there needs to be some drastic changes imo. When Stonewall and Foxdrop start saying the jungle is in a bad spot, you know something isn't right. It's not the end of the world like Reddit claims but Riot needs to act.
Bacon said:Something definitely isn't clicking for me in the jungle this season and I can't really put my finger on what it is.
Xin, Skarner, Hecarim, Nautilus, Sejuani, Sion. I'd like to play Vi because I enjoy the champion but at the same time I don't like playing OP champions.
It's fucking stupid and all it's done so far is warp champion balance. Riot has never been able to balance multiple choice paths.
I'm the closest I've ever been to no longer playing this game.
Hmm.. Xin might be fun again. I used to love him.
I like the concept of multiple smites but as you pointed out, it's usually just a case of a best one over the others.
I've lost 7 ranked games in a row. That's a kick to the nuts, teeth, backside, throat, ear, ribs, and back to the nuts one more time. I have to get back on a winning streak for my sanity.
So Vlad seems to be making a bit of a comeback. Are there any real tricks to playing him up top? I have to improve my top play, and I think my biggest issue is that I have a bad champ pool that I use. I'm going to expand it, and I've been looking at Vlad a bit.
Prioritize using your Q to harass instead of farming every single time it's off CD, if you're not against something that will destroy you if you get too close, you can sit on your minions and mash Q. His autos are kinda bad so get used to last hitting with them.I've lost 7 ranked games in a row. That's a kick to the nuts, teeth, backside, throat, ear, ribs, and back to the nuts one more time. I have to get back on a winning streak for my sanity.
So Vlad seems to be making a bit of a comeback. Are there any real tricks to playing him up top? I have to improve my top play, and I think my biggest issue is that I have a bad champ pool that I use. I'm going to expand it, and I've been looking at Vlad a bit.
What happens with the bugs?Warrior->Phage or, my preferred item path when I can swing it, Youmuu's->Juggernaut. Just be aware that the knock-up on Q is bugged.
So jungle guys.. what's your favorite junglers lately? I've been on a Nidalee kick lately but when she's banned I sometimes wonder what to pick.
In terms of strength and fun to play I've been doing - Nidalee, Sejuani, Vi (though I'm a little bored of her). Nidalee is my new hotness though I think she's tier 1.5 at best as a jungler. Probably more Tier 2. Vi is Vi. Sejuani is secret OP still.
I'm seeing more Rek'sai, looks like she's survived the nerfs and is still solo queue viable. I personally hate playing Lee Sin and J4 so won't touch them. I still think Pantheon is really strong but I've way over played him. Nightblue loves Wukong but he never really clicked for me. I do okay at best.
Who else have you guys been enjoying? I used to have fun with Malphite and Jax jungle but I think they may not fit too well in the current.