probably a good ideaI lose all the time. I'm so bad. I'm going to start recording matches and letting you guys rip my games apart. If I lose this next one, I think I'll drop to bronze.
Guys imagine an item that made your next four auto attacks deal 25% max health as true damage
In most cases those four auto attacks wouldn't be enough to kill, right? Because of health regen?
So wait what's up with the turret changes? How impactful are they?
...and Morde's notes don't seem like they changed him much outside of his W.
Also how un-viable is Jungle Bard? Dude looks like he jungle, collect Meeps leave health packs etc. but I can only ever see him ganking at lvl. 6 or something...
Guys imagine an item that made your next four auto attacks deal 25% max health as true damage
In most cases those four auto attacks wouldn't be enough to kill, right? Because of health regen?
which turret changes?
also i think jungle bard might be pretty terrible as half of his kit doesn't scale with items and the ap ratios aren't too crazy
like i've been wrong about jungle stuff before but sounds to me like you don't want to give this guy gold
i dunno, i feel like he might be super bad in teamfights since his q cd doesn't scale with ranks (so really what does he do?) and i feel like he'll never have his passive up for attacking champions if he's farming the jungle (btw the passive gets pretty silly with like a 60% aoe slow). like he can do really crazy gank paths but he he doesn't have any tankiness and his cc is weird for ganking mid, so i dunnohe could be a tank jungler, but his problem would be a lack of initiate in lane.
i dunno, i very rarely see people intentionally troll through champion kits light thatoh man this bard ult has so much troll potential ...
I mean, if it's a 4v5, just do what I do. Leave the game.If anybody can tell me one $*#!ing thing more I could have done to win this, I'd LOVE to hear it...
Ahri was 0-5 about 30 seconds in.
I mean, if it's a 4v5, just do what I do. Leave the game.
If anybody can tell me one $*#!ing thing more I could have done to win this, I'd LOVE to hear it...
Ahri was 0-5 about 30 seconds in.
I have no idea what is happening
gpu might be dying.
I mean, if it's a 4v5, just do what I do. Leave the game.
I just now won a 4v5 in bronze/silver, amusingly, after losing at least one was a 4v5, nothing u can do
Yasuo's wind wall is really annoying when I'm trying to E in as Lissandra. I suppose he needs it to not be completely useless in the matchup though.
Does he really need 150 stacks or is that just the cap?jungle bard has the sustain but his clear speed brings new definition to 'atrocious' and his shrines do not bring enough power to the table at relevant game times.
infact his shrines take so much involvement to collect that i wonder how a support will ever get to 150. it took me 45 minutes to get 100 while jungling on an empty map. when do supports ever have the free time this guy necessitates?
he's useless anywaysYasuo's wind wall is really annoying when I'm trying to E in as Lissandra. I suppose he needs it to not be completely useless in the matchup though.
yeah, you need like a spreadsheet to keep track of those thingsmy biggest issue with his stacking element is that there are too many goddamn micro bonuses to keep track of. "ok now i am a little stronger and can do this, ok now I can do this, o wait i can't do that yet?"
which turret changes?
also i think jungle bard might be pretty terrible as half of his kit doesn't scale with items and the ap ratios aren't too crazy
like i've been wrong about jungle stuff before but sounds to me like you don't want to give this guy gold
Middle Lane Inner Turret no longer has the Vanguard shield. Top and Bottom lane's Inner turret still have it.
Inhibitor Turret now grant 50 gold (from 175 gold) and 0 XP (from 100 XP) on death.
Nexus Turret now grant 50 gold (from 150 gold) and 0 XP (from 120 XP) on death.
midlane turret change is not gonna do anything aside from some rare cassi dot kill, and the inhib change nerfs snowballing. not game changing but it's a little help for losing teamsFrom surrender@20
As with Kassadin, Yasuo is a champion I would prefer stays useless. That's not a perfect solution, but I feel it may be better than the alternative.![]()
I'm expecting double support comps with top lane Bard instead. Roam all day erry dayCan't wait to see dual jungle with Bard. Shame that Relic/Targon doesn't work on monsters.
What's the range like on Bard's magical journey? It looks like it covers a decent amount of distance in that ability preview clip.
And I'd be totally down with a lil buff for Yasuo.
I think Yasuo's ult makes him pretty much impossible to balance. He's already stupidly strong with Malphite & co. How could he be buffed to still keep his synergy combos in check (which already kind of aren't imo)?
They could potentially make it so knockups are reliant on others and his Q doesn't knock-up (or apply to his ult).
I dunno, his mobility, built in critometer and an ult that knock-up and crits is ridiculous whichever way you cut it. That's before we get to that toxic as fuck wall.
Deadnames? is that you?
How's Nunu atm? Is he good in any particular role?
How's Nunu atm? Is he good in any particular role?
How's Nunu atm? Is he good in any particular role?
YasuOP can actually win games though due to his kit. Bbadtrox is just a liability.