dem juicy texture updates but still no lux :I
janna looking great now, warwick and taric too
Just think about the potential Riot has to make some good changes.
Why not? You admit his ult is over-rewarding. As it currently stand reigning in that hidden power of him being able to CC for engage or disengage and then have the ability to blow them or 5 people up allows the rest of his kit to be better balanced. The requirement that currently sits on his ult is completely arbitrary given he has a knockup himself.
I just don't see what could possibly need buffing on his kit and if you are going to start shifting stuff around, his Q and its affect on his ult would be the first thing to look at I would think.
The crit is tied too much to his identity now - for better or worse - and if the ArPen is removed then it drains his power significantly.
you can't remove his q knockup, that's insane. he'd only have 3 spells in a ton of comps and removes a really high point of strength in duels.
also i don't wanna be mean but i don't think you really grasp what "hidden power" means. like hidden power is shit that most people literally don't even notice and wouldn't even consider valuable when talking about a champion, and that's usually pretty disconnected from how the champion is supposed to work. for example, the old tf passive that made teams have a small gold advantage and have slightly better vision control and better sustain and such because of that extra source of income. that's absolutely hidden power and holds the rest of his kit back.
yasuo tornado in comparison is key for his ability to duel and allows him to safely get some cs, harass from a distance, ward off ganks, etc. it's not "hidden power" whatsoever dude -___-
what i never liked is the shield on his ult, so i'd make it give a % of the shield according to how many people he ulted, that'd be 50% at 1, 100% at 3 and 150% at 5. buff his base shield a bit to compensate and make some other nice qol tweaks like making the q chain time a bit longer or the distance traveled on e, etc. he could get a movement speed buff after ulting, who knows.
it's an early game buff and a general buff to his reliability as a laner which i think he could use to set himself up better for the midgame. it's a nerf to his dueling but tbh i think he has one too many dueling tools already for that to be necessary.
like the idea of yasuo being a dude with crazy mobility that coordinates with his team the perfect knockup combo and then cleans up is awesome, and he being an amazing duelist is also fine, but i think he shouldn't be rewarded so much in 1v1s for landing one skillshot/pbaoe thingie when he already has such a great kit for dueling
just a couple thoughts on him, not saying those are the perfect changes, but what i find frustrating about him and what i found to be fun against him. i love the 1v1 mindgames with his passive and his dashes and most of all his wall and i love being like FUCK when he deletes my entire syndra ult, cos i know all of those things can be outplayed. the double shield on duels feels like the odds are so heavily stacked against me that i might as well not even try, and it's sad, cos 1v1ing him is actually pretty fun imo
gorgeous <3
how many aoe stuns include your own team and do no damage by themselves
also can you use healing pots on your teammates
cause I wanna see some slahsers way up in here
uhhh what?